Hao Qiang went home to rent a house, leaned lazily on the sofa, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed his father’s number.

After a short beep, Hao Jianjun’s loud and powerful voice came.

“A Qiang, what’s the matter?”

Hao Jianjun was in the bedroom choosing clothes to wear after taking a shower, and suddenly received a call.

After a busy day of cutting sugarcane, he was soaked and exhausted during the day.

But in order to make money, he had to work hard, otherwise how could he have money to send his son to school.

“Dad, I can’t call you if there is nothing. You are too polite.”

“You call once or twice a week, and talk for a long time. Dad knows you are filial, but the phone bill is expensive.” When he first got the phone, Hao Jianjun took the phone to show off everywhere in the village. Now he feels that everyone in the village knows about it, and now he has lost that energy.

“Dad, go out more with mom when you have time.”

“Your mom and I don’t have time. We’ve been cutting sugar cane recently. You think you can get away with going out for free?”

“When will we harvest?”

Hao Qiang asked. Every household grows sugar cane for sugar production, but there are limited trucks to transport sugar cane. The village draws lots to queue up, so that they won’t be able to get on the trucks after the harvest.

Sugar cane is not as seasonal as fruit. It doesn’t matter if it’s harvested a month or two later, as long as it doesn’t delay the germination of new seeds in spring.

Local sugar cane is harvested once a year, and the roots are usually left for one or two years. If the roots are not good, new seeds are planted.

“I haven’t drawn the lottery yet. It has rained a few times recently. Let it grow longer and cut it in late January.”

“Dad, we won’t plant sugarcane and rice next year. Let others plant them.”

“If you don’t plant, you’ll have to wait for the northwest wind. Do you think you can win the lottery every day?”

Hao Jianjun criticized his son. Since he stopped playing the Mark Six lottery, he has lost one fun. Seeing others playing makes him feel itchy.

But thinking that his son is studying, he is afraid that his son will nag him, so he simply stays away from it.

But every household in the village is playing, and he doesn’t want to play. The villagers often nag him, especially those who win the lottery. Oh, they are so proud.

“I won’t win the lottery, but I’m not short of money now. I’ll give you 20,000 yuan first. You and mom will go to Yuecheng first. I’ll tell you the details when you get there. It’s a good thing.”

Hao Qiang still plans to conceal part of it first and reveal it when his parents arrive, so that they won’t be too excited on the way, which will easily cause accidents.

“Another 20,000 yuan?”

Hao Jianjun’s voice revealed surprise, “What did you do, kid? Is it a school reward? Where did you get so much money?”

Since his son won the 5,000 yuan prize and received a 20,000 yuan reward from the school, he was no longer surprised by his son’s rewards.

Tens of thousands of yuan is within his tolerance.

If it was millions, he would probably be shocked.

“It’s not a school reward, but I opened a hot pot restaurant in my spare time.”

Hao Qiang explained calmly, “Dad, you still remember the hot pot base I made during the holidays, you and mom said it tasted good.

Later, I used the money I earned from stock trading to invest in a hot pot restaurant. The business has been good. Now I can easily make tens of thousands of yuan a month…”

Hao Qiang told the story slowly, without mentioning the flagship store for the time being, and first tricked his parents to come to Yuecheng.

“Oh my god, is this true? Tens of thousands of yuan!

Is it that profitable?”

Hao Jianjun couldn’t believe it. With the average monthly salary of a few thousand yuan, and most of the monthly salary being less than a thousand yuan, his son could actually make tens of thousands of yuan a month?

Is there smoke coming out of the ancestral tomb?

I must worship well on Qingming Festival next year, set off more fireworks and firecrackers, and ask the ancestors to bless me again.

The ancestral tomb of his family is on the mountain, a Feng Shui treasure land, but it’s a bit tiring to climb up, and there are many thorns on the road.

After listening, Hao Jianjun directly changed his mobile phone to hands-free mode, went to the living room and sat down, calling his wife who was watching TV in the living room to come over: “Mom, come here quickly, my son has made a fortune!”

“What? Made a fortune?”

Liu Fengqing, who was watching TV, was confused and shouted to the phone, “Son, you didn’t do anything bad, did you?”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
“No, don’t make a fuss, it’s a good thing, listen to me carefully, it’s like this…” Hao Qiang continued to explain, “Hot pot base is the core, you come and take a look, if you can do it, you don’t have to do farm work in the future.”

“If you don’t farm, the land will be barren, which is a bit of a waste.” Liu Fengqing was more and more shocked as she listened, but she and her husband probably knew what was going on.

This is a big happy event, the son really made a fortune, earning tens of thousands of yuan a month!

Tens of thousands of yuan, you can build a building in one month.

“Wife, why don’t you have any vision? Why do you still want to farm? Anyway, I don’t want to farm anymore. I’ve been cutting sugarcane for a few days and I’m exhausted. I’m busy all year round but I can’t make much money.It’s not enough to pay for my son’s tuition.

If the factory had hired me, I would have gone out to work long ago. ”

Hao Jianjun heard that his son made tens of thousands of yuan a month, and his son asked them to be responsible for making hot pot base. He was very happy to do something that could make money. It was meaningful and exciting to do it.

“Why would they hire you? What can you do?

Sewing clothes? Or making shoes?

People who work as security guards dislike your poor Mandarin. Do you think it’s easy to work?”

“I speak Mandarin well, not so bad that others can’t understand me.” Hao Jianjun felt uncomfortable when he heard this, and retorted: “Besides, how can you know if you don’t try to work? My son also tried it out.”

“Don’t you have any self-awareness? My son is my son.”

“My son is also my son. They are the same. He has inherited my advantages.”

Hao Qiang rarely heard his parents quarreling, so he interrupted them quickly: “Oh, Mom and Dad, don’t quarrel. Arrange things first. I have something to do later. ”

Hearing that their son still had things to do, the couple immediately quieted down.

Hao Jianjun said: “I will listen to my son’s arrangements, I have no objection.”

Liu Fengqing was a little worried about the family: “There are four pigs, chickens and ducks at home.”

“Let your sister-in-law help feed them for a few days, go and check the situation first. My son said that the hot pot base is very important and can’t be made for others.

If it is stolen, tens of thousands of yuan a month will be gone.”

“That’s right, I’ll go to my sister-in-law later. ”

“Just bring two days’ worth of clothes to change into. I’ll buy you new clothes when you get here. You don’t need to bring anything else. It’s inconvenient and troublesome to bring too many things in the car…” Hao Qiang explained the precautions and talked for several minutes before finally arranging things properly.

As for the 20,000 yuan, Hao Qiang will not remit it for the time being.

When he left home, his parents still had some savings on hand, and they would make arrangements after they arrived in Yuecheng.

It was really troublesome to communicate on the phone. Fortunately, he didn’t say too much, otherwise, with his parents’ temper, I really don’t know what would happen.

The family of three continued to chat for a while and arranged things. After getting more thorough, Hao Qiang hung up the phone.

That night, Hao Qiang’s parents quickly packed their luggage.

Liu Fengqing went to find his sister-in-law and two elderly people, asking them to take care of the pigs and poultry at home, saying that he was going to Yuecheng. He roughly told them about his son’s business and money, and wanted to see the truth.

When Hao Qiang’s uncle and aunt found out, they were shocked that their nephew actually did business part-time and made a fortune!

This was a great thing, and the aunt agreed happily and let Liu Fengqing go to Yuecheng without worry.

It was late at night, and Hao Qiang’s parents were still excitedly discussing their son’s business.

They had never thought of earning tens of thousands of yuan a month.

The family’s financial situation was about to change dramatically. As long as the business was stable for a year, they could earn hundreds of thousands and buy a house in the city.

Such days came so quickly, as if it was a dream.

Perhaps because of their son’s college entrance examination, they were tired from working hard during the day. At about one o’clock in the morning, they finally fell asleep with smiles and expectations.

In the middle of the night, Hao Jianjun dreamed that his son drove a car and took him and his wife to the new house they bought in the city. , and started city life.

The only bad thing is that his Mandarin is really bad, his daughter-in-law can’t understand him, and many people from other provinces can’t understand him either.

He also wants to learn well, but the problem is:

He can’t understand (tong) when listening (ding), and can’t learn (fei) when learning (xie).

In his dream, he kept repeating this sentence, waking Liu Fengqing up.

Liu Fengqing found that her husband was talking in his sleep, and he kept mumbling a sentence in his mouth. She couldn’t understand what he said, so she simply closed his mouth with her hand.

After seeing that her husband stopped mumbling, she covered her head and continued to sleep.

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