The next morning,

Liu Fengqing got up early, fed the pigs, and began to prepare food for the trip. She cooked a dozen tea eggs to save some money.

Hao Jianjun carefully checked the luggage to make sure that no important items were left out.

He also took two bottles of tea with empty mineral water bottles so that they didn’t have to spend extra money to buy water.

Although his son had told them not to bring too many clothes, the two still packed their luggage full, not wanting to spend extra money on clothes.

During breakfast, his sister-in-law came over, and Liu Fengqing gave her a brief explanation before leaving home with her husband.

Under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, a dozen villagers were chatting together.

Seeing Hao Jianjun and his wife carrying a lot of bags to the village entrance, a curious villager asked Hao Jianjun: “Hey, Jianjun, where are you two going, with so many bags?”

Hao Jianjun smiled and said, “I’m going to travel to Yuecheng for a few days, and visit my son’s university by the way.”

The two hurried on their way, preparing to take a bus to the provincial capital at the village entrance, and then take a train from the provincial capital.

At this time, Hao Jianjun and his wife left, and the villagers began to whisper.

“This couple, I guess they went to Yuecheng to work.”

“It’s possible. It costs a lot of money to study in university for a year, more than 10,000 yuan. I heard that Hao Qiang bought a computer and a mobile phone with the 20,000 yuan. Oh, after having some money, he didn’t know how to save. He spent it all. After a few days of getting it, there was not much left, like a nouveau riche.”

The villagers’ speculation was more reasonable. No matter how they thought, they would not think that Hao Qiang made a lot of money by doing business.

Hao Jianjun had not yet understood the actual situation, and was too embarrassed to reveal the truth to the villagers, so he said that they were going on a trip.

After arriving at the train station and buying the ticket, Hao Jianjun called his son to tell him the departure time and the expected arrival time.

K4850 train departs at 19:23 in the afternoon and arrives at 8:33 the next morning, with a total journey time of 13 hours and 10 minutes.

When they arrived at the train station, Hao Qiang’s parents realized that they were too early and had to wait for seven or eight hours.

It was a rare trip to Guangxi Province, so the couple went to the train area for a stroll. Since they had some money, they still had to buy a new set of clothes so as not to embarrass their son.

In the morning, Hao Qiang applied for a ground parking space rental in the community so that he could park in the future.

Fortunately, there are not many cars in the community now, so parking is not difficult. His Cayenne still attracted the attention of many residents in the community.

One car is enough to rival two residential houses in the community, which makes people wonder which boss or young master came to this community to experience life and chose to live here instead of a spacious villa.

At around five o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang drove to the store.

His eye-catching Porsche parked on the roadside outside the store, shining brightly, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

“Boss, congratulations on getting a new car!”

“Congratulations to the boss for a prosperous business and a lot of money!”

The shop assistants saw Hao Qiang driving such an expensive Porsche and congratulated him one after another.

Hao Qiang responded with a smile: “Okay, thanks to the efforts of all employees, I can drive a Porsche.

A small red envelope for each person is my little thought.”

After that, he asked the store manager to prepare a small red envelope for each employee, containing ten yuan, a small gift, according to the customs of local businessmen, just to ask for good luck.

Hearing that there was a red envelope, the shop assistants cheered happily.

This afternoon, Wu Hai came to work part-time. After knowing that Hao Qiang bought a Porsche, he was very surprised and took pictures around the new car crazily.

“Boss, you’re awesome! You’re driving a Porsche!” Wu Hai didn’t dare to call him “Qiangzi” in front of the clerk. Although he was close to Hao Qiang in private, he still knew to pay attention to the occasion.

Hao Qiang treated it calmly and changed the topic: “I heard that there are many students in our high school class studying dentistry?”

“Yes, I asked, there are about a dozen students. Didn’t you recommend everyone to apply for it? What’s the matter?” Wu Hai asked curiously.

“No problem, it’s great, but it’s a little unexpected. After graduation, you can all consider opening a store together.”

Wu Hai asked seriously: “Really?”

“Of course, this industry is very profitable. If you want to open a store, I support you.” Hao Qiang also replied seriously. As his best friend, Wu Hai lent him money without interest to open a store, which was nothing.

He didn’t want Wu Hai to work in his company. The superior-subordinate relationship between the two sides might cause a gap in their friendship.

Over time, their friendship might gradually fade.

“Hey, thanks, boss.” Wu Hai said gratefully, with a smile on his dark face.A bright smile.

Hao Qiang talked to him about going home for the New Year and suggested that if they went back together, he should not buy a ticket.

Wu Hai certainly wanted to go home together. He had never dreamed of riding in a luxury car for free.

After chatting for a while, Wu Hai went to work.

Qiu Yuqing walked into the store lightly and noticed the eye-catching Porsche outside the store.

With her signature sweet smile, she elegantly sat in the booth opposite Hao Qiang.

Noticing that Hao Qiang’s tea was running low, she kindly picked up the teapot and carefully added hot tea for him.

“Brother Qiang, is that car outside yours? I heard many students talking about you buying a luxury car.”

“Well, I drove it back yesterday. Your aunt called me and told me that she earned 2.5 million yuan from songs, so I bought a car. It will be more convenient for me to travel in the future.” Hao Qiang said with a smile, “Can you drive?”

“I plan to learn it during the holidays.”

“Well, when you learn it, I will give you a car.” Hao Qiang said seriously. Qiu Yuqing took the initiative to lend him 300,000 yuan without asking for anything in return, and never asked about the results.

What’s more, Qiu Yuqing is his woman, so giving her a car is nothing.

If the funds are sufficient, buy a better one.

If Han Qingying can drive, Hao Qiang will treat her fairly and give her a car.

“I don’t want it. I’m too lazy to drive. I’ll just take your car.” Qiu Yuqing shook her head and refused. She didn’t have a strong demand for a car. There was also a car at home, but she didn’t want to drive it.

“Well, wait until you learn well.”

Hao Qiang replied, and after a while, the waiter brought the steaming hot pot.

After eating the hot pot, the two returned to the rented house for intense exercise.

Afterwards, Qiu Yuqing lay on Hao Qiang’s chest, and Hao Qiang stroked her smooth back and told her that his parents were coming.

Hao Qiang’s parents would definitely stay in the rented house when they came.

In this case, it would definitely not be convenient for him and Qiu Yuqing to do intense exercise in the rented house, and he planned to rent another house in Ersha Island.

In addition, Qiu Yuqing came too often, and Liu Xian might find out.

Hao Qiang was found living with a girl by the teacher, which was not a good influence.

After learning that Hao Qiang’s parents were about to visit, Qiu Yuqing couldn’t help but feel nervous and worried about meeting her parents-in-law as a future daughter-in-law.

After Hao Qiang finished talking about this, he patted her back and said softly: “Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter whether we meet now or not.

We are still studying, so my parents won’t nag us. It’s the same when we meet after graduation.”

“But, Brother Qiang, it would be bad if I don’t meet your parents when they come, right?

It’s just that this happened too suddenly, and I’m not mentally prepared yet. Wait for me for two days, and I’ll prepare well, okay?”

Although Qiu Yuqing has a cheerful personality, she still feels a little nervous and worried when facing the part of meeting her boyfriend’s parents. She just didn’t expect it to come so soon.

In order to leave a good impression in front of Hao Qiang’s parents, she still has to prepare, such as buying some gifts to express her sincerity and respect.

“Yuqing, how about, forget it.”

Hao Qiang thought she would have to wait for one or two years, but it was only two days.

Normally speaking, if a woman doesn’t want to meet the man’s parents, she probably doesn’t want to get married yet, and may not be sincere to the man.

The same is true in reverse. If the man does not want to meet the woman’s parents, he may not want to marry the woman.

Hearing Qiu Yuqing say this, Hao Qiang felt warm in his heart and felt that Qiu Yuqing attached great importance to this meeting.

However, he was also a little worried. What would his parents think if they knew that he was cheating on her?

Or, if Qiu Yuqing’s parents came to Yuecheng, should he meet them?

To be honest, he did not want to meet them. He felt so embarrassed and did not know how to face her parents.

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.

“No, I still want to meet them. Let’s make a happy decision.” Qiu Yuqing expressed her thoughts firmly.

Seeing this, Hao Qiang stopped insisting, patted her back, and responded lovingly: “It’s up to you, as long as you are happy.”

Hearing that Hao Qiang agreed, Qiu Yuqing took the initiative to give her a passionate kiss.

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