Hao Qiang’s planned hot pot restaurant brand is called “Human Fireworks”, with five types of hot pot.

Next, Hao Qiang considered the store size, staffing, expected investment, expected returns and supply channels.

Before that, Hao Qiang had to calculate a very important data.

Per capita hourly output value!

That is, on average, how many servings of food can be made by each person in an hour, multiplied by the selling price, it determines the maximum revenue limit of a restaurant.

In the catering industry, the real operating time is the meal time.

Therefore, the per capita hourly output value is very important!

For example, a couple opened a snail noodle shop, assuming that a maximum of 20 servings of snail noodles can be made in an hour.

Of course, if there are skills, more servings may be made, but this is just an assumption and example.

If the price is 10 yuan, the total output value per hour is 200 yuan, and the per capita hourly output value is 100 yuan.

The meal time of a day, that is, the meal time at noon and in the evening, is only about three or four hours in total.

In other words, at most 70 to 80 servings can be sold a day, with a total output value of 700 to 800 yuan.

Let’s not calculate whether we can sell so much every day.

In short, without increasing the number of staff and expanding the scale, and without increasing the unit price, the maximum revenue is 800 yuan.

If they sell fast food, the price is still 10 yuan.

Fast food can be prepared in advance, and it is okay to sell 50 servings in an hour!

In other words, at most 200 servings can be sold a day, and the total output value can reach 2,000 yuan.

If the cost of fast food and snail noodles are the same, the pricing is the same, and the business is so hot, then fast food will definitely make more money.

Unless, increase the number of staff, improve the efficiency of serving food, and the salary of employees cannot be too high.

By calculating the total output value per day, we can deduce the theoretical maximum revenue of the store, and thus deduce whether it is worthwhile to rent such an expensive store.

The same is true for opening a small stir-fry restaurant, and the per capita hourly output value is also mentioned.

Therefore, the catering industry has extremely high requirements for the speed of serving food. If the serving speed is slow, it will definitely not make money.

This is also the reason why those small stir-fry restaurants have pre-prepared dishes.

If you want to run a restaurant, before opening the store, test it at home to see how efficient it is in serving food in one hour.

Only after the simulation, you will have an idea in your heart.

The store scale planned by Hao Qiang is about 200 square meters. Excluding the space for the cashier, kitchen, and toilet, it can probably accommodate 20-22 1.2*0.8 meter four-person tables, and two round tables, which can accommodate about 100 customers at the same time.

In terms of staffing, about ten people!

Among them, there is one dishwasher, one snack + pot, three waiters, one cashier, three chefs and cutters, two or three temporary handymen, and one store manager. The issue of taking leave must also be considered.

Among them, the monthly salary of the store manager and the head chef is relatively high, more than 2,000 yuan.

Therefore, the labor cost is between 13,000 yuan and 18,000 yuan a month.

The annual rent, near Zhongda University, is budgeted to be 70,000-120,000 yuan.

Adding other miscellaneous expenses, the monthly expenditure is between 20,000 yuan and 25,000 yuan.

Fixed asset investment.

Shop decoration: According to Hao Qiang’s idea, light decoration and heavy decoration will cost about 100,000 yuan, and it will be done very well.

Of course, if you just paint the wall casually, 30,000 yuan will be enough.

The decoration fluctuation is very large, and there is no standard.

Kitchen equipment (hood, freezer, etc.): New equipment budget is 50,000 yuan.

Air conditioning budget: 30,000 yuan

Tables, chairs and benches budget: 30,000 yuan

Tableware and pots budget: 30,000 yuan

Promotion and publicity budget: 2,000 yuan

Opening materials budget: 15,000 yuan

Others: 8,000 yuan

The above budget will cost about 270,000 yuan.

Including annual rent and deposit, working capital and employee salary retention, the budget must reach 400,000 yuan.

Of course, if you save some money, the rent will be temporarily given for half a year, and 200,000 yuan can also be opened, depending on how you position yourself.

If you decorate like Hidilao, after 2020, for such a large area, you will have to invest two to three million yuan.

Haoqiang is positioned as mid-range, far from the decoration style of Hidilao, but it is better than most hot pot restaurants, and the investment is larger.

Investment is risky, and the probability of failure is very high. You need to have a lot more capital than the budget, and be prepared to lose money for half a year.

Expected return.

For a cheap fish self-service hot pot restaurant with an average consumption of 13 yuan per person, the flow of tables must reach 40 tables a day, and the daily turnover must reach more than 1,500 yuan to ensure that it does not lose money.

Only by reducing the number of workers and exploiting employees can you make more money, and the investment is also small.

Haoqiang sets the price at 30-50 yuan per person.With a turnover of 40 tables, the daily turnover is 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, and the monthly revenue is 120,000 to 150,000 yuan.

With a high unit price, the gross profit margin of hot pot must be at least 60%, which means that the monthly gross profit is estimated to be 60,000 to 90,000 yuan.

If the student group accounts for a large proportion, the holiday, that is, the off-season, is longer, and the annual gross profit is 600,000 to 900,000 yuan. Excluding the annual comprehensive cost of about 400,000 yuan, it is indeed profitable.

If the business is good, the investment cost can be recovered in a few months.

If the daily turnover is only 20 tables, there is no money to be made, and the investment will definitely lose money.

However, Hao Qiang’s goal is to write a business plan, how to investigate the market, understand the decoration market, management methods, etc., and making money is only secondary.

Of course, if he makes money, it means that his investment is successful, and he is more confident in opening a high-end hot pot restaurant.

After all, to open a high-end decorated hot pot restaurant of more than 400 to 500 square meters in a large shopping mall, even if the price is low these days, the budget must be at least 2 million yuan, and it will definitely be painful if it loses money.

After Hao Qiang sorted out his business plan, the next step was to make preparations.

Military training will start tomorrow afternoon, so he will stay for a day or two to see if he can take a leave.

He didn’t write much in the past few days of school registration, so he must hurry up.

The next morning, the sun shone on the campus.

At nine o’clock, the freshman opening ceremony was held as scheduled.

Thousands of freshmen dressed in brand new military training uniforms were neatly arranged on the school football field according to the division of each department and class.

Hao Qiang was a little bored, so after sitting down, he took his mobile phone and typed.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder gently.

He looked back and saw that it was the counselor Qin Jian, whose expression was serious and earnest.

“Hao Qiang, stop playing with your mobile phone, and listen carefully later.”

“Oh, okay.” Hao Qiang smiled and put the mobile phone back in his pocket.

However, after Qin Jian walked forward, Hao Qiang couldn’t help but take out his mobile phone and continue his journey of typing.

One counselor manages two classes.

Alas, I just remember him.

After a while, the opening ceremony officially kicked off.

The leaders, teacher representatives and student representatives on the stage gave passionate speeches.

However, for Hao Qiang, these speeches full of chicken soup did not seem to have much appeal.

After thirty or forty years of vicissitudes, Hao Qiang had already been tempered in the tide of society and beaten for many years. These chicken soup speeches had lost their original magic for him.

However, the classmates next to him were fascinated by them, as if they were injected with endless passion and vitality, just like soldiers about to charge into battle.

Suddenly, Hao Qiang realized that his mentality was too arrogant.

He is a college student, and he should have the enthusiasm and vitality of youth, instead of standing from the perspective of God, looking at the students and life around him in a detached and slightly superior manner.

Sometimes, we should abandon the experiences of our previous lives and enjoy the wonderful life of college wholeheartedly.

When it is time to show off, you should show off your abilities and the vigor and passion that young people should have.

After all, military training is just a short episode in life, why should you leave regrets in your college life?

Thinking of this, he smiled easily, put down his phone, and put it in his trouser pocket. Qin Jian happened to pass by again.

He was secretly lucky, otherwise he would be criticized by him again.

Suddenly, Hao Qiang received a reminder from the golden finger. After reading the content clearly, he was extremely shocked.

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