Hao Qiang first hung the prepared recruitment poster at the door of the store and called the decoration company to come to the store for inspection.

During this period, he found three decoration companies and put forward his own requirements. Based on the other party’s decoration quotation and understanding of the decoration plan, he chose one of them.

For store decoration, the facade is the most important!

It is a magnet to attract people, so you have to be willing to spend money.

Hao Qiang has designed the doorplate and LOGO. The all-carbon black background symbolizes the burning of the original charcoal and conveys the original style;

The orange-yellow artistic font “Human Fireworks” forms a sharp contrast with the black background, which is eye-catching.

There is an incandescent lamp inside, and these four words can be seen from a distance at night.

The LOGO is a ball of red fire, with a 270-degree arc on the outside, indicating hot pot, and the LOGO is placed in the middle and lower part of the four fonts.

The overall look is simple and bright.

In the decoration industry, the use of black background is an advanced technique. Even if lower-grade materials are used, it can show high-end texture and is not easy to make mistakes.

Hao Qiang also plans to have someone tidy up the shop, including the overly lush trees, which directly block the door number.

Many business owners are reluctant to spend money to tidy up the road outside the shop, thinking it is a waste of money.

However, if the road is not clean, customers are unwilling to walk on it, so how can they be willing to walk into the store?

In fact, it doesn’t cost much.

A clean and tidy road is the first step to attract customers.

The road in front of the shop is like a beautiful woman’s shoes. Once there is a problem, it will affect the overall beauty; and the door number and LOGO are like the face of a beautiful woman, which is also very important.

In order to create a comfortable dining environment, Hao Qiang plans to place two rattan tables and several rattan chairs outside the store for guests to rest and wait for friends.

The decoration inside the store is also bright, and through clever lighting design and color matching, it shows a clean and tidy atmosphere.

Of course, such a decoration will cost about 100,000 yuan in total, and the construction period is 15 days, starting from the official construction after the decoration renderings are produced.

At about 1:00 p.m., the designer of the decoration company came to inspect and connect with Hao Qiang.

The two sides had communicated before. After measuring the size, the designer immediately returned to the company to prepare a rough decoration rendering for Hao Qiang.

At the same time, they also arranged workers to enter the store for pre-processing and remove the parts that needed to be removed first.

The decoration company is mainly responsible for the decoration of the storefront and the interior of the store, but does not include the customization of tables and chairs.

After Hao Qiang finished this, he went out to a furniture factory with experience in making hot pot tables to customize tables and chairs.

After tossing this matter, a day passed.

The next Monday, classes were held as usual.

Taking advantage of the open class, Hao Qiang took the lease contract and information and hurried to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register two companies.

One is “Yuecheng Renjian Fireworks Catering Co., Ltd.” with a registered capital of 100,000 yuan and a registered address in the hot pot restaurant, including the company’s LOGO.

Fortunately, no one has registered a company with this name for the time being.

The other is “Yuecheng Xinghai Culture Co., Ltd.”, which is registered in a rented house. This company is a shell company, responsible for the financial public business with Lin Nan Entertainment Company, which is used to reasonably avoid taxes.

After completing the industrial and commercial registration, Hao Qiang rushed back to school to continue his classes.

During this period, he was really busy.

Tuesday, September 28, was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it was close to the National Day. The school was on holiday from September 28 to October 4.

Qiu Yuqing and Han Qingying both knew that Hao Qiang was busy opening a store recently. They suppressed their longing and tried not to disturb Hao Qiang.

On Monday night, Qiu Yuqing and Hao Qiang rolled in bed in the rented house for a night. The next day, Hao Qiang drove her back to her home in Shenzhen to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with her family.

Otherwise, she would have wanted to continue to be with Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang’s action made Qiu Yuqing feel that he knew how to respect his parents.

In fact, after Qiu Yuqing left, Hao Qiang happened to accompany Han Qingying to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After the holiday, Hao Qiang continued to work at the hot pot restaurant, while Han Qingying stayed quietly in the dormitory reading books, practicing computer typing, and familiarizing herself with computer software.

At dinner time, Hao Qiang went to Huanan University of Technology to have dinner with her. After dinner, he held her hand and walked around the campus, or rode her bicycle to stroll around.

She liked to wear a big skirt, sit on the rear frame, hug Hao Qiang’s waist with both hands, and then lean her face against Hao Qiang’s back, feeling the sense of security and the cool breeze blowing across her face.

Han Qingying felt that this was the happiest time.

She felt that her parents might have been like this when they were young.

On the second day of the holiday,

the designer of the decoration company met with Hao Qiang to design the decoration effect diagram.

After reading it, Hao Qiang proposed some modifications.After all the problems were solved, the decoration officially started, and the workers worked overtime to rush the work.

Shop decoration is different from residential decoration. It cannot be delayed. If it is delayed for one day, the rent will be paid more.

Therefore, when signing a contract with a decoration company, the construction period must be clearly stated.

Of course, for the same decoration level and materials, the decoration price must be higher than that of a residential building, otherwise, the decoration company is unwilling to rush the work.

For a shop of 200 square meters, the normal construction period is 15-20 days for mid-range decoration. Even for high-end decoration, it must be controlled within 30 days.

If it is a small shop, simple decoration, it should be controlled within seven days.

If the decoration takes one or two months, what business is there?

All the work of the hot pot restaurant is in full swing, and time passes very quickly.

On Saturday, Hao Qiang interviewed the store manager and other employees.

He plans to recruit 1 dishwasher, 1 snack + pot, 3 waiters, 1 store manager and cashier, 3 chefs and cutters, and two or three temporary handymen.

The recruitment requirements for waiters are young people under 30 years old, and temporary handymen are recruited from nearby universities, that is, hourly workers.

The store manager is Yang Qiuhong, a local, a 28-year-old married woman, 160 cm tall, with a slightly fat face, but a very friendly smile. She has been engaged in catering for ten years and has rich experience, and has three years of management experience.

After recruiting the store manager, Yang Qiuhong can start work the next day, which makes Hao Qiang feel a lot more relaxed. He plans to let Yang Qiuhong be responsible for recruiting the remaining staff who have not yet been recruited.

Hao Qiang began to carefully prepare the hot pot base. In view of the local people’s preference for health-preserving hot pot, he deliberately prepared more of this type of hot pot base.

The shelf life of hot pot base is relatively long. If it is sealed and frozen in the freezer, it will not be a problem even if it is stored for several months.

Therefore, Hao Qiang prepares a large amount of hot pot base at one time, which can also reduce the workload and ensure the consistency of taste.

Of course, when he makes the base, he weighs the amount of each item with a gram electronic scale, and at the same time ensures that the heat, time and process are the same.

By October 3, all the staff had been recruited, but three staff members had to wait a few days before they could officially report.

Hao Qiang was not in a hurry, as he was currently renovating the store.

After a few days of busy work, he found that he had a problem, which was the impulse to do everything by himself. This might be because this was his first attempt to open a store and he wanted to ensure that every detail was perfect.

However, he also understood that as a wise management, he needed to learn to trust and delegate authority to allow team members to maximize their potential.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to take care of so much when the workload increased.

So, he began to adjust his management style, trying to give the tasks he was already familiar with to the staff to complete, and give them full support and trust.

As long as the core hot pot base is in his hands and he can control the financial and food channels, there is no need to worry too much.

After a few days of renovation, it finally looks good.

Hao Qiang and the staff looked at the daily changes in the hot pot restaurant and were very much looking forward to opening for business.

Passersby were also curious about this hot pot restaurant with its peculiar decoration, and many colleagues came to inquire about it.

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