Hao Qiang plans to invest in the semiconductor industry.

Before the operation, he must consider the possible US sales restrictions to avoid the dilemma of not being able to buy automotive chips in the future.

Although the construction of the wafer factory has not yet made the United States desperate and take extreme measures,

but in any case, it is necessary to be fully prepared and make the worst plan.

He called it the “future chip strategy”, which is mainly divided into three steps, and the three steps are taken at the same time.

Chip design software, raw material wafers, chip manufacturing equipment and processes.

Regarding high-end chip design software, since the project was established in November last year, Hao Qiang is confident that it will be developed before the middle of next year.

The above is the first step.

The second and third steps, that is, the construction of the wafer factory and chip factory will begin this year, and after the Pengcheng factory is put into use, relevant talents will be recruited.

The above are all basic work. When Hao Qiang has not yet obtained semiconductor technology from the technology store, it is unknown when the wafers and chips can be officially put into production.

During this period, he may even face US sanctions.

Hao Qiang plans to independently develop and produce equipment.

Even if the technology is available, it will take at least three years to achieve mass production, which is around 2013.

If the research and development is not smooth, it may be delayed until around 2015, or even after 2020.

Hao Qiang has enough patience. Even if he cannot buy automotive chips within two or three years, he can bear such losses.

But if it is delayed until after 2015, it will be a headache if he cannot buy automotive chips for several years.

He has patience, but the employees of the new energy vehicle factory may not have this patience.

Before this, Hao Qiang asked to keep it confidential as much as possible.

But one day it will be leaked.

He originally planned to wait another year or two before executing the wafer and chip project, but he didn’t want to wait and make preparations early.

If it is delayed until one or two years later, his future plans will be extended by one or two years.

Moreover, the United States is now in the midst of a financial crisis and can’t take care of itself.

The next day,

Hao Qiang and Jiang Ying met Huang Qihe and his entourage from the Gangcheng Branch of Guosen Securities in the office.

“Mr. Hao, your office here is really nice.” Huang Qi was attentive and forced a smile.

“It’s okay, please sit down!” Hao Qiang spread his hands and gestured to sit on the sofa, while introducing Jiang Ying to him.

Jiang Ying mainly assisted in the negotiation and answered some financial questions.

The HR specialist poured tea for everyone before leaving the office.

Huang Qi took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and got straight to the point: “Mr. Hao, we are all acquaintances, I won’t beat around the bush.

I heard that Renjian Fireworks plans to raise funds, and our company is interested in joining.”

“This is not a problem, we have been working together for so long.” Hao Qiang smiled.

After being polite, Hao Qiang introduced the project, gave the business plan to Huang Qi to read, and began to discuss the specific details.

Huang Qi asked Hao Qiang some questions, such as financing and listing plans, company development plans, etc.

An hour later, the preliminary negotiation was completed.

The financing was 750 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the shares.

The pre-investment valuation was 13.5 billion yuan.

Next, both parties prepared detailed company information, and Renjian Fireworks Company cooperated with the due diligence requirements of investors.

After the investigation was completed, the two parties formally negotiated to discuss investment terms and equity structure, negotiate investor rights and obligations, and determine changes in corporate governance structure.

After these discussions, the investment agreement was drafted and reviewed, and relevant documents such as shareholder agreements were prepared.

Finally, all legal documents were signed.

After these, the investment agreement was completed.

After the funds were received, the company’s equity structure was updated.

Before updating the company’s equity structure, if there will be other financing, it will be considered this round of financing.

Hao Qiang plans to raise 10% in the A round, so he has to find an investor or investment institution.

The focus of this round of financing is to expand scale and market share.

After the two parties finished talking,

The next day, Future Technology Group announced the news to the media.

In the next few days, many domestic commercial banks, investment banks, and private equity funds consulted on financing.

The main private equity funds include Sequoia Capital Huaguo Fund, IDG Capital Imperial Capital Branch, Hillhouse Capital Huaguo Company, etc.

Some are optimistic, and some are not.

Or they think the valuation is too high.

After learning that the company has raised funds, the employees of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company were also happy and talked a lot in private.

“Our company has raised funds and plans to go public. I wonder if we ordinary old employees will have a share.”

“Have a good sleep at night, and you will have all kinds of dreams.”

“Well, I think so too. How can ordinary employees be given shares? The store manager may not even have them.”

“Of course, ordinary employees have such a high turnover rate, and they are not technical people.”Well, after the company successfully goes public, give us some red envelopes as a token of appreciation.”

Other employees heard the discussion between the two employees and joined in.

“In that case, without equity incentives, what good will the company gain from going public? It’s better not to go public.”

“Improve the salary and benefits.”

“The salary and benefits are already good now, it’s good if they don’t go down.”

“That’s true, after all, the dividends are given to shareholders. ”

The salary and benefits of Renjian Fireworks employees are already good. If employees cannot get equity incentives, it feels better not to go public.

At the same time, they are worried about the listing, fearing salary cuts and welfare cuts.

However, employees and management are helpless about this, after all, they cannot influence the company’s decision-making.


Sichuan Province, Haidi Lao Company.

After seeing the report of Renjian Fireworks’ Series A financing, Jiang Yong, the company’s general manager, was a little worried.

If Renjian Fireworks is successfully listed, it will be the first domestic catering stock.

In the past few days, Haidi Lao has not formed a direct competitive relationship with Renjian Fireworks.

Renjian Fireworks stores are mainly distributed in the south, while Haidi Lao is distributed in Sichuan Province, Henan Province, the old capital and the imperial capital.

However, with the expansion speed of the two companies, in another year or two, they will definitely form a direct competitive relationship. Dispute relationship.

In recent years, Hidilao Company has also been studying the operation model of Renjian Fireworks and imitating Renjian Fireworks.

Not only Hidilao Company, many catering companies are imitating Renjian Fireworks.

However, it is difficult to surpass.

Hao Qiang is too famous, and Renjian Fireworks has a good reputation. The two complement each other, making Renjian Fireworks business more popular, and each store is popular.

A few days later, on February 23.

Hao Qiang met with many investment institutions to discuss investment matters.

In the end, Hao Qiang chose Zhongguo Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Yuecheng Branch.

The two parties have cooperated before, and Hao Qiang plans to borrow money from this bank in the future.

For round A financing, Hao Qiang still gives priority to domestic capital.

Unless, domestic capital is not optimistic.

As for fund management companies, Hao Qiang does not plan to cooperate with them.

Most fund management companies Once the development of the investment company is not optimistic, the shares will be sold quickly.

In addition, there is no promotion effect on the development of the company.

Of course, before the IPO, the support of these fund companies is still needed.

The preliminary negotiation with Zhongguo Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Yuecheng Branch is: financing 750 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the shares.

In this way, the A round will raise a total of 10% of the shares, and the post-investment valuation will be 15 billion yuan, and Renjian Fireworks can get 1.5 billion yuan in funds.

For investment institutions that have not successfully cooperated, Hao Qiang said that they will cooperate again in the B or C rounds.

On March 2,

Hao Qiang signed a financing agreement with the two cooperative companies on behalf of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company.

After the agreement is signed, the funds will be received within a week.

After Hao Qiang finished his work, he devoted his energy to coding and brushing experience.

The content of his writing is mainly professional knowledge, copied from professional materials, rather than writing novels.

Only need to read three times, basically remember it.

[Writing System] (2009.3.2)

[Level 8: 40.70/50 million]

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = reward 20,000 yuan


[Wealth: 115.7 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn, uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)]

[Memory: 25]

[Thinking power: 26]

[Appearance: 20]

[Physique: 21]

[Four-dimensional attributes: 92]

[Free attribute points: 2]


There are still 9.3 million words to upgrade to the 9th level writing system. Hao Qiang plans to spend more time on writing and strive to upgrade the technology store as soon as possible.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain free attribute points, and the time span is getting longer and longer.

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