The train station is about ten kilometers away from Zhong. Hao Qiang drove slowly for about twenty minutes and finally arrived at the rental community, where he got off the bus with his luggage.

After getting off the bus, Hao Qiang’s parents’ eyes flashed with curiosity and surprise, as if they were in a whole new world.

In the community, the lush vegetation, clean and tidy sidewalks, and uniquely designed buildings all demonstrate the sophistication and elegance of urban life.

After entering the elevator, the couple looked at the enclosed space and felt a little uncomfortable.

“Son, this elevator is so fast!”

Liu Fengqing and her husband took this kind of helicopter elevator for the first time, and they felt very novel and excited.

After a while, the elevator arrived at the 18th floor.

Liu Fengqing could see people walking around on the ground floor of the community through the ventilation holes in the corridor. She felt a little dizzy and didn’t dare to look down. She patted her chest to take a breath, and then said:

“It’s too high. How can I live so high? Looking down makes me dizzy.”

“Oh, wife, this 18th floor is not high. I saw many taller buildings on the road just now.” Seeing his wife making a fuss, Hao Jianjun pretended to be calm.

Liu Fengqing muttered: “This is not high. If there is a strong wind at night, how can I sleep at night.”

Hao Qiang watched his parents walk into the Grand View Garden like Liu Laolao, and felt it was quite funny. He couldn’t help laughing:

“Mom, the 18th floor is not high. There are many buildings over 50 floors in China.”

After he opened the rental house, he was too lazy to change his slippers and walked directly into the house, so that his parents didn’t have to change their shoes.

His parents also walked into the house, looked around, and looked at the interior decoration and furniture.

“This decoration is quite nice. This is the first time I have seen a foreign-style house. How much does it cost to rent it for a month?”

“Two thousand.” Hao Qiang answered truthfully, not afraid of his parents scolding him for being a spendthrift.

Just now, his parents called him a “spendthrift” many times on the way.

“It’s so expensive! Seven or eight tons of sugarcane.” Liu Fengqing exclaimed, calculating how much sugarcane she would have to plant to make this money.

“Tsk tsk, your mother and I are busy with sugarcane for a year, and we can only rent it for two months.” Hao Jianjun also laughed at himself. If he didn’t know that his son made money, he might continue to scold his son for being a spendthrift.

But thinking about the millions of cars he has bought, the car depreciates by tens of thousands every year, and it costs a lot to maintain it, it feels easy to accept a monthly rent of two thousand yuan.

“Dad, Mom, rinse your mouth and have some breakfast first. I cooked a pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge.” Hao Qiang asked his parents not to pack their luggage first and took out the toiletries he had prepared for them.

Hao Jianjun nodded and went to wash up first. After sitting on the train all night, he felt uncomfortable all over and his mouth was not fresh.

Liu Fengqing stood on the balcony and looked at the scenery in the distance, but she didn’t dare to look down.

She was afraid of heights, but curious.

After watching for a while, she was not as afraid of heights as before, but she was still worried about strong winds at night. What if the house shook? Would people be able to sleep?

She had never lived in the city and didn’t know these common sense at all.

After a while, seeing her husband wash up, Liu Fengqing also went to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth.

Hao Qiang served his parents steaming porridge.

Locals like to drink porridge, which also occupies a very important position in the local area, which is different from the millet porridge cooked by northerners.

Locals have a unique understanding and research on cooking porridge. They use high-quality new rice, which should be washed and soaked in advance, boiled with high heat, and boiled thoroughly with low heat for about one or two hours until it becomes sticky.

Anyway, the rice in the porridge is not in the shape of grains.

The lean meat selected by Hao Qiang cannot be frozen and refrigerated. It is really fresh. He prepared it early in the morning. The fresh meat was taken from the store. The pig was killed by the pig farmer at a few o’clock in the morning and delivered to the store early in the morning.

While drinking porridge, the parents chatted with their son from time to time and asked this and that.

After drinking the porridge, the parents also understood the situation of their son and knew what their son asked them to do.

After drinking the porridge, Hao Qiang’s parents washed the dishes, took turns to take a bath, and planned to catch up on some sleep.

Although they wanted to see their own hot pot restaurant, they also knew that their son got up early in the morning to prepare porridge for them. It was probably very tired, so they let their son rest for a while.

After taking a bath, Hao Qiang’s parents dozed off for about half an hour and recovered their spirits.

In the car, they were looking forward to seeing their son as soon as possible and were very excited.

After seeing their son, they received a lot of shocking information one after another.

In fact, the couple did not sleep soundly, and felt that everything in front of them was like a dream.

Hao Qiang rested in bed for a while and saw that his father had woken up and was standing on the balcony to look at the scenery, while his mother was packing her luggage.

He stayed there for a while until almost 11:30, when he took his parents out of the rental house.

The hot pot restaurant was not far from the community, and Hao Qiang did not drive. He gave the spare key to his parents and took them out first.After walking around the community, they left the community.

On the way to the hot pot restaurant, Hao Qiang introduced the surrounding environment while walking.

The parents saw many people greeted their son and called him “Boss Hao”. At first, they were a little surprised. His son was so famous?

When they came to the fireworks of the world, Hao Qiang took his parents into the store, and more people greeted him.

At this time, the store was almost full and the business was very hot.

Hao Qiang came to the table for two in the corner, and it was no problem for three people to squeeze in.

“Boss, what are we having for lunch today?” The store manager saw that the boss brought a middle-aged couple over, and they looked very close, so he was not very clear.

“As usual, health pot.” Hao Qiang pointed to his parents sitting opposite, “These are my parents, who just came from my hometown.”

At the same time, he introduced the store manager to his parents: “Dad, Mom, this is the store manager Yang Qiuhong, she can understand Cantonese.”

Yang Qiuhong was slightly surprised. She didn’t expect that the middle-aged couple in front of her were actually the boss’s parents.

Judging from her appearance and clothes, dark and dry skin, she should be a farmer, right?

She and the clerk have always thought that the boss is a rich second-generation, and his parents should be big bosses.

“Uncle, aunt, hello, if you need anything in the future, just tell me.”

“Hello, hello.” Hao Qiang’s parents saw that Yang Qiuhong was very polite and responded with a polite smile.

Hao Qiang saw that the store was very busy, and ordered: “Sister Yang, you go and get busy.”

“Okay.” Yang Qiuhong bowed slightly and then left.

Hao Qiang’s parents saw that the business in the store was very hot, and at the same time they were looking at the layout of the store. They didn’t expect that this hot pot restaurant was so big and the decoration was novel.

Liu Fengqing asked curiously, “Son, is it expensive here?”

Hao Qiang replied, “About 40 per person, it depends on how you eat.”

“So expensive!” Liu Fengqing said in amazement, “Your father and I cut sugarcane for a day, and the money we earn is not enough for a hot pot meal.”

“The consumption level in cities is different.” Hao Jianjun was also surprised, thinking that his son was really black-hearted and set the price so high.

Hao Qiang brought a menu and asked his parents to order what they liked.

Hao Jianjun took the menu and checked it with his wife.

Looking at the expensive unit price, they all shook their heads.

But thinking that this is their own store, they can order whatever they want to eat, as long as they don’t waste it.

After ordering the menu, Hao Qiang randomly ordered his favorite dishes and handed them to the waiter.

While waiting, Hao Jianjun and the boss looked at the customers in the store. Seeing that the customers were eating so happily, they felt proud of their son.

This is a real business, and the money earned is solid.

Hao Jianjun asked his son about the song ringtone and asked him to download it.

After his son downloaded it, he listened to the familiar ringtone and asked curiously: “Son, is this the song you wrote?

I heard Chen Zhen from our village, and his mobile phone seems to have this ringtone, no wonder it sounds familiar to me.”

Now there are many mobile phones in the village, but most of the owners are reluctant to spend money on ringtone services, even if it doesn’t cost much.

If Chen Zhen paid for it, it would be funny.

This guy used to show off in front of him, but since his son was admitted to Zhongda, he rarely showed off in front of him.

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