January 15, Thursday.

Hao Qiang left Hong Kong and returned to Guangdong City.

He was in a particularly good mood as he watched his wealth continue to soar every day.

The next day,

Hao Qiang returned to the group headquarters. He spent the whole morning reviewing the annual reports of various subsidiaries and departments.

In the afternoon, he and the group’s senior executives put on safety helmets and went to the workshop for inspection.

These senior executives included Jiang Ying, the group’s vice president and financial director, Lin Yan, the general manager of Future Motorcycle Company, Wang He, the general manager of Galaxy New Energy Company, Luo Hao, the general manager of Future New Energy Automobile Company, and Liu Yixiang, the general manager of Future Intelligent Technology Company.

The company has been carrying out 5S activities for several years, with significant results. The raw materials and finished products on site are stored at designated locations and in an orderly manner, forming a work system of “regional responsibility, professional responsibility, and joint management”.

The annual meeting will be held at 4 pm. All workshops have stopped production, and only a few workers are still rushing to finish the work.

Hao Qiang and the senior management team are inspecting the production workshop of Future Motorcycle Company.

“Although we will no longer expand the production capacity of electric motorcycles, we can continue to optimize in other aspects and create better products,” Hao Qiang said as he walked, with several senior executives gathered around him. “I would rather make less profit than damage the brand of ‘Future’.

If the brand is damaged, the development path of future automobiles will be more difficult.”

Lin Yan agreed: “Indeed.

In the past few years, our company’s electric motorcycles have occupied the market with excellent quality, and almost no marketing efforts are needed.”

“The chairman only needs to say a few words in front of the media reporters, and the group can save a lot of advertising fees every year.” Luo Hao complimented.

Other senior executives just smiled slightly when they heard Luo Hao’s flattery.

They knew that the chairman would not buy this. Luo Hao had just joined the group and might not understand the chairman’s temper.

Under normal circumstances, the chairman hates flattery from his subordinates.

However, Hao Qiang was in a good mood today, so he didn’t care about these.

“Mr. Lin, how is our authorized store now?” Hao Qiang asked casually.

Lin Yan was well prepared and answered respectfully: “Business is as good as ever.

All 1,500 authorized stores across the country have completed store expansion and renovation upgrades.

This year, we have conducted an average of two training sessions for each store, with an average training time of 16 hours, to improve service quality.

At the beginning, there were more than a dozen stores that did not respond actively, and the company punished these stores.”

Two years ago, Hao Qiang put forward stricter requirements, requiring stores to upgrade to expand the influence of authorized stores and the “Future” brand in the local area.

Stores that did not actively cooperate were punished.

Because of the huge profits, the owners of each authorized store actively responded to the requirements of Future Technology Group for fear of losing their authorization qualifications.

Future electric motorcycles have won the market with their good reputation, high-quality products and excellent services.

At present, the biggest problem is that supply exceeds demand.

However, Future Technology Group did not continue to expand production capacity, but implemented a quota supply for each store, and stores with better service attitudes could get more quotas.

The only requirement for Future Technology Group to lead these store owners to get rich is to actively respond to company policies and obey orders.

The workers on site worked more actively when they saw the group’s senior management inspecting the workshops.

After inspecting the electric motorcycle workshop, Hao Qiang went to the lithium battery workshop.

As the group grew larger, he rarely inspected the workshops.

After the Pengcheng factory was put into operation, it was estimated that he would not visit some workshops all year round.

He could not manage so many things, and the biggest problem that arose was corruption.

Last year, the group fired an employee.

At four o’clock in the afternoon,

the annual meeting began.

Like last year, the venue was still on the basketball court in front of the dormitory building, and a simple stage was built on the scene.

Except for the ordinary employees on duty at Renjian Fireworks Company, thousands of other employees of the group participated in this annual meeting.

At this time, all participants had taken their seats in an orderly manner.

When the time was almost up, the group’s chairman Hao Qiang and other senior management walked to their seats on the stage.

Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing came to observe and sat in the back seats.

Reporters from two media outlets and two local government leaders also came to the scene.

HR manager Qiu Xueya announced the official start of the annual meeting and extended New Year’s greetings to all employees present.

“In 2006, there were only more than 200 participants in the annual meeting;

In 2007, there were more than 2,000 participants;

In 2008, the group had 10,000 people, and the annual meeting had about 5,000 people;

This year, the group has 16,150 employees, including Renjian Fireworks Catering Company alone.8,450 people.

The number of participants reached 6,500…” Qiu Xueya talked about the development and changes of the group’s scale and government honors.

Among these 16,150 people, there are 1,200 employees of Guangxi Future Motorcycle Company.

After Qiu Xueya finished her report, the general managers of the group continued to report.

Lin Yan, general manager of Future Motorcycle Company, said: “In 2008, Future Motorcycle Company sold a total of 2.301 million electric motorcycles, with F1, F2 and F3 accounting for 77.4%, 17.1% and 5.5% respectively. Together with spare parts and derivative products, the total revenue was 8 billion yuan, and the net profit from tax was about 2.53 billion yuan.

The company’s products are in short supply, and its sales volume is 1.4 million units higher than the second-ranked Yadi Company.

In terms of profit, it far exceeds its peers. ”

This 8 billion yuan in revenue was created by 3,600 employees.

The per capita output value reached 2.22 million yuan, an extremely high level.

This is all due to high automation and overtime work to increase production capacity.

After Lin Yan finished speaking, the employees in the audience applauded enthusiastically, especially the employees of Future Motorcycle Company.

Then, Wang He, general manager of Galaxy New Energy Company, reported: ”

In 2008, Galaxy New Energy Company completed an annual production capacity of 4.05GWh.

Revenue is 3.375 billion yuan, and net profit after tax is about 1.7 billion yuan…”

The company has only 900 employees, and there are 300 to 400 scientific researchers.

The automation level is very high, and the per capita output value has reached 3.75 million yuan.

Now, all employees of the group know that Galaxy New Energy Company is more important than the motorcycle company and Renjian Fireworks.

Then, Wang Xiaofeng of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company made a report.

Completed the opening of 25 new stores, the total number of stores reached 65, the annual revenue was 1.31 billion yuan, and the net profit after tax was about 630 million yuan.

Other subsidiaries have no revenue for the time being.

Including other income, in 2008, the group had a total revenue of 12.75 billion yuan, and the actual net profit after tax was about 4.8 billion yuan.

The high net profit after tax now is mainly because the technology subsidiaries are still within the time range of the three exemptions and three reductions by half tax policy, and do not have to pay corporate income tax.

In a few years, the competition will be fierce, where can there be such high profits rate.

With the same revenue, low profit margin, and corporate income tax, it would be very high if the net profit could be half of what it is now.

The group issues year-end bonuses based on the situation in the next few years.

We have issued too much this year, how to issue it in the future.

After all the senior executives have finished speaking, it is Hao Qiang’s turn to make a final summary.

The employees like the chairman’s speech the most. He is not verbose and talks about employee welfare.

The group has bought residential land in Yuecheng and Pengcheng, 200 acres and 2,000 acres respectively.

Last year, the company announced that it would build houses for employees, and employees can buy them at a very favorable price.

With so much land, it is easy for employees to get the purchase qualification.

At present, no one has heard of any progress.

The group is not short of money, and the chairman has made a lot of money on the US stock market, so he should start building.

All employees are looking forward to it.

The media reporters who came to the scene also wanted to hear what big news Hao Qiang would release.

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