On March 3, Hao Qiang interviewed the secretary candidates.

He has strict requirements for secretaries. They must be fluent in English, have a solid foundation in writing, have good written and expression skills, have a good image, good character, and solid professional knowledge.

The dozen candidates who were finally interviewed had at least a bachelor’s degree, and all of them were from 985 universities.

It was not until the interview stage that the candidates knew that Hao Qiang needed a secretary.

After two hours of in-depth interviews, Hao Qiang finally finalized the candidates for the secretary team.

Pan Lewei, the head of the secretariat, is 28 years old and has a doctorate in business administration from Imperial Capital University.

After graduation, he joined Future Technology Group. Although he has only one year of work experience, he has performed well.

Every weekday, he will concisely report the focus of the day’s work on Hao Qiang’s way to work.

Considering that Hao Qiang’s residence is only a dozen minutes’ drive from the company, Pan Lewei must complete the report in just a few minutes.

In addition, he is also responsible for coordinating the work of the other three secretaries, and when necessary, he has to accompany Hao Qiang to attend social events.

Legal secretary Yang Mei, 27 years old, graduated from Huaguo University of Political Science and Law with a master’s degree in law and has two years of work experience in a law firm.

She specializes in the field of economic law, including securities, intellectual property, finance and real estate.

Although she is not an expert in all fields, she can provide timely legal advice to Hao Qiang.

In addition to legal affairs, she is also responsible for field visits to subsidiaries.

As the number of group subsidiaries and Hao Qiang’s personal shareholding companies increased, she became Hao Qiang’s “eyes” and conducted secret supervision on his behalf.

Administrative secretary Chen Long, 25 years old, has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from South China University of Technology.

He is mainly responsible for searching and organizing professional materials, providing information support and learning materials for Hao Qiang’s decision-making.

Administrative secretary Sun Shasha, 23 years old, has a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language and literature from Yuecheng Zhongda.

She is responsible for meeting minutes, drafting the chairman’s speech, and collecting and analyzing important media reports.

These four secretaries are not only decent in appearance, but also have high quality and excellent expression skills.

Hao Qiang provides them with generous remuneration packages, among which Pan Lewei’s salary is comparable to that of middle-level managers.

If he performs well, he may be entrusted with important tasks in the future and serve as a senior executive of a subsidiary.

Other secretaries are also expected to be transferred to other management positions.

It can be said that the secretarial team is an important reserve force for the company’s future cadres.

The four people’s office is just opposite the chairman’s office, which is convenient for communication at any time.

A few days later, the four secretaries arrived at their posts one after another, and Hao Qiang suddenly felt that his work efficiency had greatly improved.

Whether inspecting workshops, laboratories, or going out on official business, there is always a capable assistant accompanying him.

With someone to share the daily chores, Hao Qiang was able to devote more time and energy to thinking about the company’s development strategy.

It can be said that this capable secretarial team not only reduced Hao Qiang’s workload, but also injected new vitality into the company’s efficient operation.

Recently, Hao Qiang has focused all his energy on automobile vibration reduction optimization and automobile mass production.

On March 5,

Hao Qiang came to the Pengcheng factory to inspect the progress of the equipment installation in the automobile factory.

The equipment installation started at the end of last month, and the progress will not be very fast at present.

Pan Lewei had just started working, and he was not familiar with automobile production. He made up for the relevant knowledge at night. The pressure was great, and he had to know at least some basic knowledge.

The supporting dormitory of the factory was still under renovation and had not yet been put into use.

In order to solve the problem of employee accommodation, the group rented a house nearby.

The employees currently stationed here are mainly responsible for assisting in the installation, commissioning and acceptance of equipment.

Pengcheng Industrial Park covers a vast area and is magnificent.

The main gate of the park is located in the south, and the office building and dormitory area are nestled on the west side, close to the rippling coastline.

Such a layout not only takes into account work efficiency, but also creates a pleasant living environment for employees.

Hao Qiang asked A Kun to stop the car and get off to take a look.

He came here once before the New Year.

Now spring is here, new buds are green, and vigorous vitality is everywhere, which is a little different from before the New Year.

The first time Pan Lewei came here, he was shocked by the periphery and the factory gate before entering the factory area.

The outer area of ​​the wall is a green belt about 20 meters wide, and outside is the highway.

The brick wall of the wall is about 2 meters high, and a protective net is installed on the top of the wall.

The gate has an entrance and exit, and the one-way four-lane width.

Through the gate, there is a straight avenue, more than 30 meters wide, which is very convenient for trailers to turn around.

There is a three-story reception room at the gate, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

“After the company is officially put into use, outsiders cannot enter the work area without permission, especially some core laboratories. Therefore, a reception room is built at the gate.” HaoQiang reminded.

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“Well, I see.” Pan Lewei smiled and replied respectfully, “Chairman, this area is so large, there must be more than one gate.”

“Yes, the main gate is here, and there are gates in other directions.”

After a rough look, the two got back in the car.

Hao Qiang asked A Kun to drive directly into the avenue.

After entering the gate, the office area and employee living area are on the left at seven or eight o’clock, and the automobile factory area is from nine to twelve o’clock.

The automobile factory is adjacent to the company’s deep-water wharf, and there are tracks to facilitate the transportation of automobiles and raw materials.

This wharf is only 500 meters long and is a medium-sized deep-water wharf with an investment cost of 2 billion yuan, including port machinery equipment and special automobile wharf.

The investment is not small, but this will be the industrial park of Future Technology Group, and the area will continue to expand in the future.

With its own wharf, it is very convenient and efficient to transport large equipment.

At present, the wharf has been put into use.

If nearby factories want to borrow the wharf, they will need to pay a fee.

After a while, the Rolls-Royce Phantom drove into the car factory area.

The Future Technology Group Industrial Park is large, and the factory area of ​​each subsidiary is independent.

The future factory area is wider, and employees are better off riding bicycles to work.

Hao Qiang first came to the car welding workshop.

Car welding includes resistance welding, which mainly welds lap welds below 1.5 mm.

The resistance welding robot is from the island country FANUC, and the 6-axis load is more than 120 kilograms.

Laser welding and arc welding robots are also from FANUC.

FANUC is widely used in the automotive industry and provides comprehensive welding solutions.

Hao Qiang doesn’t like the islanders, and doesn’t want to use the islanders’ things, but he has to admit that this brand of welding robots is the most suitable, and the reality is helpless.

In terms of welding robots, it is better than KUKA and ABB.

For handling and grinding robots, KUKA robots are used.

When Hao Qiang arrived, the site was busy installing equipment.

Several islanders and the company’s engineers were coordinating and cooperating.

After Hao Qiang arrived, they took a look, greeted from a distance, and continued to work.

Of course, he negotiated with the Japanese about the welding production line, and did not use a full set of production lines.

Like fixtures and auxiliary tools, they were all developed by Future Technology Group.

Future Technology Group only wanted the bare welding robot and external axis of FANUC.

Of course, if production cannot be achieved, they will not be responsible, only responsible for the welding robot part.

The Japanese do not sell the most advanced production lines, and Hao Qiang cannot accept that price.

“Are you going to sell it? If not, I will buy welding robots of other brands!

Don’t tell me that I must buy a complete set of welding production lines, or even a complete set of production lines.”

At that time, Hao Qiang said this to the Japanese.

He understands technology and will never listen to the Japanese.

Industrial robots and automobile production lines are not that mysterious, it’s just that the equipment is large and the investment cost is high.

A medium-automated body-in-white welding line with an annual production capacity of 100,000 vehicles may require 150-250 welding robots.

The cost is mainly the investment in robots, welding machines and external axes, which is estimated to account for 80%.

The bare metal cost of an arc welding FANUC robot with a 6-axis load of 6 kg is about 170,000 yuan.

Equipped with a Panasonic 500A welding machine, it is about 35,000 yuan.

That is, the main equipment investment cost of an arc welding robot, including the base, is about 220,000 yuan.

Laser robots are much more expensive than robots. One robot is equipped with a laser, and the main equipment is about 400,000 yuan.

Resistance welding robots, the matching robot model is relatively large, and one welding machine is equipped with one robot for about 300,000 yuan.

If there is an external axis, one axis will cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

Therefore, if there are 200 welding robots, the investment in equipment such as welding machines, robots, external axes, bases, etc. is about 600 million yuan.

Robots are relatively expensive now. In a few years, arc welding robots with a load of 6 kg may only cost 140,000 yuan.

Hao Qiang took a look around and found many problems. He pointed out on the spot and asked the islanders to rectify them.

The Japanese were cautious in their work and agreed to make corrections after being pointed out.

However, they did not expect that Hao Qiang was so knowledgeable and found many problems after just a casual walk.

After patrolling the welding workshop, Hao Qiang then patrolled the stamping, painting, assembly, quality inspection, vehicle debugging and other workshops.

On the same day, Hao Qiang checked in at Pengcheng and continued to patrol and find problems the next day.

If you don’t find problems in the early stage, it will be troublesome to make corrections later.

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