Hao Qiang sipped his tea and admired the snow outside through the French window.

“Auspicious snow welcomes the new year, and everything is renewed and new.”

He chanted in a low voice, with expectation in his eyes.

He retracted his gaze, closed the writing system, and fell into deep thought.

In the new year, the company’s development plan has gradually taken shape in his mind.

The US stock margin lending business is about to close, the Renjian Fireworks brand is preparing for listing, the future ES6 and future ET3 two new models are ready to be launched, and the strategic layout in the semiconductor field is also steadily advancing…

All of this is under his control.

After years of hard work, Hao Qiang has made enough money, which has allowed him to transcend the stage of simply aiming for money.

Now, he is thinking about a bigger blueprint: the company’s high-tech development, personal and family security, and how to contribute to the country’s strategic technology field.

The snowflakes outside the window are still flying, as if bringing infinite possibilities for the new year.

He stood up, walked outside, and felt the new air.

Seeing the two girls having fun playing in the snow, Hao Qiang suggested:

“Do you want to go to the Great Wall? It’s better to see the snow there.”


The two girls happily agreed, and today was Hao Qiang’s birthday.

Hao Qiang explained to the housekeeper Ouyang Shaohua, and after a while, the group took a car to Badaling.

More than two hours later, the group arrived at the Badaling Cableway Station and bought tickets to take the cable car.

Hao Qiang and the two girls had never been here before, so they were particularly excited.

It snowed here last night, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the mountains were covered with snow.

The temperature was several degrees below zero at this time. Hao Qiang was wearing a jeep jacket, a hat and a thermal mask, and passers-by had no idea who he was.

It was also the first time for the two girls to take a cable car. Sitting in the car, they couldn’t help but exclaimed at the snow scene outside the window, and they were also a little scared.

It felt so high from the ground, what if they fell down?

“Wow, it’s so beautiful!”

“It’s worth the trip!”

There were no outsiders in the carriage, and everyone was particularly excited looking at the snowy scenery outside the glass.

Qiu Yuqing kept taking pictures with a SLR camera, while Han Qingying took pictures with an iPhone 3G.

iPhone 3G was launched in July 2008. It is not available in China yet, but it can be bought in Hong Kong City. The basic version costs five or six thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Hao Qiang bought a few when he went to Hong Kong City. It was the first large-screen touch phone.

If you take it out to play on the bus in China, you will definitely attract the attention of people around you.

Thin, large screen, fashionable, touch, at least there is no such mobile phone in China.

Of course, compared with mobile phones more than ten years later, it is definitely incomparable.

In about 8 minutes, everyone can climb up the Hero Slope of the Badaling Great Wall.

Half an hour later, everyone climbed to a higher place.

Hao Qiang looked at the snow outside the mountain, touched the wall with his hand, and couldn’t help reciting: “The scenery of the north, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is only wilderness;

The great river, up and down, suddenly lost its surging…

The great hero of a generation, Genghis Khan, only knew how to bend his bow and shoot eagles.

All the past is gone, and the heroes of the present are still to be seen.”

Hao Qiang also has great ambitions. The next few decades will be his era.

Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing watched Hao Qiang recite, full of heroic spirit, and were also infected.

“Brother Qiang is already the richest man in the country, and he is only 23 years old. The next few decades may be his era!” Qiu Yuqing thought to herself.

The group played at the Great Wall for a few hours and returned to the courtyard of the imperial capital that afternoon.

At night, the two women slept in the same bed, while Hao Qiang slept in another bedroom of the suite.

Hao Qiang also wanted to share the same bed, but the two women did not let him.

In addition, they were also more reserved.

“Sister Qiu, today is Brother Qiang’s birthday. If we kick him out, will he be angry?” Han Qingying was wearing pajamas and lying on the bed. She glanced at Qiu Yuqing on the other side of the bed and asked softly.

During this period, Qiu Yuqing often asked her to go shopping with them. They talked about everything and gave in to her in every way, just like sisters.

During the two nights in the capital, the two women slept in the same bedroom.

“Should we let him sleep with us?

What if he wants to do something bad?”

Han Qingying thought for a moment and suggested, “Sister Qiu, why don’t you go and accompany him.”

When Han Qingying thought about the two women sleeping in the same bed with Brother Qiang, her face turned red, and soon it was red to her ears.

“Hehe, I won’t go. If you want to go, you go.” Qiu Yuqing laughed like a silver bell.

“Forget it.” Han Qingying felt embarrassed.

The two women chatted about today’s play topics and fell asleep quietly at almost eleven o’clock.

What they didn’t know was that Hao Qiang quietly walked into the bedroom in the dark and got into bed.

The two women each covered themselves with a quilt.I don’t know whose quilt I got into.

I touched it, and it was too big to hold with one hand.

A D-level strongman.

This is Han Qingying’s!

Han Qingying is a light sleeper. She woke up in a daze when she was touched, thinking that it was Qiu Yuqing who was touching her.

But when she touched the other person’s hand, it didn’t look like it at all, it looked more like Brother Qiang’s.

“Shh, wife, it’s me.” Hao Qiang said with a smile.

“You bad guy, why did you come here, go back quickly.” Han Qingying whispered, afraid of waking Qiu Yuqing.

Hao Qiang lied: “The heating over there is broken, it’s not heating, it’s a bit cold to sleep alone.”

“Wasn’t it fine last night?”

“I think it’s weird too, but it broke tonight, maybe something broke.”

“Then you sleep well, don’t do bad things, it’s embarrassing.” Han Qingying pouted and warned.

There are so many bedrooms in the courtyard, and this guy found such a far-fetched reason, hum.

However, today is his birthday, so let him do it once.

“Well, don’t worry, I won’t do it for sure.” Hao Qiang promised, hugging her gently from behind.

Han Qingying’s body is hot, and it’s very comfortable to hold her while sleeping.

Han Qingying was a little sleepy, and she didn’t bother to care about him, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

But after a while, Han Qingying found herself lying naked.

Just as she was about to scream, Hao Qiang quickly blocked her mouth with his mouth.

“Brother Qiang, don’t, Sister Qiu is here.” Han Qingying felt that Brother Qiang was going to the next step, and hurried to stop him.

“It’s okay, Yuqing is sleeping soundly, you two sleep together, I’ve been holding it in for several days.”

Pull the bow full, and have to S.

“Ah, don’t!”

A few minutes later, Han Qingying bit her lips tightly, not daring to make any sound.

Her face was flushed, and she looked at Hao Qiang with a slightly resentful look.

This bad guy!

But Hao Qiang couldn’t control it at all, and his movements became bigger and bigger.

This time, Qiu Yuqing was still awakened.

Hearing the creaking sound, she finally found the source of the sound in the dim light.

“Ah, you two!”

After thinking about it, it was probably the bad guy Qiang who sneaked into the room.

“Qiang, you are so bad.”

Even though she said so, she couldn’t help but secretly watch.

Han Qingying saw that Qiu Yuqing was awakened and found them, and her face blushed. She quickly covered her face with both hands and dared not look at her.

However, the little mouth that had been tightly pursed finally made an alluring sound.

Ten minutes later,

Han Qingying looked tired, and Hao Qiang changed the battlefield.

Qiu Yuqing was embarrassed, but she was still half-hearted.

There was really no way, she couldn’t stand it.

Today is Hao Qiang’s birthday, so she just let him go.

Outside the window, the snow was still falling.

Indoors, the radiator sprayed continuous hot air, making the charming atmosphere even more charming.

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