On Saturday, Renjian Fireworks Hotpot Restaurant was still bustling, just like usual.

“Ah, it’s unstoppable, there’s nothing I can do!”

Looking at the packed and bustling scene in the store, Zhang Fu, the owner of Muxiangyuan, sighed helplessly while standing outside the door.

“Daily income of over 10,000, wow, awesome!”

He was filled with envy when he thought of the daily income of over 10,000 and the coveted gross profit margin.

At this time,

Hao Qiang was sitting quietly in his rented house, concentrating on the world of coding.

He now has only one goal:

Earn money and experience!

You can earn about 7,000 yuan by coding hard for a day.

As long as you reach level 6, the reward will double!

If he takes out a loan, he can’t actually get much money. Instead of wasting time running for a loan and begging people humbly, it’s better to spend time on gaining experience.

The family is not short of money for the time being, so Hao Qiang is not in a hurry to send money to his parents.

After a while, when he has some free time, he will ask his parents to come here to see his hot pot restaurant with their own eyes and know how he makes money.

He hopes that next year his parents can help him make hot pot base with confidence, and they no longer need to do farm work in the wind and sun.

To master the production process of hot pot base, it takes at least a month to practice and operate repeatedly, and some raw materials will inevitably be wasted.

But for Hao Qiang, this is a good thing.

The complexity of the process means that his hot pot base recipe is more difficult for others to master easily.

With only the recipe, without the correct production process and suitable materials, it is difficult for anyone to replicate the unique taste of his original recipe.

On Sunday,

Hao Qiang went to South China University of Technology and asked Han Qingying to go to a cafe near the school, a quiet and cozy small box.

Well, study together.

Poor students usually study in classrooms or libraries;

Students with a little more money may study in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom room;

But Hao Qiang, a local tycoon, is a little different, he is more classy.

Order two cups of fragrant coffee, some exquisite snacks, and have lunch in the cafe when hungry

It is quiet, no one disturbs, and it is convenient for charging laptops.

When you are tired of reading, lie on the sofa and take a nap;

When you are tired of typing, kiss Han Qingying secretly.

Well, the biggest advantage of the cafe is that it is convenient for Hao Qiang to kiss.

At first, Han Qingying was a little worried about spending: “Brother Qiang, we don’t need to waste money like this, we can study in the study room.”

Hao Qiang secretly touched her pink lips twice and smiled easily: “It’s okay, it doesn’t cost much. The profit of a hot pot restaurant is enough for us to spend in the cafe for three months. There is no need to worry about money. We just need to be happy. The main thing is that no one disturbs us here, the environment is good, and the learning efficiency is high.”


Han Qingying, immersed in the joy of love, depends on Hao Qiang for everything.

At the beginning, this bad guy lied to her that she came to study, saying that it was quiet here and no one disturbed them.

In an hour, he kissed her secretly no less than three times.

As a result, learning cultural knowledge turned into learning how to smack, and the lipstick was kissed away.

Hum, this bad guy!

The two spent a relaxing and romantic Sunday, but it must be said that the learning efficiency was unexpectedly high, and there was no sleep during the period.

At the beginning of a new week, Hao Qiang just finished the first English class and received a call from Lin Nan.

During the call, Lin Nan excitedly told him that his song had been released and was extremely popular, and hoped that he could take time to listen to it and give some suggestions. In addition, Lin Nan also revealed that the company is currently negotiating with the mobile company for cooperation on mobile ringtones of three songs.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Qiang was quite satisfied with the progress.

How popular it will be depends on luck.

As for opinions?

Damn, it has been released, what opinions are there? In the end, it is just polite words.

Out of curiosity, he wanted to listen to how others sing.

QQ Music has not yet been launched, and Kugou and Kuwo Music have not yet been released. The spread of music mainly depends on web music, pirated tapes and the currently popular MP3.

The mobile phone does not have a music APP function, so Hao Qiang had to search online and listen at night.

Hao Qiang just hung up the phone and walked into the classroom. As soon as he sat down, a classmate came over with a big smile on his face: “Boss Hao, I plan to have a meal at your store. Can you give me a discount?”

“There is a discount, but it’s not big. Are you sure you want to go?” Hao Qiang looked up at this classmate in Class A, and they were not very familiar with each other.

“Go, are you kidding?”

Hao Qiang took out a 9.5% discount coupon from his backpack and gave it to him. If it was a classmate in the same class, the discount would be even greater.

“Thank you, Hao.Boss.” The student took the coupon and said gratefully.

“You’re welcome. I should thank you.” Hao Qiang smiled, and the students around him also laughed.

Giving money to Hao Qiang and saying thank you is quite interesting.

“Boss Hao makes tens of thousands of dollars a day, right?”

“I think so. He turns over tables several times a day, and the average consumption per person is tens of dollars.”

“You earn a year’s salary in two days. The gap is too big.”

Listening to the flattery of the students around him, Hao Qiang said modestly: “The profit is not much. The expenses are huge. We can talk about making money when we recover the investment cost one day.”

“Boss Hao is too modest. I heard that the investment was hundreds of thousands, and it took only one or two months to get back the money. ”

Liu Xian, who was answering questions for students, heard other students’ lively discussions around Hao Qiang, and couldn’t help but admire the student’s achievements.

The fireworks business invested by Hao Qiang is booming, and his peers are envious. The estimated annual income is far more than one million.

What shocked her even more was that Hao Qiang was so good at singing and dancing that he was recognized by freshmen as the “God of Song” and “King of Dance”. His hot pot restaurant became popular for this reason.

Of course, the taste of his hot pot restaurant is really great, the service is good, and the reputation is good, which can attract repeat customers.

In addition, Hao Qiang looks handsome and sunny, has no airs, and can get along with ordinary students, so he is very popular on campus.

In the afternoon,

at half past five.

Liu Xian went back to the rental community after buying vegetables and happened to meet Hao Qiang while waiting for the elevator.

Sometimes, they don’t meet once in a few days;

and sometimes, they meet two or three times a day.

Hao Qiang saw Liu Xian carrying vegetables, smiled, and greeted her warmly: “Sister Liu, do you buy vegetables and cook by yourself? Awesome. ”

Many students in the class called Liu Xian like this, instead of Teacher Liu.

Hao Qiang was quite familiar with her, and she called on him countless times in class.

Liu Xian glanced at Hao Qiang and smiled: “Occasionally, I eat in the teacher’s cafeteria most of the time.”

She was not very good at cooking, and was afraid that if she said it, the students would laugh at her.

“Well, eating in the cafeteria every day would indeed make you tired of it.”

“That’s right, you would also get tired of eating hot pot every day, right?”

Hao Qiang grinned: “Sister Liu, I run a hot pot restaurant, but I only eat it once or twice a week. I usually eat more in small restaurants outside, and occasionally cook it myself.”

Liu Xian was a little surprised: “I thought you eat hot pot every day, don’t you eat with the waiters?”

Hao Qiang explained: “The waiters have to eat before the meal, and don’t have to wait for me. The meal will be busy, so there is no time to eat. After closing, if they are hungry, they will eat more. ”

“Oh, that’s true. The industry is special.”

The two waited for a while. With a “ding” sound, the elevator opened and the two walked into the elevator.

In the elevator, the two chatted casually.

Hao Qiang glanced at the small beauty mole on Liu Xian’s lower lip. When she smiled, she added a bit of charm.

After a while, the floor arrived and the elevator opened.

Liu Xian went back to the house and cooked a pot of porridge first. She planned to stir-fry a vegetable and fry two poached eggs.

However, when she was halfway through frying the eggs, she found that there was no salt at home, and the eggs were not fried well. They were all fried.

Frying eggs is a technical job that requires too much for a woman like her who doesn’t often go to the kitchen.

“Oh, there’s no salt. “Liu Xian quickly stopped cooking, somewhat at a loss, and glanced at Room 1801 across from the window.

Hey, Hao Qiang should be able to cook, and there should be salt at home, let’s borrow some first.

Take the bowl, walk out of the room, and knock on the door of Room 1801.

At this time, Hao Qiang was also cooking. He heard someone knocking outside the door, and was a little confused about who was knocking on the door. He opened the door and saw that it was the beautiful Liu Xian.

She had changed her clothes, wearing a loose low-necked T-shirt on her upper body, an apron in front of her, and a bowl in her hand.

“Hao Qiang, do you have salt at home? I was halfway through cooking, and I found that there was no salt. Lend me some.”

“Oh, yes, I’ll get you a pack.” Hao Qiang thought something was wrong, so he turned and walked into the kitchen.

Liu Xian walked into the room and suddenly smelled a fragrance, and asked curiously: “Are you cooking too? What are you cooking? It smells so good?”

“Stewed chicken soup and a twice-cooked pork. “Hao Qiang cooked the beauty chicken soup for Qiu Yuqing the day before yesterday. There was half a pot left, so I took it out of the refrigerator and reheated it. The twice-cooked pork was freshly fried.

Liu Xian saw the delicious food on Hao Qiang’s table, which made her appetite so great that her saliva was about to flow out. Suddenly, she thought: “Hao Qiang, how about you help me fry a few poached eggs and stir-fry a vegetarian dish, and eat together?”

Hao Qiang didn’t think much and replied: “Sure, then bring the dishes to your side.”

He was eating alone tonight, so it didn’t matter.

“”Okay, chuckle.”

After getting Hao Qiang’s consent, Liu Xian happily took the plate of twice-cooked pork.

Hao Qiang looked at her enchanting steps, each step exuding charming charm, and was a little confused. It was just a dish.

He pursed his lips, picked up the pot of chicken soup, and walked into Room 1802.

A faint fragrance emanated from the room. Hao Qiang turned around to get salt and walked into the kitchen.

Seeing that the kitchen utensils in her kitchen were simple and there were no seasonings, and the fried eggs on the plate were not good at all, he guessed that Liu Xian could not cook.

Without saying much, he cleaned the wok, heated the wok, added oil, shook it, and spread the oil evenly on the wok ring. When he felt it was almost done, he cracked the eggshell.

Fried eggs were a piece of cake for him. After a while, a fried egg was fried and served on the plate.

Then, another one.

Liu Xian stood behind to observe and learn. Looking at Hao Qiang’s skillful operation, she admired him very much: “Hao Qiang, you are a master at frying eggs! ”

“It’s OK. Actually, it’s not difficult. Just master the skills.”

“Oh, I’ll ask you for advice when I have time.” Liu Xian agreed. He looked really handsome when cooking.

“Okay, no problem.” Hao Qiang readily agreed.

After a while, Hao Qiang fried four poached eggs and then stir-fried vegetables.

The two sat at the dining table, chatting and laughing while eating together.

Liu Xian praised Hao Qiang’s cooking skills. She had planned not to eat meat tonight, but she ate most of the twice-cooked pork.

Hao Qiang saw her eating heartily. When she left the podium, she was actually no different from an ordinary girl.

What was a little different was that when Liu Xian laughed, her weapon trembled, especially when she lowered her head to eat, Hao Qiang could see her two white pieces.

However, Hao Qiang’s mind was not there.

After dinner, he took his own I took my own pots and pans back to the rental house.

I opened the computer webpage and searched for the three songs he released. At present, I have successfully applied for patents.

Soon, Hao Qiang searched and found that both the lyrics and the music were written by him.

He listened to them one by one. From his professional perspective, he felt that they were quite good.

Whether he can make money depends on luck. He is slightly looking forward to it.

In the evening, I continue to write and brush up experience. I am only 7,000 away from upgrading!

Tonight, I must strive to upgrade!

[Writing System] (2004.11.15)

[Level 5: 499.3/5 million] (written/number of words required for upgrading)


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