“Then you can come and work part-time on weekends, eight hours a day, 50 yuan a day;

If you come to help at night, from 6pm to 9:30pm, it will be half a day’s salary.

Food is provided but accommodation is not. It is okay to have hot pot once a week.”

Hao Qiang said with a smile. The part-time salary he gave was high, and he treated Wu Hai especially well, but it was not ridiculously high.

The young waiters in his store are handsome men and beautiful women. Food and accommodation are provided. The monthly salary is 1,000 yuan, which is much higher than that of their peers, but after all, the requirements are demanding. If you pay less, you can’t recruit handsome men and beautiful women.

In contrast, the waiters in some nearby hot pot restaurants only have a monthly salary of a few hundred yuan.

In the Renjian Fireworks Restaurant, the salary differences of various positions are significant.

The dishwasher has the lowest salary, only 600 yuan;

The store manager has the highest salary, which can reach 2,300 yuan a month;

Followed closely by the chef, with a monthly salary of 2,100 yuan.

In addition, the monthly salary of other positions is less than 1,500 yuan.

The catering industry generally provides food and accommodation, but most of them do not provide five insurances and one housing fund.

In general, the main advantage of working in the catering industry is that the food is good, and the working hours are relatively late, so you don’t have to get up too early;

However, there is also a disadvantage of not having a fixed rest day.

Renjian Yanhuo has 10 fixed staff and 2 temporary part-time workers. The total labor cost per month is 13,300 yuan, plus the rental cost, the total cost is about 15,000 yuan.

“Fifty yuan a day?

So much?”

Wu Hai was a little surprised when he heard this. If there was really that much, it would be great. Working eight days a month would cover the living expenses for college.

It also saves eight days of food expenses!

However, he thought it was beautiful, and then said, “Qiangzi, you are not the boss, you have no say!

Besides, what else can I do besides doing odd jobs? Is the boss so stupid that he spent this money to hire me.”

“Haha, you are quite self-aware and know that you can only do odd jobs.” Hao emphasized.

Han Qingying watched Hao Qiang teasing Wu Hai, and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

“Tsk, I’m happy to do it even if it’s just a handyman. I don’t ask for much, as long as I can get paid.” Wu Hai pouted and smiled. He picked up a piece of tender beef, dipped it in some fragrant seasoning, and then put it in his mouth. He chewed it and the taste was simply wonderful.

Hao Qiang was too lazy to tease him and waved to call the store manager.

Seeing the boss’s gesture, Yang Qiuhong immediately walked over and asked respectfully, “Boss, what can I do for you?”

Hao Qiang said directly, “Sister Yang, his name is Wu Hai, Hai in the sea, you can just call him Xiao Hai, my high school classmate, he is studying in college here, usually comes here to work part-time, just let him do odd jobs, no need to take special care of him, if he dares to be lazy, just scold him.”

Yang Qiuhong smiled and nodded, “Okay, boss.”

At the same time, looking at the black-faced young man who was still a little dazed, she stretched out her right hand to him: “Hello, I am the store manager Yang Qiuhong, welcome Xiao Hai to join the Renjian Fireworks team!”

Wu Hai was stunned for a moment, as if he had just woken up from a dream, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Yang Qiuhong twice before letting go.

Then, he turned to Hao Qiang, his eyes full of doubts, and whispered, “Qiangzi, are you the boss?”

“Haha, you just reacted now.” Hao Qiang laughed and waved to let Sister Yang go to her own business.

“Damn, I thought they called you the boss, I thought they were calling you a customer.” Wu Hai still couldn’t believe it. Looking at Yang Qiuhong’s back as she left, he raised his voice slightly and asked, “Are you really the boss?”

Hao Qiang nodded, pointed to the license plate hanging at the cashier, and said, “The goods are genuine, you can tell by the business license hanging there.”

Wu Hai stood up, walked quickly to the cashier, and looked at the business license carefully.

He saw that the company name was “Yuecheng Renjian Fireworks Catering Co., Ltd.”

And the legal representative column had Hao Qiang’s name written on it!


Wu Hai couldn’t help but exclaimed, his heart full of shock and confusion.

After he sat back in his seat, his curiosity surged like a tide, and he couldn’t help asking Hao Qiang: “Qiangzi, Boss Qiang, how did you do it? Won the lottery jackpot? Became rich overnight?”

“You think too much.”

Hao Qiang smiled and shook his head, then he talked about how he used stock market leverage to make the first money and then invested in this hot pot restaurant.

Wu Hai was fascinated by what he heard, and the more he listened, the more shocked he became. He was stunned and forgot to touch the food in front of him. Whenever he heard something unbelievable, he couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“My God, Qiangzi, it’s incredible!”

This hot pot lasted for nearly two hours, most of the time they were chatting, and the soup was added many times in the middle.

EatAfter the hot pot, Han Qingying went back to school, while Wu Hai was still sitting in the booth, chewing melon seeds and immersed in Hao Qiang’s story.

When Han Qingying disappeared from sight, Wu Hai’s curiosity finally broke out, and he asked Hao Qiang a gossipy question: “Qiangzi, are you two together?”

“I guess so.” Hao Qiang smiled gently, stood up, and patted Wu Hai on the shoulder, “You should start working tonight. When you have time, go buy a bicycle so that it will be more convenient to come here in the future.”

Wu Hai was slightly surprised to hear Hao Qiang admit his relationship with Han Qingying, and secretly thought that this bastard was really quick to act.

When he heard that he was going to start working tonight, he couldn’t help but mutter: “Black-hearted boss!”

He continued to chew a few more melon seeds, and seeing that the business in the store was pretty good, he hurried to help clean up the dishes.

At 9:30 in the evening, the store began to close, and Hao Qiang handed Wu Hai 500 yuan as an advance salary.

Wu Hai got the money and happily went to the roadside to take a tricycle to leave, but he still felt a little sorry for the taxi fare.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the hot pot restaurant closed.

The store manager and Hao Qiang calculated the accounts.

From afternoon to evening, a total of 31 tables of guests, a total of 85 guests, were received, with a total turnover of 2,030 yuan.

Including the turnover during the lunch period, the turnover for the day reached 3,065 yuan.

The gross profit margin of the catering industry is relatively high. According to Hao Qiang’s estimation, the average gross profit margin of his hot pot restaurant can reach 60%.

Even if a 40% discount is given, the gross profit margin is still 33.3%.

Therefore, he estimated that the gross profit is about 1,000 yuan.

[Notes in this article: gross profit (profit), gross profit margin, profit, net (pure) profit or net profit after tax

Gross profit = sales revenue – direct cost (excluding labor wages and rent);

It also does not include the company’s management expenses, financial expenses, sales expenses and taxes, etc.

Gross profit margin = gross profit x 100% / total sales revenue or total turnover;

Profit = gross profit – labor wages – rent – management expenses – financial expenses – sales expenses, etc.;

Net profit = profit after paying all taxes, value-added tax, business tax and other taxes.

After the tax reform in 2018, business tax was replaced by value-added tax. The value-added tax rate for small-scale taxpayers in the catering industry is 3% (monthly revenue exceeds 30,000 yuan), and the value-added tax rate for general taxpayers is 6% (annual revenue exceeds 5 million yuan)]

The monthly rent is 7,000 yuan, the labor cost is 16,000 yuan, plus water and electricity bills, and the daily fixed expenses are about 800 yuan.

It can be said that today’s small profit is about 200 yuan.

Of course, today is Saturday, and business is definitely better than usual.

Moreover, Hao Qiang has not counted the investment interest cost and equipment depreciation.

In fact, if it is based on today’s situation, it can only maintain a balance between income and expenditure.

The next day, Sunday, the business was not much different from yesterday.

The turnover on that day was 3,120 yuan.

The third day, Monday.

Sure enough, the revenue showed a significant decline, only 2020 yuan.

When classmates asked Hao Qiang how his business was, he just smiled and replied: “It’s normal.”

His roommates were more concerned about Hao Qiang’s business. If they lost money, they would not be able to eat free hot pot in the future.

Therefore, when they chatted with classmates from other classes, they always spared no effort to promote Hao Qiang’s hot pot restaurant, praising its excellent taste, but the price was slightly higher.

Qiu Yuqing and Han Qingying were also concerned about Hao Qiang’s business, and Hao Qiang always comforted them and told them not to worry too much.

Wu Hai usually came to work part-time. He knew the business situation in the store and helped Hao Qiang with many ideas.

The fourth day, Tuesday.

Renjian Fireworks returned to the original price without discounts. This was the real beginning of verifying that the hot pot restaurant attracted customers.

Hao Qiang and the staff were full of expectations.

At the same time, their competitors were also watching secretly, wanting to see whether this newly opened hot pot restaurant could withstand the test of the market.

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