Principal Zhang led Hao Qiang and the county leaders to the playground.

Today’s activities were tightly arranged. First, the school leaders gave a speech, followed by Hao Qiang’s speech, and finally the carefully prepared art performances by teachers and students.

At the east end of the basketball court is the school’s open-air stage.

The stage is several dozen centimeters higher than the ground level. The stage area is not large. It is usually the main venue for school gatherings and art performances.

Near the front of the stage, a row of neat long tables and chairs have been placed for the county leaders and school leaders to sit.

Principal Zhang politely gestured to Hao Qiang and Wei Shuji to take a seat, and he strode onto the stage and began his speech.

“Dear leaders, distinguished guests, dear alumni, teachers, and students:

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we gather here with great joy to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our school after its name change.

First of all, please allow me to represent…

Ten years of wind and rain, ten years of spring and autumn.

Looking back on the past ten years, our school has gone through an extraordinary journey.


Standing at a new historical node, we will continue to adhere to the school-running philosophy of “people-oriented and quality-based”…

We will further strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, optimize the teaching environment, promote educational informatization, and strive to build our school into a modern high school with distinctive characteristics and excellent quality.


Hao Qiang felt so cliché when listening to Principal Zhang’s lines.

Especially the last sentence, I don’t know how many times I have heard it.

He said a lot, but it seems that there is no substantive content.

In the past, students were most afraid of the principal’s speech.

The principal could speak for more than an hour, and the teacher could fall asleep.

The stage was full of spit and the audience was drowsy.

Fortunately, there were important guests and leaders present today, so Principal Zhang seemed to be more restrained and kept his speech time within 10 minutes.

When Principal Zhang’s speech finally ended, the audience burst into warm applause.

Perhaps this applause was more of a celebration of the end of the speech rather than an appreciation of the content.

Then, the vice president came to the stage to resign: “Next, I solemnly introduce Mr. Hao Qiang, an alumnus of our school in 2001.

Perhaps, everyone is familiar with Mr. Hao Qiang, but I still have to repeat it.

In 2004, he scored 657 points in the college entrance examination, ranking 660th in the province, and ranked first in the province in Chinese, with full marks in composition. At that time, he made a sensation across the country with an essay in classical Chinese, and was admitted to Zhongda University in Yuecheng that year.

After arriving at Zhongda, he started his own business in his freshman year, and did not lag behind in learning.

In four years of college, he ranked first in academic performance points every year, ranked first in the country in CET-4 and CET-6, graduated with a double degree, skipped a master’s degree, and graduated with a doctorate in one year.

As for Mr. Hao Qiang’s achievements in business, the Future Technology Group he founded has many top international technologies and broke the international technology monopoly…

Next, warmly welcome Mr. Hao Qiang, a famous alumnus of our school, to give us a speech.”

Many of these students know that Hao Qiang is very powerful and is the richest man, but some students are immersed in learning all day and do not know some of Hao Qiang’s honors.

For some honors, Hao Qiang’s introduction is on the school honor column, but most of them are honors in college entrance examination and academic aspects.

The teachers, students and guests in the audience gave warm applause, which lasted for a long time.

After the vice president’s speech, Hao Qiang walked slowly to the podium.

Facing the expectant eyes of the audience, he began his speech:

“Dear leaders, teachers, junior students, hello!

Eight years ago, I was like you, sitting in the classroom, dreaming and looking forward to the future.

At that time, I had a vague concept of university and no clear life goals.

Until later, I gradually woke up and the direction of my life became clearer, which gave me a stronger motivation for study and life.”

Hao Qiang did not have a speech script, and spoke directly without a script, which made those students who were shaking on the stage admire him very much.

Hao Qiang looked at the students in the audience and continued:

“I know that most of the students here come from rural families.

I am also, but I have never felt inferior because of this, and I have never avoided my identity.

Remember, identity is given by parents, but winning respect from others depends on your own efforts.

If you even look down on yourself, how can you gain respect from others?”

Hao Qiang did not elaborate too much and directly cut into the common mentality problems of rural students.

He hoped that even if only one in ten students could listen carefully and benefit, hundreds of people’s lives might be changed.

“I have discussed education issues in public.

For most students, studying and going to college is still the best way out.

Of course, this is not the only choice.

I don’t want to waste more words on this topic, and there is nothing to argue about.Because when you really enter the society and experience the hardships of life, you will understand the importance of studying hard. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in life. ”

Hao Qiang’s words are sonorous and powerful. He hopes to inspire these rural students to pay attention to learning and strive for their future.

Besides this, he feels that there is no more valuable help than this.

“The media often misunderstands me and says that I am gifted.

In fact, if I have any talent, it is seriousness, strong perseverance, and a healthy body.

In terms of learning skills, I don’t have any special secrets to share.

My advice is simple: stay healthy, focus on learning, ask more questions, think more, be good at summarizing, and most importantly, persevere.

It is these ordinary but effective methods that have helped me achieve today’s results. ”

Hao Qiang’s speech was plain, but every word was brilliant, which made the students in the audience fall into deep thought.

For the students present, Hao Qiang’s experience is the most vivid success textbook.

Standing on the stage, Hao Qiang seemed to travel through time and space and returned to the green years full of hope and dreams.

In fact, I am really embarrassed to talk about cheating.

If I can’t cheat, Hao Qiang feels that he is not as good as some students below.

It sounds good, but I have to say it.

He continued: “Just now, I had an in-depth exchange with the principal and Wei Shuji on education issues.

I have to admit that the education level of our Heng County does need to be improved.

We must have the courage to face this fact and clearly recognize the gap with other regions, rather than covering it up. ”

Hao Qiang’s tone became more serious: “The low quality of education is caused by many factors.

I see that many parents have come to the scene. I would like to ask everyone to ask themselves: What kind of learning environment have you created for your children?

Everyone says that they value children’s education, but gambling and lottery can be seen everywhere in the village, and even primary school students are involved. ”

This remark caused a burst of laughter at the scene, because this is indeed a local feature.

Wei Shuji’s face was slightly embarrassed. You say that this phenomenon is his fault, but it’s really not, it’s really too difficult to solve.

However, he must have an unshirkable responsibility.

After today, we must strictly control this aspect, because this will be on TV.

Fortunately, Hao Qiang did not say that it was the government’s problem, and also mentioned him, saving his face.

Seeing this, Hao Qiang softened his tone: “Of course, I understand that this bad habit cannot be eradicated overnight.

My hometown used to be like this.

In recent years, as the villagers have a goal and pay more and more attention to education, gambling is basically no longer seen in the village. ”

Hao Qiang’s honesty and straightforwardness made everyone present start to reflect.

He was not like the principal, who said so much, but all of it was meaningless.

Several county leaders were here, and Hao Qiang dared to speak, with sharp words, and was not afraid of offending them.

Hao Qiang continued his speech, and his tone became more sincere:

“My juniors, I know that many of you may feel that you are not in good condition, or that your future is bleak.

But I want to tell you that everyone has their own advantages, and the key is to discover and cultivate them.

My growing experience tells me that although rural children may not be as good as urban children in material conditions, we have other advantages.

We are more able to endure hardships, know how to cherish opportunities, and understand the importance of hard work.

These qualities will become our precious wealth in the future life.

Of course, many urban children are also very competitive, and they know that the current superior conditions are not easy to come by.

No matter what,

Remember that your starting point cannot determine your end point.

If you work hard, you will have a chance.

If you don’t work hard, you won’t even have a chance to turn over. ”

After Hao Qiang finished speaking, the whole audience burst into warm applause.

Many students had a gleam in their eyes, as if they saw hope and the future.

Everyone thought Hao Qiang had finished speaking and was ready to leave the stage.

But he was still on the stage, and his next words excited the school leaders, teachers and students.

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