[Hint 1: The host is in high spirits, has a profound understanding of the true meaning of life, and is determined to leave unforgettable and beautiful memories for college life, leaving no regrets.

Special reward experience card: Super singing 10 times

Note: When the appearance reaches 21, the super skill level will be permanently increased by 10% on the original basis; every time the appearance is increased by 1 point, it will be increased by 10%, up to 100%]

[Hint 2: When the singing skill is activated, the voice curve is beautiful, the transition is natural and smooth, like the sound of nature, and each time it lasts for one hour]

[Hint 3: Do you want to merge temporary skills? ]

After reading it, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Although the number of experiences is limited, if used well, it will bring him inestimable fame and benefits, and may be an important turning point in his life.

It’s a pity that there are only ten performance opportunities.

“Hey, people can’t be too greedy, 10 times is not bad.”

Moreover, when the appearance is raised to 21, 10% of the super skills can be permanently added.

When the appearance reaches 30, it will add 100% super singing level!

In any case, he can choose not to work in this industry, but it is better to have it than not.

At this time, Hao Qiang felt more passionate than the students around him.

The future life is more interesting.

If used well, it will also be of great help to his future life.

If you know how to operate your fame, your business will be promoted and your social status will be increased.

Business tycoons such as Boss Da Mi Lei, Lao Ma Xiao Ma, and Wan Da Lao Wang are all operating their fame to advertise their products or companies, and the effect is so good.

Therefore, Hao Qiang does not dislike this opportunity to show off.

He has no fusion skills for the time being, and he is really afraid that something unusual will happen, that is, he will die socially for the second time.

On the stage, after the principal finished speaking, the opening ceremony ended.

After Hao Qiang moved the chair back to the dormitory, he left the dormitory and came to Yuanbei Lake, finding a quiet corner with no one around to fuse temporary skills.

In an instant, countless exquisite skills of singing and street dance flooded into his mind like a tide, and those popular song melodies and shocking street dance moves also echoed in his heart.

A few minutes later, the fusion process ended, and Hao Qiang felt that he seemed to have transformed.

Hao Qiang tried to sing “Glorious Years” and was surprised to find that his singing level had improved significantly.

In his previous life, his singing level, although not tone-deaf, was not much better, and people felt uncomfortable listening to it.

Since his appearance was improved to 14 points, his singing level has also improved significantly, at least reaching the level that ordinary people often show in KTV, so that he no longer feels embarrassed when singing.

Now, with the blessing of skills, his singing level has surpassed most amateurs.

However, it is still not as good as those Internet celebrity anchors, let alone professional singers.

However, he understands theoretical knowledge and has mastered four singing methods: popular, bel canto, folk, and original ecology.

After the performance, when others asked, he at least knew how to deal with it.

Next, Hao Qiang was like a curious baby, constantly practicing singing, until it was almost noon, he left Yuanbei Lake and went to the cafeteria for lunch.

After lunch, go back to the dormitory for a nap.

At 1:10 pm, as the alarm clock rang, everyone got up quickly and put on the uniform camouflage military training shoes in a hurry.

Hao Qiang picked up his sunscreen and applied it on his face.

“Brother Qiang, what are you applying?” Fei Yang asked curiously when he saw Hao Qiang’s actions.

Li Yunfeng glanced and guessed: “It should be sunscreen. The sun is so poisonous! Two weeks of military training, you may get tanned like charcoal.”

When the roommates heard this, they all looked at the dazzling sunlight outside the dormitory, and surrounded Hao Qiang, shouting that they also wanted to apply some sunscreen.

“Hao Qiang, put some on my face, a little, thank you, it smells good.”

“I’ll have some too, and apply it on my neck too.”

Hao Qiang was very straightforward and applied a little on everyone’s face.

None of these boys knew the skincare brand Hao Qiang was holding. If they knew that a bottle of sunscreen would cost hundreds of yuan, they would probably be embarrassed to ask for it.

After a while, the six-person team from the 2B dormitory, holding drinking cups filled with hot water, followed the flow of freshmen into the school football field.

There were many freshmen, and some of them were doing military training in the basketball court next door.

When the time came to 1:30 in the afternoon, Qin Jian led an instructor over.

The instructor’s rank was second lieutenant, with dark skin, a strong body, and a height of about 1.7 meters.

He stood in front of the team, with an upright posture and a serious expression. After completing a standard salute, he loudly introduced himself to the students: “Hello, students, my surname is Li, youYou can call me Lao Li or Instructor Li.

In the next 15 days, I will work together with you to complete the military training mission. ”

His words revealed firmness and enthusiasm, making every student present feel a little nervous.

Qin Jian spoke a few words and then left. It was impossible for him to stay on the scene to accompany the students to bask in the sun, so he only came to take a look occasionally.

Dozens of students in the class followed the instructions of Instructor Li and arranged themselves into neat teams according to their height.

After a period of tossing and turning, the team was finally arranged.

There were 45 people in the class, including 10 girls, who happened to be arranged in five rows.

Hao Qiang stood in the last row because of his outstanding height.

Not long after, the instructors’ harsh criticisms began to sound in other queues on the playground.

Under the scorching sun, everyone’s forehead was soon covered with sweat, and the initial passion disappeared in an instant.

Those seniors who sat in the classroom and had classes with fans still complained that the weather was not hot enough.

Instructor Li’s criticisms continued to ring out from the first team of the Electronic Science and Technology Major:

“Left, left, not right!”

“What’s wrong with you? You can’t tell left from right, ah! ”

“Oh my god, how did you get into Zhongda? You can’t tell left from right!”

Instructor Li’s words made some students feel ashamed and helpless.

Hao Qiang’s standing posture was a bit problematic, and Instructor Li also pushed him. Seeing him straighten his chest, he patted him with satisfaction.

Hao Qiang looked at him: Brother, you are not G, right?

Liu Yang, who was in front of Hao Qiang, performed very badly in the training of marching in step.

The instructor couldn’t stand his performance and found two sticks to pull him in step.

However, without the traction of the sticks, Liu Yang couldn’t walk like a swinging gourd.

Seeing this scene, the students in the square couldn’t help laughing.

Liu Yang is usually very proud, but he performed so badly in military training. Facing the instructor’s criticism, he was like a deflated ball, and was embarrassed and embarrassed by the training.

“Are you not smart enough? You can’t even walk properly! Is it really that difficult? ”

Instructor Li couldn’t stand it anymore, his face was full of worry, and he patted his forehead from time to time.

He had been leading military training for two years, but he never expected that there would be such students in his team.

Fortunately, after more than ten minutes of tossing, he finally looked good.

After more than ten minutes, the team dispersed and then gathered again, and the students found their positions.

However, many instructions could not be completed correctly.

Instructor Li looked at the group of students in front of him who were sweating profusely, their shirts were soaked, and they were trained by him. He was very satisfied in his heart.

He also wished that the weather would be hotter, and shouted loudly: “Is it hot?”


“re! ”

Although the students’ voices were loud, one voice seemed unusually abrupt.

Instructor Li’s ears immediately caught this discordant voice, which was a student from Guangdong Province, Zhou Kai.

There are many people from Guangdong Province in this class, and some of them have a heavy accent when speaking Mandarin, and they can’t pronounce “hot” correctly.

During the second round of rest, Hao Qiang felt that the sunscreen on his face was diluted by sweat. He applied it several times, but it probably didn’t work.

He took out 20 yuan from his pocket, threw it to Fei Yang, and told him to go to the store outside the playground to buy some popsicles to cool off.

“Okay, Uncle Qiang! “Fei Yang chuckled, took the money without hesitation, and quickly ran to the store.

Not long after, he came back panting, holding a bag of popsicles in one hand and an unwrapped popsicle in the other.

Hao Qiang took a popsicle and motioned Fei Yang to share the rest with others.

However, Fei Yang ran to the girls and shared the popsicles with them.

Hao Qiang’s roommates didn’t get a single popsicle, and Liu Yang didn’t even touch one, so he couldn’t help but cursed: “Fuck, that’s too much! He forgets his friends for a woman!”

Li Yun, who was always gentle, couldn’t help but curse: “Damn it, I have to give him a good beating when I get back.”

The girls just happened to get the popsicles, and they laughed and chatted with Fei Yang.

After a while, the bastard came back, and the boys all despised him.

Fei Yang smiled and explained: “There are not many popsicles. If I share them with you, some people will definitely not get them, and the students who can’t get them will definitely blame me. ”

“Get lost, you have so many excuses.” Liu Yang rolled his eyes.

After a ten-minute break, the military training continued.

It was not until about five o’clock in the afternoon that the hard military training this afternoon came to an end.

The freshmen felt relieved and rubbed their sore feet.

However, after dinner, the military training continued at 6:30 in the evening and ended at 9 o’clock in the evening.

This schedule lasted for five or six days. During this period, in addition to standing at attention and marching in formation, one or two hours were spent teachingHow to fold the quilt.

Although the process is boring, the effect is significant. When marching in a square formation, it can be done in a proper manner.

The instructors finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked the students to perform during the break.

This is also a requirement put forward by the school, which aims to encourage students to show themselves bravely and is also a way to exercise their eloquence.

The school student union prepared a lot of audio equipment and placed it in the center of the playground.

During the break, students can freely go up to perform their talents.

The end of military training is the talent show!

Many students prepared their own talent props. During the break, they performed martial arts, played the trumpet “Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix”, performed yo-yo, and some girls tied the cutest double ponytails and punched the hardest.

During these eight days, there were not many talent shows in the first class of the Electronic Science and Technology Major. No one took the initiative. Instructor Li directly caught people every time.

Instructor Li couldn’t remember the whole class, but he still remembered a few more active ones or those who left a deep impression.

At around seven o’clock in the evening, he looked at the students sitting on the lawn to rest, and instantly found the student who was chatting the loudest.

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