Time flies, and it is Saturday, November 6, 2004.

In the past five working days, the average daily turnover of Renjian Fireworks during non-weekend hours has reached an astonishing 9,850 yuan.

Almost broke 10,000 yuan!

The novel decoration style and mood, the excellent hot pot taste, and the high-quality service attitude have won a good reputation among consumers and spread among teachers and surrounding office workers.

Nearing lunch time, Qin Jian, holding five 100-yuan coupons given by Hao Qiang, invited five colleagues in the office to go to Renjian Fireworks to share the food.

When the six of them arrived at the hot pot restaurant, they were surprised to find that there were only five or six empty tables in the store, and it was just past eleven o’clock in the morning.

“The business of this store is really booming.” Colleague Wang Xiaoying couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Teacher Qin, Hao Qiang really knows how to do business. This is the rhythm of making a fortune.”

“Indeed, his business acumen is admirable.” Qin Jian nodded in agreement. He looked around, but did not see Hao Qiang.

A young and enthusiastic waitress arranged a booth for four people for them. With a little squeeze, six people could still sit down.

While preparing the tableware neatly, the waitress said apologetically: “I’m very sorry, everyone. There are many guests during meal time. Our private room is full. We can only squeeze a little. If there is any inconvenience, please forgive us.”

“It’s okay. We can squeeze a little.” Qin Jian didn’t expect the waiter to be so nice. He asked curiously, “Is your boss not here?”

“Our boss is not here. He comes to see us occasionally.”

“Oh, so.”

Qin Jian smiled and nodded. He didn’t say that he was Hao Qiang’s counselor. He took out the consumption voucher and asked the waiter, “Can this consumption voucher be used here?”

He glanced at the menu. The consumption level was quite high. If six people ate freely, the consumption for a meal would be estimated to be no less than 300 yuan.

If the consumption voucher cannot be used, it would be painful for them to get paid as counselors.

The waiter Wang Lin took the consumption voucher and took a closer look.

The coupons were printed with the company’s official seal and the boss’s signature. This type of coupon was very rare. The boss once mentioned to them that when they met guests holding this type of coupon, they must give the best service.

Therefore, Wang Lin said more respectfully: “Of course, you are our guests. If you need anything, please feel free to tell us.”

“You’re welcome.”

Qin Jian smiled and finally felt relieved to consume. He began to order the soup base and dishes.

After a while, Wang Lin served everyone a pot of hot tea, and then a small plate of free melon seeds, a small plate of golden beans and two small plates of side dishes, explaining: “Melon seeds and golden beans are free, and every table of guests has them;

And the side dishes are exclusive to members and are also free.

The hot pot is being prepared, please wait a moment.”

Everyone was very satisfied with Wang Lin’s warm and thoughtful service.

The counselor surnamed Chen praised: “Although these free snacks are not worth much, they can make customers feel more satisfied than expected.

Hao Qiang really knows how to capture the hearts of customers.”

“Haha, how dare you invest without two brushes.” Qin Jian laughed.

“Indeed, details determine success or failure. There is a reason why this store is popular, and it is not just attracted by its fame.” Another counselor added.

After a while, the waiter brought the hot pot to the table, and everyone quickly immersed in the food.

They just ate for a few minutes and noticed that there were no empty tables in the store. There were still customers willing to wait, which made Qin Jian and others exclaim: “This business is too hot!”

“The unit price is quite high, Teacher Qin, your students are making a fortune every day.”

“The taste is very good, no wonder some customers are willing to queue up and don’t want to eat in other stores.”

“All kinds of factors have created the current hot business.”

Everyone ate and chatted while observing the situation in the store.

Today, when many customers checked out, they found that there was a recharge activity. Many customers recharged, thinking that they could save a little bit, not to mention that there were free side dishes.

When closing at night, the turnover on Saturday hit a new high.

13,560 yuan!

Among them, 25 customers chose to recharge, covering all levels, and the total recharge amount exceeded 10,000 yuan.

After deducting the consumption amount of the day, the remaining amount was still more than 9,000 yuan.

After seeing that the business of the hot pot restaurant gradually stabilized, Hao Qiang reduced the number of visits to the store.

The staff ate early or very late, so they didn’t meet together. Hao Qiang solved it by himself and occasionally ate with his roommates in the cafeteria.

In terms of funds, the store manager regularly deposited money into the company’s bank account.

Hao Qiang used the fundsCheck the wealth value with your finger to know the daily profit growth.

If the wealth value suddenly decreases, it is very likely that the money was stolen or for other reasons.

Yang Qiuhong admired the boss for being so confident in handing over the finances to her.

Two days ago, the boss told her privately: “Our goal is to open chain stores and eventually go public.

If this goal is achieved one day, you managers will also become rich.

What does salary mean? You will not care about it at all by then. You should look further ahead.

In order to keep up with the company’s development, you need to continuously improve your management ability and read more management books when you have time.

If it is difficult to manage one store, I can’t let you manage more stores.”

Hao Qiang’s words inspired Yang Qiuhong’s work enthusiasm.

The business of Renjian Fireworks is so good. Once it stabilizes, opening a chain store will definitely be on the agenda.

On Sunday,

Renjian Fireworks continued to be popular, with a turnover of 13,168 yuan that day.

The continued popularity of the business made peers very envious.

In the past two days, not only were there a lot of customers at night, but there were also more customers at noon than last weekend, which is why the turnover was higher than last weekend.

Thanks to the hot pot restaurant’s booming business, Hao Qiang’s personal wealth has risen rapidly and has reached 758,000 yuan.

【Writing System】 (2004.11.07)

【Level 5: 474/5 million】 (words written/words required for upgrade)

System LV5: Every 10,000 words written = 2,000 yuan reward

Amount that can be withdrawn: 12,000 yuan

【Wealth: 758,000 yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 20】 (superior)

【Thinking power: 17】 (middle-upper)

【Appearance: 16】 (middle-upper)

【Physique: 11】 (middle)

【Four-dimensional attributes: 64】


Hao Qiang invested his recent funds in the stock market and currently holds 135 lots of Moutai shares with a book value of about 850,000 yuan.

In terms of the writing system, there are still 260,000 words to upgrade to level 6.

The second-level technical store is not far away.

On Monday, Hao Qiang went to the store for inspection as usual.

Chef Li Ping took the initiative to find him and revealed a piece of news with a serious expression: “Boss, a colleague wants to poach our employees.”

Hao Qiang was slightly surprised. He expected this day to happen, but not so soon. He asked calmly: “Oh, which boss?”

“Last night after closing, when I was going home, someone blocked my way and asked me if I was willing to work for a new employer, saying that he would give me a high salary. I refused on the spot.” The 35-year-old Li Ping saw that the boss was not angry after hearing this, but just kept a faint smile, which made him a little unpredictable. The boss seemed not to care much.

“It’s wise for you not to go. The high salary is only temporary. They will invite you when their business is not good. You won’t be able to work there for long.”

Hao Qiang paused, then changed his tone, “Of course, if you really have better development opportunities, I won’t stop you. I sincerely hope that each of you can have a better future.”

Li Ping didn’t expect the boss to be so generous, and replied firmly: “Boss, I’m doing well here, and it’s good for us. I will definitely not change jobs.”

Li Ping is not a fool. His peers wanted to poach him because they saw that Renjian Fireworks’ business was good. They probably wanted to steal the craftsmanship and the recipe for the bottom of the pot.

Last night, Li Ping also asked the other party out of curiosity what the high salary was. As a result, the man actually “generously” said: “Two thousand and three, which is much higher than his peers.”

At that time, Li Ping almost couldn’t help cursing:

Fuck two thousand and three!

My basic salary is 2100 yuan a month in the world, plus bonuses, it will definitely be more than 2300 yuan. There will be a year-end bonus next year, and it is very stable. If I change to another company, who knows how long I can work.

“Old Li, do you know which company poached me?”

Hao Qiang asked, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and giving it to him.

Li Ping took it with a smile and took out a lighter to light it.

“I don’t know. I asked them but they didn’t tell me. Boss, I’m afraid they can’t poach me, so they will poach other colleagues.”

“Well, they will poach me, don’t worry.” Hao Qiang patted Li Ping on the shoulder and praised, “Old Li, work hard, and I will give you a raise next year.”

Hao Qiang didn’t lie to Old Li. Prices will rise next year, and all employees will definitely get a raise.

Hearing about the salary increase, Li Ping was ecstatic, with a smile on his face: “Thank you, boss, then I’ll get busy.”

“Go, go, look at you showing off.” Hao Qiang waved his hand and couldn’t help laughing.

Watching Lao Li leave, Hao Qiang frowned, wondering which boss it was.

He didn’t ask Lao Li how much he was paying, because if it was much higher than his own store,I guess Lao Li was tempted and left.

The turnover of employees in the catering industry is too high, and it is normal to change a restaurant every one or two months.

He had just announced the performance system, and it came in handy unexpectedly.

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