“Boss, you are the richest man in Asia.”

At around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang, who was working in the office, suddenly received a call from Wu Hai.

“I know, many people called me to congratulate me.

But what’s there to congratulate?” Hao Qiang didn’t take it seriously, and he wouldn’t show off.

He’s not the richest man in the world.

If he was the richest man in the world, he could get the free attribute points reward of the golden finger.

“Hey, boss, I have something to ask you.”

“If you have anything to say, come on.”

“How can you, the richest man in Asia, speak so rudely? If outsiders know about it, it will be disrespectful.”

“Don’t say the richest man in Asia, the richest man in the world is also a human being.”

“Well, okay. This is it. If you find that the person you like has had a relationship with someone else, what will you do?” Wu Hai said a little embarrassedly.

“I will ask around like you.”

Wu Hai was really hurt when he heard this and immediately retorted: “Damn, it’s really not me!”

“Well, it’s a friend of yours, right?”

“Yes, it’s really a friend of mine.”

“Actually, Dead Sea, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just being cheated on. It’s nothing.

Why don’t you think about it from another angle? You cheated on someone else’s ex-girlfriend.” Hao Qiang gave Wu Hai another critical hit.

“Damn, your reason is really strong!

I don’t feel so sad.

However, how can a boss comfort a younger brother like this.”

“Come on, you changed your girlfriend not long after, Aquaman, what’s there to sympathize with.” Hao Qiang said contemptuously. It seems that he was led astray by paying his girlfriend to be a car model.

This bastard, after making money from the dental hospital, has become more unbridled in terms of feelings and has no intention of getting married at all.

“I’m sincere.”

Hao Qiang reminded: “Haha, but I have to remind you that some things require your consent, don’t force others.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I can’t save you.”

“I know, I’m familiar with this matter, I won’t bother you anymore.

I wanted to say a few words of comfort to you, but it hurt me more.” Wu Hai complained and hung up the phone.

Thinking for a while, he sent a message to the QQ classmate group:

“Congratulations to my boss for becoming the richest man in Asia. I will have a banquet at Shangrong Restaurant in Baiyun District, Yuecheng at 6:30 tonight. Students who are free can have a meal together.”

Not long after he sent the message, the classmate group quickly became lively.

“Boss Wu is treating me, so I must go. I just happen to work in Yuecheng.”

“Brother Qiang is awesome, Boss Wu is too polite!”

“I envy Boss Wu for drinking soup with Brother Qiang. May I ask if Boss Wu needs any accessories?”

“I saw the news about Brother Qiang. He is really awesome. His wealth is over 100 billion.”

“Brother Qiang went back to his alma mater to donate some time ago. No. 2 High School is going to take off.”

Many classmates flatter Wu Hai. Wu Hai has opened a dental hospital for two and a half years.

In the first year, the profit was several hundred thousand yuan. In the second year, the scale was expanded. It has become a well-known private dental hospital in Yuecheng, with an annual profit of more than one million yuan.

Wu Hai listened to Hao Qiang’s advice and first learned how to run the business, and then borrowed money from Hao Qiang to invest.

His family also opened an electric motorcycle store. With the help of loans, the store was expanded. In addition, the marketing was done by beautiful girls. The service quality was good and the business was booming.

In the past few years, he has been with Hao Qiang and learned a lot. He has a good vision.

Many students in the class study stomatology, and four of them work under Wu Hai.

It can be said that Wu Hai is now the third most important person in the class.

Hao Qiang is the first, and Han Qingying is the second, but neither of them shows up.

After a few years, everyone has gotten used to it and treats the two as if they don’t exist.

If I had known earlier, I should have licked Hao Qiang like Wu Hai did, and maybe I could have made a fortune like Wu Hai.

Oh, I regret it!

However, everyone thinks of Chen Mengqi in the class, which is the most regrettable.

Even if she had not been able to become Hao Qiang’s girlfriend, even if she had maintained some contact, she would not have ended up in such a situation.

After seeing the report on the rich list, Qiu Hai knew that his son-in-law had won the title of Asia’s richest man, and laughed, showing his big yellow teeth.

When the employees saw the boss grinning, they thought the company had signed another big contract.

Not wanting to lag behind, Hengxian No. 2 High School even hung a banner to celebrate: “Congratulations to our famous alumnus Mr. Hao Qiang for becoming the richest man in Asia.”

In fact, there is no need to hang any banners.

After so many years, everyone in the county knows that Hao Qiang is a graduate of No. 2 High School and a villager of Hualong Village. They all know his parents’ names.

Some people even have his photo hanging in their homes.

Hengxian No. 2 High School used Hao Qiang’s donation to establish the “Hao Qiang Scholarship” and the “Hao Qiang Outstanding Teacher Award”.

DonationThe football field has already been inspected by a construction team and is ready for construction. The school does not want to wait until the winter vacation to start construction, so as to avoid more trouble.

Hualong Village is even more excited. Banners are hung at the entrance of the village, and the sound of firecrackers is endless. It is a scene that is more lively than the Spring Festival.

Of course, all of this shows the pride and joy that Hao Qiang’s success has brought to his hometown.

Netizens across the country are delighted and regard this as a national honor.

Hao Qiang has become famous, which can make foreigners know more about Huaguo.

At the same time, major universities have invited Hao Qiang, hoping that Hao Qiang can give a speech at their school and share his success experience.

Some people even proposed to include his entrepreneurial story in the textbooks as a model to inspire students.

Foreign business circles are also curious about this young richest man in Asia.

Hao Qiang’s success has also triggered a creative boom in the online literary community.

Various urban novels with him as the theme have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, with quite creative titles: “Others make money and work hard, but you become the world’s richest man”, “From hot pot to new energy? The earth can’t accommodate me”, “I wanted to be content with a small fortune, but I became the world’s richest man”, “Defeat Hao Qiang, I become the world’s richest man”, “Rebirth of Hao Qiang”, “I am Hao Qiang: My N Wives”, etc.

From the titles, they all reflect the public’s yearning and imagination for his legendary experience.

In the face of sudden attention, Hao Qiang still maintains his usual low profile.

For him, such attention has long been commonplace.

He declined all invitations, including interview requests from major TV stations, and just quietly focused on his career, while caring about Qiu Yuqing’s physical condition.

In Hualong Village, Hao Qiang’s parents still live a relatively simple life.

Although their son is the richest man in Asia, they still maintain a relatively frugal style, grow their own vegetables, do not buy any super luxury goods, wear mink clothes in winter, and do not look high and mighty.

Hao Jianjun still loves to give cigarettes to villagers and brags as before.

This simple and unpretentious attitude has won the respect of the villagers.

One night, Hao Qiang returned home, Qiu Yuqing took his arm affectionately, and asked with a smile: “Brother Qiang, how does it feel to be the richest man in Asia?”

Her tone was both proud of her husband’s achievements and a hint of ridicule.

Hao Qiang smiled lightly, put his arm around Qiu Yuqing’s shoulders, and said gently: “Feeling?

Actually, there is no special feeling.”

At night, when he rested, Hao Qiang had time to think about what it felt like to be the richest man in Asia.

It’s lonely at the top.

However, for the entire universe, the earth and even the solar system are just a drop in the ocean, not to mention humans.

He is not yet able to break out of the earth.

So, whether it is the richest man in China last year, the richest man in Asia this year, or even the richest man in the world in the future, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t break out of the earth.

At his level, what he thinks about is no longer just food, clothing, housing and transportation, but longer-term things, such as life expectancy, human genes and health, interstellar survival, etc.

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