The next morning.

Hao Qiang drove his Porsche, left the rental house, and came to Yuecheng Railway Station.

Around 8:40 in the morning.

When the train slowly pulled into the platform, Hao Qiang’s heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

He stood at the exit, staring at every passenger who walked out of the exit, looking for the two familiar faces.

Finally, in the crowd, Hao Qiang saw his parents.

His parents were wearing simple and plain clothes, with simple smiles on their faces, and carrying large and small bags, which formed a sharp contrast with the passengers around them.

Hao Qiang immediately went up to them and quickly took over his parents’ luggage.

“Dad, Mom, you’ve worked hard.”

His parents saw that their son had changed a lot, and his clothes were also exquisite. He didn’t look like a student from the countryside at all, but more like a child from a wealthy family in the city. They almost couldn’t recognize him.

“Son, you have changed a lot. It seems that life in the city is different.” Hao Jianjun sighed, with a light of pride and relief in his eyes.

“Yes, it’s a little different.” Liu Fengqing said so. Seeing her son’s change, she was very happy.

The family of three just chatted for a while near the exit station, and a middle-aged passenger greeted Hao Jianjun: “Brother Han, this is your son? The young man is very energetic.”

“Haha, yes.”

Hao Jianjun smiled and waved. On the train, he was a little bored and chatted with passengers in the same row. He said his surname was Han and didn’t want to reveal too much information to strangers.

He only said that his son had good grades and studied at Zhongda University, but he didn’t mention his son’s business. He knew that he couldn’t ask for money when he was away from home.

Liu Fengqing saw her husband bragging, but didn’t expose him.

Hao Qiang heard the stranger call his father like this, and he probably understood.

“What do you call the young man? Which university does he study in?”

The middle-aged passenger was a little competitive. He also came to Yuecheng to work and visited his son by the way.

However, his son was studying in a junior college in Yuecheng, and he was a little dissatisfied when he heard the passerby Han brother bragging.

Hao Qiang noticed that his father winked at him, and he immediately responded smartly: “Uncle, my name is Han Li, and I am currently studying at Zhongda.”

“Oh, Zhongda, that’s amazing.” The middle-aged passenger smiled after hearing this, but then waved and left, looking a little lonely.

Seeing the passenger leave, Hao Jianjun patted his son’s shoulder in appreciation: “Hehe, quite smart.”

Liu Fengqing stood aside, rolled her eyes at her husband, and said with a little anger: “Seeing how much you brag in the car, I can’t stand it. If it weren’t for my son’s cleverness, where would you put your face?”

Hao Jianjun smiled awkwardly and didn’t dare to refute.

Hao Qiang laughed heartily when he heard this, and took his parents to a nearby open-air parking station. His parents were a little curious, didn’t they take the bus?

When they arrived at the parking lot, his parents were surprised to see their son opening the trunk of a car.

The morning sun shone on the shining Porsche Cayenne in front of them. The golden light and the streamlined design of the car body complemented each other, making it particularly dazzling.

Moreover, the sky blue color was too conspicuous.

Passersby were also watching them curiously.

“Son, is this car yours or borrowed?” the father asked curiously, “Can you drive?”

“Look at this car, it’s very beautiful, it should cost more than 200,000 yuan, right?” Liu Fengqing had never seen a Porsche, she just thought it was beautiful, and had no idea about the price of the car. She only knew that a van cost 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and a good sedan cost more than 100,000 yuan.

Hao Jianjun looked carefully and compared his son’s car with the cars around the parking lot. He felt that his son’s car was much higher grade. He also had some knowledge and shook his head and said, “It should be more than that.”

Hao Qiang looked at his parents’ puzzled eyes, nodded, and replied with a smile: “Dad, Mom, this car is mine. I earned it with my own hard work.

I have been learning to drive for a while and have obtained a driver’s license.

I will tell you in detail later. It’s money earned honestly. Don’t worry, get in the car first.”

Hao Jianjun and Liu Fengqing looked at each other, their eyes full of relief and pride.

Hao Jianjun stroked the car body and said with emotion: “I really didn’t expect that my son has a promising future.”

Hao Qiang’s face was filled with a warm smile. He could feel the proud light flashing in his parents’ eyes, which made him full of pride.

After putting the luggage away, he opened the back door and asked his parents to get in the car.

Before the parents got in the car, they gently rubbed the dust on their shoes for fear of dirtying their son’s car.

Seeing this scene, Hao Qiang couldn’t help laughing. He gently comforted: “Dad, Mom, it’s okay. The car mat can be washed if it’s dirty. This is our own car. There’s no need to be so particular.”

Despite what his son said, the couple still insisted on cleaning their shoes, patting the dust off their bodies, and then carefully got into the car..

Hao Qiang sat in the driver’s seat and started the car.

In the car, Hao Jianjun stroked the soft leather seat and was amazed. Looking at the high-end interior of the car, he felt that this car was extraordinary. He asked curiously

“Son, what kind of car is this? It should be a luxury car, right?”

“Porsche Cayenne, uh, it’s a luxury car.” Hao Qiang answered a series of questions from his parents while driving.

Hao Jianjun further asked: “How much does this car cost? It must be more than 200,000 or 300,000, right?

I saw that many passers-by were looking at your car just now, and they felt it was very rare. I have never seen your car and car logo.”

Hearing his son’s words, Liu Fengqing was very shocked: “This car is so expensive, son, where do you get so much money?

Didn’t you say that you make tens of thousands of dollars a month by doing business?”

Hao Qiang didn’t intend to hide anything from his parents, but just let them slowly understand the information.

There will always be someone who tells them how much this car is worth.

“It’s about 1.4 million. I wrote three songs, and the ringtones sold very well. I made several million. The hot pot restaurant makes a profit of more than 100,000 a month.

I didn’t tell you the details before because I was afraid you would worry.

Go back and take a shower, have some breakfast, and catch up on some sleep. Then I’ll take you to our hot pot restaurant to have a look and have lunch.” Hao Qiang said slowly. His parents must be exhausted after sitting on the train for more than ten hours.

The couple was more shocked as they listened. A car worth 1.4 million, their son made several million!

They took a breath of cold air, like clay sculptures and wooden carvings, and instantly fell into extreme shock.

A car worth millions, what does that mean?

He made several million by selling songs, and made more than 100,000 a month. Is it so easy to make money?

Doesn’t that mean that their family is the richest in the town? !

Hao Jianjun tried to calm down the waves in his heart, swallowed a few times, and said in a voice with undisguised surprise: “This car costs 1.4 million! My God!”

The night before last, he dreamed that his son drove a car.

Unexpectedly, the dream came true!

Moreover, it was even more exaggerated than the dream, a car worth millions!

If someone says “You are dreaming”, he will definitely say “Dreaming is bullshit!”

“Oh my God!”

Liu Fengqing also widened his eyes, and his shock was beyond words, “Son, why buy such an expensive car? Twenty or three hundred thousand is very good. You are really a spendthrift.”

Hao Jianjun was amazed and shook his head and sighed: “Son, I agree with your mother on this point. Even if you can make millions now, can you guarantee that you can make so much in the future?

There is a saying that goes, ‘It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality’.

If you spend millions to buy a house, I don’t think it’s a big deal, but there is really no need to buy such an expensive car, after all, it will depreciate.

A car worth hundreds of thousands is luxurious enough. I am afraid that no one in our town has such an expensive car.

A car worth millions, I guess it is not even available in our county.”

To be honest, Hao Jianjun thinks that if he has a van at home, he can show off in the whole village.

After all, there are only two or three vans in the village, and no one has bought a car.

If there is a car worth more than 100,000 yuan, it would be great.

Hao Qiang smiled bitterly and made an excuse, saying, “Dad, Mom, we need it for business, there is nothing we can do.”

“Who is so proud that he can’t even look down on a car worth hundreds of thousands of yuan?”

Hao Jianjun was a little confused, but then he thought, “Forget it, I don’t understand these things, just buy it, anyway, don’t spend money lavishly when you have money.

Some people won the lottery, but they don’t know how to cherish it, and they squandered the money in a flash.

When people have no money, they have no ambition, and they live worse than before, and it’s really better than not winning the lottery.

Your mother and I help people cut sugarcane, and we are exhausted. We only make 20 or 30 yuan a day. Let alone a million or so, I don’t know when we can save up to make 100,000 yuan.”

Having said that, Hao Jianjun is still very proud of his son. A car worth millions is simply an astronomical figure for him.

If he drove home, I don’t know how many people would envy him. I guess the whole town would know that his son, Hao Jianjun, has made a name for himself.

Next year’s Qingming Festival, he must pay respect to his ancestors’ graves.

Liu Fengqing sighed, “Son, is money so easy to make?”

“It’s okay, money is not so easy to make. I asked my parents to come here just to keep this family business.” Hao Qiang drove leisurely, not fast, giving his parents enough time to enjoy the bustling city scenery outside the window.

The couple sat in their son’s luxury car, with smiles and excitement on their faces. His family’s ancestral graves were really smoking, and his son became a big boss and had a promising future.

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