On the way, many students saw Hao Qiang and were very curious: Why is Hao Qiang walking with the security guard? Has he committed a crime?

A few minutes later, Hao Qiang came to the security room.

A security guard asked him to take out his ID card for registration.

Hao Qiang rarely carries his ID card, but fortunately he has his student ID card in his bag.

A security guard took the student ID card and carefully checked the photo with himself, and found that the real person was even more handsome than the photo.

In order to further confirm the identity, the security guard took out the school phone book and called Qin Jian, the counselor of Hao Qiang’s department.

Qin Jian on the other end of the phone was slightly shocked when he received the call from the security room. After communicating with the security guard for a while, he asked the security guard to hand the phone to Hao Qiang.

“Hao Qiang, why did the security invite you to have tea?”

Hao Qiang said with a smile: “Someone added a chain lock to my bicycle for no reason. I cut it with a wire cutter and was seen by two security brothers.

Maybe the security brothers thought my lock cutting posture was good-looking, so we exchanged a little bit, and it was nothing.”

“Okay, you are really naughty. I thought it was something and made me worry.” Qin Jian laughed on the other end of the phone.

Hao Qiang handed the landline phone back to the security guard who was on the phone. The latter chatted with Qin Jian briefly and then hung up.

Just now, the security guard in the office couldn’t help laughing when he heard Hao Qiang’s words, thinking that the student’s answer was quite humorous.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Qiang took out cigarettes from his backpack and generously handed them to each security guard present.

The two sides chatted easily and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After chatting for a while, Hao Qiang left the security room.

More than ten minutes later, Hao Qiang came to the hardware store again and decisively bought the wire cutter in his hand and took it back to the rental house. Maybe it will come in handy in the future.

It has been nearly two months since the start of school, and Hao Qiang has gradually adapted to the colorful university life.

With money, he really lives a comfortable life.

Except for being a little busy in class, the rest of the time can be said to be carefree.

Every time Hao Qiang makes hot pot soup base, he prepares a week’s supply at one time. According to the current business situation, he needs to prepare about 500 portions.

Each package weighs about 100 grams, and the amount of ingredients used for different pot bases varies, some more, some less.

500 packages is 50 kilograms.

With good business, the workload is naturally large.

Hao Qiang plans to teach his parents after the holiday and let them take charge of this link.

They can make it at home and then mail the finished product to him.

Of course, if parents are willing to live in Yuecheng, it would be even better, and there is no need to stay at home to farm.

Hao Qiang guessed that given his mother’s temper, she couldn’t let go of the sugarcane and rice at home for the time being.

She would only be willing to stay in Yuecheng for a long time if she stopped planting next year.

At six o’clock in the evening, Hao Qiang came to the store for inspection as usual.

The store manager told him with a worried look that a small dispute had just occurred.

When the clerk Wang Lin was cleaning up the dishes, he accidentally knocked over the dipping sauce bowl, causing a young female customer’s new pants to be soiled, and the two sides had some quarrels.

Hao Qiang frowned: “Did the employee apologize?”

“He apologized, but the customer felt that her new pants were stained and asked the clerk for compensation. She said that the pants cost more than 100 yuan.”

“The request is reasonable, and an apology alone cannot make up for the loss.” Hao Qiang thought for a moment, and then said solemnly, “Sister Yang, we don’t care whether the customer’s request is unreasonable or not.

Think about it, if it were you, your pants were stained with oil, and you might not be able to wash them off, and you would lose a pair of pants, and then you would waste people’s time and mood.

I have emphasized to you many times before that service quality is our lifeline, and it cannot be just verbal talk.

Of course, the clerk did not mean it, and it is indeed unreasonable to ask the employee to compensate one or two hundred yuan.

This How about this? The store will be responsible for the compensation.

However, in order to let Wang Lin learn a lesson and be more cautious in the future, we decided to deduct one-tenth of her salary as punishment, and she must not quarrel with customers.

Some things, as long as the customer’s request is not excessive, we try our best to meet it. There is no other way. We are open for business and will always encounter such things. It is better to have less trouble than more.

Of course, if the customer is a hooligan and has committed a crime, we must call the police.

You have to make it clear to the clerk so as not to complain about the company’s system and management. At the same time, praise her for her active attitude of apology, but criticize her for quarreling. ”

“Okay, I’ll deal with it now.” Yang Qiuhong was surprised at the importance the boss attached to this matter, and she must pay attention to it in the future.

“Is the customer still in the store?? “Hao Qiang continued to ask.

“Yes, she is still eating hot pot.” Yang Qiuhong replied.

“Well, in addition to compensation, give the other party a 20% discount.” Hao Qiang nodded and said, “Word of mouth is crucial to a catering company. If this incident can be properly handled, it may be transformed into positive publicity. You go and handle it. There is nothing else to do.”


Yang Qiuhong was deeply inspired and admired the boss’s mind and wisdom.

She took out 150 yuan from the drawer and communicated with the clerk Wang Lin.

Wang Lin, the clerk, was also a little surprised by the boss’s decision. The store paid so much compensation, and she was only slightly punished, and felt a little guilty.

After a while, Yang Qiuhong took Wang Lin to the female customer and said to the female customer very sincerely: ”

Madam, I am the store manager Yang Qiuhong. Our clerk accidentally soiled your pants. We are deeply sorry for this.

According to the regulations of our company, we must compensate the customer for the loss. This 150 yuan is the compensation amount determined based on the price you described and the value judgment we made.

In addition, you can enjoy a 20% discount for this meal.

I wish you a pleasant meal. ”

After Yang Qiuhong finished speaking, Wang Lin also bowed respectfully to the female customer and apologized: “Madam, I once again express my sincere apologies to you and ask for your understanding.”

The sincere apology attitude of the store manager and Wang Lin and the amount of compensation on the table surprised other customers.

The female customer felt very embarrassed when she saw this, and waved her hand and said: “Forget it, it’s actually nothing big, I won’t care about it.

You don’t have to pay this money, and it’s not good to deduct money from employees. ”

Yang Qiuhong smiled and explained: “Please be sure to accept this money, otherwise we will be punished by the company.

This money is borne by the company, not by individual employees. ”

After listening to Yang Qiuhong’s explanation, the female customer thought for a moment, and finally nodded. She took the 150 yuan very embarrassedly and expressed her gratitude.

She said with emotion: “Your service attitude is really good, and the taste is also great. I will recommend your store to my friends.”

“Thank you! “Yang Qiuhong smiled and nodded.

This also made her and Wang Lin feel relieved. Fortunately, this customer was reasonable and they were glad.

The customers in the store saw this scene and admired the service attitude and quality of this hot pot restaurant.

If it were another store, the boss would not compensate, and at most he would just apologize.

Apology only means wasting other people’s time and mood, while compensation is to make up for the customer’s loss. One thing is another.

Afterwards, Yang Qiuhong returned to Hao Qiang and reported the results of the handling to him in detail.

Hao Qiang was standing at the cashier just now, watching how they handled it. He nodded with satisfaction after listening.

He planned to observe for a few more days. If the business stabilizes, Hao Qiang plans to give employees some incentives instead of just a fixed salary.

The salary system formulated before still has many problems.

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