About ten minutes later, Fei Yang and the other five people quickly arrived at the hot pot restaurant where the class had a dinner.

To their surprise, the store had been completely renovated. The signboard was changed to “Human Fireworks” hot pot restaurant. The decoration of the storefront was more high-end than before. The four orange-yellow characters “Human Fireworks” were too conspicuous and could be seen clearly from a distance.

“Oh my God, this decoration is really good. How much did it cost?” Liu Yang couldn’t help but exclaimed, and the other roommates also showed the same surprise.

“Such a large area, it is estimated that the decoration alone will cost more than 100,000 yuan.” Fei Yang estimated that his family runs a small business, and he has some experience from what he has seen and heard, so he can see a little bit.

“The total investment will not be hundreds of thousands of yuan?”

“It’s possible, let’s take a look first.”

Everyone approached the store, looking through the bright floor-to-ceiling glass windows, curiously looking for Hao Qiang’s figure.

Liu Yang was the first to push the door open. A waiter in work clothes came up to greet them and said with a smile: “Handsome guys, we haven’t officially opened yet. Please come back in a few days.”

Just then, a familiar figure came out of the bathroom. It was Hao Qiang.

“Hey, why are you all here?” Hao Qiang was a little surprised to see his five roommates. Seeing the surprised expressions on their faces, he couldn’t help but smile.

It seems that most of them know that he opened a hot pot restaurant. He originally planned to treat his roommates to a meal after the opening.

The classmates in this class often go out of school. If they pay attention, they will soon know that he opened a hot pot restaurant.

Originally, Hao Qiang did not intend to deliberately conceal it, nor did he take the initiative to publicize it. Everything went naturally.

He was busy all day long, so he didn’t have the mind to think about what his classmates would think after they knew that he opened a hot pot restaurant.

“Boss Hao, your store is well decorated. When did you do it? You didn’t tell your brothers in advance and let us come to help.” Fei Yang smiled and joked.

“That’s right, it’s okay to do some hard labor.” Li Yunfeng also agreed with a smile, “Your store is open, and we brothers have to support it. Don’t forget to give some discounts when the time comes.”

“I originally planned to give you a surprise after the opening in a few days.” Hao Qiang gestured to everyone to sit down in a booth, and asked the waiter to bring out a plate of golden beans and a plate of oil-pressed peanuts, and a pot of tea, and said with a smile, “It’s no problem to treat you to one or two meals in a semester, don’t ask me for money.

But if you bring friends to support it, say hello to the store manager, you can get a 30% discount.

These two days, when we are tasting the dishes, you can come and help taste the dishes.”

When everyone heard Hao Qiang generously admit that he opened the hot pot restaurant, and he wanted to treat them to hot pot and taste the dishes, they all laughed happily, and picked up the disposable chopsticks without hesitation, picked up the golden beans and peanuts on the table and put them into their mouths.

“Hehe, Uncle Qiang, then we won’t be polite.” Fei Yang said with a smile.

“Fei Yang, you are the most impolite.” Liu Yang said contemptuously, but he was not idle. His hands kept moving, constantly picking up peanuts and stuffing them into his mouth, chewing them, and then reaching for the chopsticks to pick up another one.

“As if you are very polite, if you have the ability not to eat it.” Fei Yang retorted, not showing any weakness.

Hao Qiang looked at the two people who liked to bicker back and forth, and couldn’t help laughing: “Golden beans and peanuts are enough, eat them and then come back. Take one or two bags back to the dormitory and eat them slowly. Come and get them after you finish eating.”

His generosity and generosity made everyone feel warm, and he did not look down on them.

“I wish Brother Qiang a prosperous business and a lot of money!” Li Yunfeng picked up a cup of tea and toasted to Hao Qiang.

“Me too!”

“Yeah, me too.”

Others echoed, and everyone raised their cups and clinked them with Hao Qiang.

After drinking tea, everyone couldn’t hold back their curiosity and asked, “Brother Qiang, how much money does this cost? Hundreds of thousands of yuan, right?”

“This booth is really comfortable, the decoration is very fashionable and creative, the total investment is estimated to be no less than 500,000 yuan.”

“Brother Qiang is very secretive and does business quietly.”

Seeing several roommates asking one after another, Hao Qiang said generously, “Even if you add the rent for a year, it really costs hundreds of thousands of yuan, I didn’t calculate it carefully.”

“Wow, Brother Qiang, you are really rich!”

“You really invested hundreds of thousands of yuan. If it were me, I would definitely not dare to invest.”

“So we don’t have money. Brother Qiang has investment vision, which is different from us.”

“Don’t say hundreds of thousands of yuan. If I had tens of thousands of yuan, I would be very happy.”

“Who urinated yellow, wake him up, and tens of thousands of yuan. My living expenses are only a few hundred a month!”

When the roommates heard Hao Qiang admit it, they kept praising him.

Hao Qiang could also guess what they were thinking, so he took the initiative to explain”I have some money on hand, and I borrowed some from relatives and friends to make up for it. I hope I don’t lose money.”

“You will definitely make a fortune!” Everyone sincerely wishes.

“Brother Qiang, you are so famous in school, everyone will definitely come in droves after knowing it.”

Hao Qiang raised his hand and said, “Operate for a while first, and then promote it vigorously after you feel that everything is perfect.”

“Oh, so that’s it, Brother Qiang is smart.” Li Yunfeng thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

“Are you going to keep it a secret?” Mu Shi still didn’t understand, “We heard from classmates that you opened a hot pot restaurant here, so we came here to see if it was true.”

Hao Qiang explained, “I never planned to hide it. It doesn’t matter if classmates know it. I just don’t plan to promote it within the school for the time being. Try to operate it for a few days first, find the problem, and solve it as soon as possible, so as not to expose the problem after there are many customers, and then the problem will be big.”

“Oh, that’s it.” Mu Shi suddenly realized.

After a while, everyone saw that the shop assistants were busy, so they decided to go back to the dormitory and not disturb Hao Qiang. Staying would not help much, and might even cause trouble.

Before leaving, Hao Qiang handed a bag of peanuts and a bag of golden beans to Fei Yang, saying, “Come back after you finish eating, they are not worth much.”

On the way back, everyone had different thoughts.

Fei Yang felt that it would be good to follow Hao Qiang, and now he had to hold on to his thighs.

The next morning,

Before the bell rang, the students rushed into the classroom.

When Hao Qiang walked into the classroom, students from other dormitories immediately surrounded him, curiously asking if he was really opening a hot pot restaurant.

Hao Qiang smiled and nodded and admitted, “Yes, tomorrow is Thursday. If you are free, come to help taste the dishes after school in the afternoon.”

“The class monitor is awesome!” The classmates exclaimed.

“Then we must go, and eat the class monitor out of money.” Someone said jokingly.

“It turns out that the class monitor is a rich man who can easily invest hundreds of thousands of yuan.” Some students also sighed.

“You just discovered it. I have long seen that the class monitor is not ordinary. The class monitor’s laptop is worth more than 20,000 yuan, and the bicycle is also worth several thousand yuan.” Someone added proudly.

After a while, the whole class knew that Hao Qiang had invested in a hot pot restaurant outside the school. Everyone talked about it and was full of envy and admiration.

When most students were still worried about the living expenses of a few hundred yuan a month, their class monitor had already invested hundreds of thousands of yuan in a hot pot restaurant.

This huge gap is like a world of difference!

It makes people stunned and envious.

Before, when Hao Qiang announced that he would not serve as a class committee member next semester, everyone was still guessing the reason.

Now it seems that everything has an answer.

Starting a business by yourself, where would you have the time and energy to manage the class?

Hao Qiang refused to be a star. It turns out that he is not short of money!

Zhang Li stared at Hao Qiang with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

She felt that he was getting more and more handsome and mysterious, and sighed secretly: How could such a versatile boy with a rich family be interested in her?

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, but at the same time she was relieved and decided not to pursue him.

Because he was too good!

The students in Class 2 were also shocked to hear that the monitor of Class 1, Hao Qiang, invested hundreds of thousands of yuan to open a hot pot restaurant outside the school.

Hundreds of thousands of yuan!

This number is simply an astronomical figure for some students.

They swallowed their saliva involuntarily, and their hearts were full of envy and admiration.

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