The next day, Sunday, October 31.

The restaurant was still so popular, with a turnover of 11,950 yuan that day.

Many colleagues came to watch, marveled, and envied: “If this continues, this student boss will make a fortune!”

When they learned that the reason why this hot pot restaurant was so popular was largely due to Hao Qiang’s fame, they were even more impressed.

Some bosses even took the initiative to make friends with Hao Qiang, hoping to use his popularity to invest in barbecue restaurants, milk tea shops and other businesses and make money together.

Hao Qiang also enthusiastically took out a cigarette for his colleagues who came to make friends with him, and said modestly: “Hey, I am a young man who doesn’t know much about the business. I invested blindly. The business seems to be good now, but I don’t know how long it can last. It’s good enough to get back the capital. Seniors, please don’t laugh at me.”

“Boss Hao is too modest. In the business, there is no senior or not. Success or failure determines a hero.”

Colleagues didn’t expect Hao Qiang to be so humble. They thought he was the kind of arrogant young man. They secretly thought: This young man can be admitted to Zhongda. He is very good at dealing with people. It is estimated that he comes from a famous family with high expectations.

Hao Qiang did not refuse to do other businesses in partnership, but he did not agree. Let’s look at the opportunity together.

He has some concerns about the operation of the hot pot restaurant. The current supply of fresh beef is not very stable.

Hao Qiang requires all the beef in the store to be yellow beef, and it must be yellow beef pulled from Chaoshan.

Generally speaking, after slaughtering cattle, they will go through three stages: rigor mortis, rapid rigor mortis, and late rigor mortis.

The hysteresis period lasts about 4 to 6 hours, during which the muscle elasticity does not change much, only the glycogen in the muscle gradually decomposes into lactic acid.

Because after more than 4 hours, the beef begins to excrete acid, causing the taste of the beef to gradually decrease.

Therefore, in order to ensure the freshness and taste of the beef, the time from slaughtering the live cattle to the customer’s table should be controlled within 4 hours.

However, this delivery requirement is extremely demanding for suppliers.

Even in Chaoshan, it is difficult to guarantee delivery within 4 hours.

Most stores, especially self-employed businesses, usually only deliver beef once a day. Let alone within 4 hours, it is good to guarantee delivery within 6 hours.

In addition to requiring the beef to be as fresh as possible, the requirements for cutting beef in different parts are also different. For example, three-flowered toes and five-flowered toes are basically thinly cut.

In the past, Hao Qiang didn’t know what the difference was, but after eating fresh beef, the taste difference was quite large, and then he paid special attention to this part.

So, hot pot looks easy to copy, but it actually tests the supply chain.

Especially for beef hot pot, if the beef is fresh, it is already half successful.

Next, Hao Qiang focused on the food supply chain with high consumption, especially the supply and quality control of beef.

Although Renjian Fireworks is booming, it only consumes a few dozen kilograms of beef every day.

Compared with the 300 to 400 kilograms of meat that a yellow cow can produce, this demand is neither large nor small.

On Monday, Hao Qiang communicated with several beef suppliers, aiming to find a partner who can meet his high standards in a long-term and stable manner.

It doesn’t matter if the price is a little higher, he wants to ensure the taste of the beef and maintain the good reputation of the hot pot restaurant.

When Renjian Fireworks opens a chain store, the demand for beef will be large, and it can reach two cows a day. The supplier can easily meet his requirements, slaughter one in the morning and another in the afternoon, and supply it exclusively.

Now, I just hope that the supply of beef can satisfy him as much as possible.

After two busy days, Renjian Fireworks will continue to be popular in the next two or three days, even if it is not a weekend.

Although the turnover has dropped slightly, the daily income fluctuates around 10,000 yuan.

The main theme of Renjian Fireworks is to guide students to regard Renjian Fireworks as a place for couples to get together and birthday parties, and slowly form an image.

Thursday, November 4.

Hao Qiang and the store manager calculated the turnover and expenditure of last month.

The total turnover was 101,693 yuan, and it was opened for 16 days.

The gross profit was about 60,000 yuan, and the publicity cost was 750 yuan.

Most employees started working at the beginning of the month, and the number of working days was less than 30 days.

Excluding miscellaneous expenses, the profit was about 35,000 yuan.

According to the current business situation of Renjian Fireworks, the monthly turnover exceeded 30,000 yuan, which has reached the scale of small-scale taxpayers in the catering industry and needs to pay 5% business tax (after the tax reform, the tax rate for small-scale taxpayers is 3%).

How much is the taxable turnover? You will know when you go to file the tax. It is definitely not as much as 100,000 yuan. Some costs need to be deducted, and Hao Qiang will not report so much turnover.

Of course, the relevant departments will also conduct regular inspections. It is not that Hao Qiang wants to report as much as he wants.How much.

If the taxable turnover is 60,000 yuan and the business tax is 5%, then the tax payable is 3,000 yuan.

If there are taxes such as urban construction tax, education surcharge tax and local education surcharge tax, the tax payable is calculated at 15% of the tax payable, that is, 450 yuan tax.

The profit after tax is about 31,500 yuan.

Hao Qiang has never thought about evading taxes, but he is willing to do so if he can reasonably avoid taxes.

He is currently short of funds. When he becomes rich and has no more money, he can do charity to give back to the society.

The next day, it was Friday again.

After closing at noon, Hao Qiang distributed the wages of each employee. After settling the accounts, there was no need to delay until the middle of the month.

The employees received their envelopes with smiles on their faces.

“Thank you, boss, business is booming!”

“Haha, brothers, payroll, payroll!”

The employees didn’t expect the boss to pay so quickly, and thought it would be delayed until the end of the month or even next month, which is normal in other restaurants.

Hao Qiang took this opportunity to call all the employees together and announced a major event: “Dear employees, business has been good recently, and I hope it will continue like this for a long time, so that everyone can make a fortune.”

“For this reason, I decided to propose a performance system, which will be implemented from this month, and the performance bonus of employees will be linked to the performance of the store.”

Hao Qiang saw the employees getting agitated, and he soothed them, “Don’t be anxious, just listen to me first.”

Store manager Yang Qiuhong also criticized the employees, “Be quiet, the boss hasn’t finished speaking, why are you interrupting? Pay attention to your quality.”

After the employees were quiet, Hao Qiang explained:

“Everyone’s basic salary remains unchanged, and it should be the same.

If the turnover last month reached 20 10,000 yuan, the performance fund is 15% of the basic salary.

When the turnover reaches 250,000 yuan, the performance fund is 20% of the basic salary.

When the turnover reaches 300,000 yuan, the performance fund is 25% of the basic salary;

When the annual turnover exceeds 2 million yuan, there is a one-month year-end bonus at the end of the year. It is already November, and the year-end bonus system will be implemented from the next year.

If the target value is not exceeded, there will be no bonus, and there may even be no year-end bonus. I hope everyone will work together. ”

Relying on basic salary alone, employees will work longer and their work enthusiasm will decrease. The ladder performance bonus system is more appropriate, and it can also allow employees to supervise each other’s work and increase team cohesion.

The turnover of catering industry is very high. Hao Qiang proposed a year-end bonus, hoping that employees will continue to work for a long time. He always recruits new employees for training, increases management workload, and also affects the work efficiency of the store.

According to the current hot business, the number of store employees will be expanded to about 19, and the monthly employee salary cost is about 20,000 yuan. If the monthly turnover reaches 300,000 yuan, the total employee salary bonus will be 5,000 yuan.

Compared with the increased profits of the boss, the extra expenditure of 5,000 yuan is nothing.

There is no fixed salary and benefits system. The salary system of each company is different. Only the most suitable one for the development of the company is the most suitable one.

In his opinion, the performance reward system proposed by Hao Qiang is relatively reasonable.

As soon as he finished speaking, the employees couldn’t help cheering after understanding it.

According to the situation in the store, the average turnover in the first four days of the month reached 10,000 yuan, and this is not the weekend.

They may get the highest level bonus in November, which is equivalent to the boss giving them a 25% salary increase.

The salary of Renjianyanhuo’s employees is originally higher than that of their peers, and the requirements are also more stringent. Now the business in the store is good, the boss is generous, there are performance bonuses, and the employees are more motivated to work.

After Hao Qiang finished speaking, he asked the store manager to speak briefly.

Manager Yang Qiuhong pondered for a moment, then said passionately: “I sincerely thank the boss for his high trust and support for me. I would like to express my gratitude to the boss on behalf of all employees, so that everyone can have a good hope.

Under the wise leadership of the boss, our business is booming.

This brilliant achievement is inseparable from the wise decision of the boss and everyone’s hard work.

I hope everyone will continue to work hard to create more brilliant results together and never let the boss down. Expectations of us.”

After the manager finished speaking, the employees responded with warm applause, and the short meeting ended successfully in laughter.

Afterwards, the manager encouraged everyone to quickly devote themselves to their respective work, take a break if they need to, and go all out to strive to achieve the highest level of reward goals this month.

Hao Qiang was happy to see the more active working atmosphere, but he didn’t know how long this enthusiasm could last.

He plans to launch a membership recharge activity this Saturday to see how much money he can absorb.

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