At 1:30 pm, Hao Qiang came to the Porsche 4S store again.

Under the guidance of the salesperson Xiao Mei, he finally saw his new car.

The sky blue body has smooth and tough lines, and the waistline on the side extends from the front wheel eyebrow to the taillight, making the whole car look more slender and dynamic;

The unique frog-eye headlight design on the front face is very visually impactful in this era, and many domestic cars have imitated it in later generations;

The only regret is that this model has no wide tires, only 255/55 R18 tires, and the 4.9-meter body of the later model, 315/30 R22 large wheel hub wide tires, looks particularly domineering.

Those who don’t know cars can tell by looking at the tire width.

However, this 4.7-meter body is slightly short, and it can be equipped with this tire.

Hao Qiang opened the door and his eyes were immediately attracted by the exquisite interior of the car.

He nodded with satisfaction, stroking the soft leather seats and suede edging, feeling the texture and comfort they brought.

As for the display screen, it goes without saying that in this era, compared with the cars worth more than 100,000 yuan on the market more than a decade later, it is simply a world of difference.

Then, he checked the car mats given to him, and then lowered his head to check the bottom of the car, carefully observing the welding points and whether there were any scratches, etc.

After more than ten minutes of careful inspection, he finally confirmed that the car was brand new, without any signs of renovation or water soaking.

Xiaomei watched Hao Qiang meticulously inspect the vehicle and waited with a smile.

After he finished the inspection, she enthusiastically guided Hao Qiang to handle the remaining procedures.

An hour later, Hao Qiang finally completed all the procedures, including the temporary license plate.

The official license plate will take about a week, and it will be sent directly to his store at that time.

As for the car film, Hao Qiang plans to drive to apply it when he has time.

Hao Qiang put his backpack on the back seat and put his driver’s license and ID card in the storage box.

Get in the car and start the car!

“Damn, there’s only so much gas, why don’t you add more!

What a stingy guy!”

Hao Qiang saw the gas gauge, which showed that the remaining mileage was less than 50 kilometers.

These days, the price of gas shouldn’t be expensive, right?

He turned around and finally found a gas station. For someone who is used to using navigation when driving, it is really inconvenient to not have real-time navigation.

After 2003, the high-end Accord, Audi A6L, and imported high-end models of brands such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW are equipped with navigation systems, but the accuracy is relatively poor and cannot be trusted too much, but it is better than nothing.

Not to mention the navigation of this era, even after more than a decade of advanced technology, sometimes navigation is not reliable. Hao Qiang has been misled by navigation.

If you are in Yucheng, encountering a cross-over viaduct with complex sections and multiple intersections, even an experienced driver will probably be confused when seeing such a road.

No, most drivers will be confused.

Fortunately, Hao Qiang has a good memory. After walking through it once, he probably has an impression.

Since his rebirth, he has consciously memorized the way, brought maps and cash when he went on a long journey.

How could it be possible in the previous life?

A mobile phone, worry-free throughout the journey.

Unless the mobile phone is out of power!

Hao Qiang parked the car, turned off the engine, and said to the envious gas station attendant: “Hello, please fill up with 93, fill up!”

The V8 naturally aspirated engine is not a turbocharged engine, and it is filled with 93 gasoline. [Note: Starting from December 18, 2013, No. 90, No. 93, and No. 97 will be adjusted to No. 89, No. 92, and No. 95 respectively. Only those with turbocharged T can add 97 and 95]

“Okay, handsome guy, your new car is really beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Hao Qiang responded with a smile, others thought he was a rich second-generation, arrogant.

He glanced at the oil price, 2.85 yuan/liter!

This price is not cheap.

Alas, what can I say about the oil price.

If the international price goes up, I will go up too, the international price has an impact on me;

If the international price goes down, I will not go down, I am different from the international price.

Usually the price goes down by a few cents, but if it goes up by a few cents, the drivers all hope that the oil price will not go down.

If it goes down a few times, it cannot make up for the increase once, it is too damn pit.

The fuel tank is 90 liters, which is very large, but the displacement is 4.6L. This car consumes a lot of fuel. He has not measured it, but it must be more than ten times per hundred kilometers in the city.

Not long after, the oil was filled up, Hao Qiang paid the fee, stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the car drove away from the gas station smoothly.

The running-in period of a new car is very important these days, and it is best not to drive violently, but the road conditions these days do not allow him to drive fast.

Glancing at the time, Hao Qiang drove back to school, and he had classes in the afternoon.

Along the way, the streamlined body and unique frog-eye headlights of the Porsche shone in the sun, like a beautiful landscape, attracting the attention of many passers-by..

They were also curiously guessing what kind of person was driving this luxury car.

Hao Qiang’s new car had not yet been filmed, and the A-pillar side windows were transparent colorless glass, so passers-by could clearly see the scene inside the car.

When they found that the driver was actually a handsome young man, they couldn’t help but cast envious and jealous eyes.

In this world, there are always some people with unbalanced mentality, who “poohed” and spit on the roadside, secretly cursing the damn rich second generation.

No matter what era or where, there are people who hate the rich and curse the injustice of this world.

Where did the money go?

It was earned by you capitalists!

Hao Qiang continued to drive the luxury car, feeling the pleasure of driving and the envious eyes from passers-by.

In his previous life, he was also full of envy for the lives of those rich kids driving luxury cars.

Now, he has finally become the object of others’ envy, which makes him feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Alas, damn vanity is at work!

When the vehicle drove to the traffic light, Hao Qiang happened to be in the front and stopped the car steadily in front of the zebra crossing.

He lowered the window slightly to feel the low and powerful sound of the engine.

Just now, he kept the window closed. The sound insulation effect of this car is quite good.

If the music is turned on, the music from the BOSE speakers will filter out some of the noise, and the sound insulation effect will be better.

The main noise comes from the tire noise. If you change to Michelin silent tires, it will be much better.

However, it is normal to have a louder tire noise on the cement road.

At this time, the green light came on, Hao Qiang stepped on the throttle, and the low and powerful roar of the engine sounded immediately.

After a while, the vehicle behind was quickly left far behind.

Alas, if it is more than ten years later, in terms of starting acceleration, luxury cars worth millions will not be able to compete with trams worth hundreds of thousands.

After a while, Hao Qiang drove in from the north gate and was still stopped by the guard.

However, seeing the familiar face and temporary license plate in the cab, he greeted in surprise: “Hey, Xiao Hao, it’s you, did you buy a new car?”

Hao Qiang is a celebrity in Zhongda. When passing by the school gate, he often gives cigarettes to the security guards and has long been familiar with them.

“Uncle Zhang, yes.” Hao Qiang smiled and handed him a pack of cigarettes.

“Haha, congratulations, then I’m not polite, you can just drive in directly in the future, but pay attention to the speed, your luxury car will probably fly if you add a little gas.” The security guard took the cigarette with a smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go first, I’m in a hurry to go to class.” After Hao Qiang finished speaking, he drove into the campus.

In the quiet campus, students who were not in class strolled leisurely.

Suddenly, a dazzling luxury car slowly drove by, breaking the tranquility.

It streaked across the sky like a meteor, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

Those students who knew something about the car logo couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Porsche!”

And when they saw that it was Hao Qiang in the driver’s seat, they were even more surprised.

“Wow, it’s Boss Hao!”

“He actually drives a Porsche!”

“It’s no news that he’s rich, so it’s reasonable for him to buy a luxury car.”

Usually, Hao Qiang always rides a bicycle, and students think he doesn’t want to buy a car or can’t drive.

“Well, that’s true, I’m so envious.”

“Hey, I’m envious too, but he can make money.”

“It seems that he has spent money on fireworks, so I also contributed to Boss Hao’s luxury car.”

“Haha, you are so shameless.”

These students started talking, watching the Porsche shuttle around the campus, their eyes full of envy.

There are not many vehicles on campus, and most of those who have cars are teachers who have worked for many years and have rich experience.

Although luxury cars can be seen occasionally, most of them are BBA brands. It is rare for luxury cars like Porsche Cayenne to appear on campus.

Although there are many rich second-generation students in Zhongda, not many of them can really drive.

Even if they have cars, most of them are ordinary sedans, and the best ones are BBA.

To be able to afford a luxury car worth millions, the family funds must be at least tens of millions of yuan.

Such cars are often owned by parents, and students can only drive them occasionally.

Therefore, when Hao Qiang’s Cayenne appeared, it was like dropping a heavy bomb on the calm lake, instantly causing surprise among passing students.

It is like a beautiful landscape, adding a different color to the campus.

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