Afterwards, Dean Liu and Hao Qiang had some polite conversations.

Dean Liu finally got to the point and said:

“It’s like this. I heard that you started a business outside the school and your business is booming. I am very curious.

The school policy also encourages students with conditions to practice entrepreneurship. I want to know some of your own experience in entrepreneurship.”

Hao Qiang thought for a while and replied seriously: “Dean, I was just playing around.

To be honest, I personally have a cautious attitude towards starting a business for students in school and don’t recommend it.

Due to the lack of social experience, the possibility of failure is indeed very high, which may make the parents’ hard-earned money go to waste.

Therefore, I think students should experience more social training after graduation and consider starting a business when the time is right.

Of course, if the students from a wealthy family are not short of money, they can get money. I will not say more about my experience.

Dean, I am only a freshman, and my personal views may not be mature. ”

Hao Qiang could see the confusion in Dean Liu and Qin Jian’s eyes, and further said: “My parents are farmers, and most of my startup funds are earned by my own hard work. Entrepreneurship has a lot of gambling and impulse.

Of course, in order to open this hot pot restaurant, I started preparing during the holidays, researched the market, and personally developed the hot pot base, doing a lot of work.

The initial opening was not optimistic. If it were not for the strong support of my classmates, I would probably lose money in this business.

This market has a low entry threshold and fierce competition. I am not sure about the future, I just hope to get my money back soon. ”

Hao Qiang’s sincere words surprised Dean Liu and Qin Jian.

They originally thought that Hao Qiang’s startup funds were supported by his family, but they didn’t expect that he was really a farmer and earned it all by himself.

Hao Qiang didn’t say specifically how he made his first pot of gold, and they were too embarrassed to ask, but it must be quite amazing.

What impressed the two was that Hao Qiang was very restrained, and he was completely different from the arrogance of most successful young people.

He was humble, low-key, and a real doer, more like a businessman who had been in business for many years.

Dean Liu said with emotion: “Xiao Hao, your down-to-earth attitude is admirable, and your entrepreneurial story inspired me deeply.

As you said, entrepreneurs should be fully prepared in all aspects, including mental preparation for failure, which is also a very good experience guide for students to start their own businesses.

It is not easy for you to persist in such difficult circumstances and achieve certain results.

I believe that you have not only learned a lot of business practice knowledge in this process, but also laid a solid foundation for future development. I am looking forward to it.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Dean. Entrepreneurship is indeed difficult and tortuous.” Hao Qiang said modestly.

Next, the two sides talked about many topics.

Hao Qiang asked the Dean about some cutting-edge directions and domestic development difficulties of this major.

After feeling that the conversation was almost over, Hao Qiang shook hands with the Dean again and left the Dean’s office.

In general, Hao Qiang gained a lot. He met Dean Liu and asked for some experience.

Seeing that it was almost eleven o’clock, Hao Qiang planned to leave the school.

He came to the carport and prepared to ride away.

He bent down to unlock the car, but he found that there was a chain on the car, which tied the rear wheel to the iron pole of the carport.

Now, he definitely couldn’t push his car away.

He couldn’t help frowning and complained:

“Damn, who is so kind!

Added a lock on my bicycle!”

He looked around at the students and didn’t find any suspicious eyes. Most of them had just parked in the morning and then locked it.

“Damn, it must be intentional!”

Recently, Hao Qiang found a lot of notes under his saddle to get to know him. He guessed that most of them were from girls.

He usually threw them in the trash can and didn’t reply to any of the notes.

How dare he mess with girls again? It’s not troublesome enough!

I’ll offend them if I want to.

As a result, maybe the girl who was stuffed with the note found out that he threw the note into the trash can, and actually added an extra lock to his bicycle!

Damn, do you hate him so much?

Of course, this is just Hao Qiang’s guess.

Hao Qiang calmed down and showed a playful smile.

In fact, he was not very angry, but just a little helpless.

Fortunately, it was a chain, which could be pried open with needle-nosed pliers. If there were industrial bolt cutters or steel bar cutters, it would be even better. With a “crack”, the chain could be cut directly.

Thinking of this, Hao Qiang left the campus to find tools.

He happened to see a hardware store, handed a cigarette to the owner, chatted with him and explained the situation, then paid a deposit and borrowed an industrial bolt cutter.If the blade is broken, then it must be bought.

Hao Qiang returned to the carport again. On the way back, the students saw him holding a pair of pliers and were curious.


With a crisp sound.

Sure enough, the iron chain was not cut and was cut off in an instant.

Hao Qiang seemed a little unhappy, and cut the middle of the iron chain again, and the iron chain broke with a sound and fell to the ground in two sections.

He looked down and checked the wire cutters in his hand, and found that the blade was still not worn at all.


Hao Qiang was a little proud, thinking about the student who locked his car and saw his chain lock split into two sections. I don’t know what he thinks.

I have to say that the quality of this wire cutter is quite good. Hao Qiang plans to buy it. Anyway, it’s only a few dozen yuan.

Just now, two security guards passed by the carport and saw the whole process of him cutting the iron chain.

“Hey, little brother, you have all the tools. Come with us to the security room.”

Hao Qiang suddenly heard someone talking to him. He turned around and saw two middle-aged security guards. One of them said to him playfully.

It seems that the two security guards thought he was a car thief.

He was not in a hurry. He calmly explained: “Uncle, this car is mine. Someone locked my car as a prank. This steel lock is mine.

Can you believe me?”

In order to prove his innocence, Hao Qiang took out the car key, shook it in front of the two security guards, and opened another lock.

The two security guards saw it, but the middle-aged security guard who had just spoken to him insisted: “Little brother, you should come with us. We didn’t say you stole the car. We just went to the security office to have a cup of tea and register.”

They looked at Hao Qiang’s appearance and dress. He didn’t look like a car thief at all.

However, the wire cutters in his hand aroused their vigilance, and the situation was different.

The security guards don’t want to wrongly accuse a good person, but they will never let go of any suspect.

Recently, students have frequently reported to them that their bicycles were stolen.

So, it is better to catch the wrong person than to let him go.


Hao Qiang locked the bike again, took the pliers, and followed the two middle-aged security guards away.

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