“Yes, Dad, I wrote the lyrics and music for this song.

But the singer is a star from the cooperating entertainment company.”

In response to his father’s doubts, Hao Qiang replied happily.

Hao Jianjun was a little surprised, but considering that his son scored full marks in the college entrance examination essay and had such a deep foundation in classical Chinese, it was natural that he would have no problem writing songs.

As for composing music, it is estimated that my son learned it in college.

Alas, my son is really a genius.

However, it is reasonable that my son did not sing himself. After all, his singing level is indeed average, not as natural as his own singing, even though his Mandarin is not standard.

After a while, the waiter brought the fragrant hot pot to the table.

The family of three began to enjoy the hot pot, eating and chatting.

Hao Qiang’s parents had tasted the beef hot pot prepared by their son many times at home, but this was the first time they tried the health hot pot.

Well, it tastes great.

They are also thinking about why these customers choose to consume here, the prices here are not low.

It should be more than just the taste.

It is expensive, but there must be a reason for it.

The decoration and dining environment of the store are very good, and the attitude of the waiters is also very good, both professional and young.

“Son, how much money did you invest in this store?” Hao Jianjun still has many questions.

“Dad, about 350,000 yuan.”

“The investment is so big, fortunately it is profitable now. If 350,000 yuan is used to build a house, it can be done very well.” Hao Jianjun likes to compare with houses.

If you take 350,000 yuan to build a house in the countryside, you can get a country villa with a construction area of ​​several hundred square meters.

If it were him, he would definitely not have the courage and boldness of his son to make such an investment.

Hehe, my son is really amazing.

According to my son, the investment cost has been recovered.

The family of three ate hot pot for more than an hour, and Hao Jianjun and his wife lamented that the business in the store was so good.

After tasting a delicious hot pot, Hao Qiang took his parents for a walk on the campus of Zhongda.

He rented a camera and started from the north gate of Sun Yat-sen University, constantly capturing those unforgettable moments for his parents.

When you are old, you can reminisce.

“Boss Hao, take a photo.” After seeing this, the passing students greeted Hao Qiang enthusiastically.

“Yes, which classmate is free to take a family photo for us?” Hao Qiang saw several students around to join in the fun and responded politely.

“Boss Hao, I can try, but I may not be very good at taking photos.” A boy said modestly.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m not picky, thank you.” Hao Qiang smiled and handed the camera to the boy.

Several students around were slightly surprised that Hao Qiang’s parents were dressed so simply.

They originally thought that Hao Qiang was a rich second generation, but looking at the appearance of his parents, it was obvious that they were not businessmen, but more like ordinary farmers.

After the photo was taken, a student couldn’t help asking, “Boss Hao, are these your parents? They are quite different from you.”

Hao Qiang approached his father and said with a smile, “No, I think my face looks like my dad’s.”

“Uh, Boss Hao, that’s not what I meant. I thought you were a second-generation rich man.” The student who asked the question explained awkwardly.

After hearing this, Hao Qiang suddenly laughed as if he had realized something: “Haha, you misunderstood. I’m not a second-generation rich man.

My family is from the countryside. I’m a farmer’s son.”

“Oh, so that’s the case!” Hearing Hao Qiang’s frankness, the students around him admired him even more.

It turned out that he was a first-generation rich man who had achieved great success in starting his own business.

After taking the photo at the North Gate, Hao Jianjun was a little embarrassed to say to his son, “Son, Dad is not very capable. Didn’t I embarrass you?”

From the words and reactions of the students around him, and then looking at his son, he found that he had changed too much and looked too much like a second-generation rich man. He felt that his identity as a farmer had brought shame to his son.

“Dad, your values ​​are wrong. I am the son of a farmer. What’s so shameful about that?

I would say that in public.

You and Mom can send me to college. That’s your greatest ability.”

Hao Qiang replied in a resounding voice. He didn’t care about other people’s opinions at all. He didn’t think it was shameful. He emphasized again, “It’s shameful to live without confidence and not dare to admit that you are from the countryside.”

“That’s right, my son is open-minded. You care too much about face.” Liu Fengqing smiled with relief when she heard her son say that.

Hao Jianjun smiled heartily: “Okay, I have no ability. My son is the first generation of rich people. I am his father, haha.”

After taking pictures at the North Gate, Hao Qiang led his parents from the North Gate and walked leisurely along the green school road to the South Gate.In this quiet afternoon, the sun shines through the treetops and falls on the historic university campus, adding a bit of warmth and vitality to this ancient land.

Hao Qiang’s parents followed their son’s steps closely and strolled on the campus trails.

They saw the passing students greet their son enthusiastically, and they couldn’t help but feel an indescribable pride and pride in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, his son is so popular on the university campus.

Hao Jianjun thinks that if he takes a walk in the town and so many people take the initiative to greet him, he will also be very happy.

Of course, seeing his son so awesome on campus, Hao Jianjun straightened his back.

Hao Qiang patiently introduced the various attractions on campus to his parents, telling his little bits and pieces here, so that his parents can feel the charm and cultural heritage of the university.

The family of three walked across the wide lawn in front of the library, feeling the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of books and grass;

They stopped in front of an ancient building and stared at the motto engraved on it: “Be erudite, question, think carefully, discern clearly, and practice diligently”.

Passing by the first teaching building, they listened to the rustling sound of students’ pens scratching on paper.

His parents’ faces were filled with smiles, and they looked around curiously.

After visiting the campus and returning to the community, Hao Qiang drove his parents to Zhengjia Plaza to take a walk and see the progress of the flagship store renovation.

His parents were even more shocked when they heard that their son also had a hot pot restaurant, and the investment amount reached 3 million.

They couldn’t imagine that their son’s business was so big, and they were also curious about what kind of shop would cost 3 million.

In the car, Liu Fengqing asked with concern:

“Son, will this affect your studies?”

Hao Jianjun didn’t care and was more open-minded. As long as his son graduated successfully, it would be fine. Working for others is not as good as starting your own business.

“It will definitely have some impact, but I have a good relationship with the teachers in the school, and my grades are at the top of the professional rankings, so don’t worry.” Hao Qiang said that he has taken five courses and his scores are all 94+.

“Oh, it’s good if you can take care of both.”

Hao Jianjun said: “My son asked us to come here, isn’t it just to let us help and share some of the pressure, wife, you still want to continue farming and growing sugarcane.”

“Then don’t plant it next year, sister-in-law can plant it if she wants.” Liu Fengqing figured it out. Her hard work for a year is far less than her son’s business income in a day.

“Dad, Mom, you can specialize in making hot pot base. It’s more convenient to do it in Yuecheng.

After you arrange the family affairs, come back after the New Year.

Of course, you can do it at home, but you have to arrange the delivery.

If the flagship store business is booming, the demand for ingredients will be very large.

Uncle and aunt can help buy some ingredients at home, such as sour bamboo shoots, lemons, native chickens, fish and other local ingredients in our hometown, which are very good and relatively cheap. I will give the market purchase price at that time.

Instead of letting suppliers make the middle price, it is better to let our family make it.

If the quantity is large, it can also drive the economic development of the hometown.

Of course, the premise is that the quality of the ingredients must be guaranteed.

My uncle’s family has helped our family a lot. Now that we have the ability, we should give back some.” Hao Qiang said that he knows how to be grateful.

Although he will not give his shares to his uncle’s family, he will do his best to help them.

“Well, our family should help each other and develop together. Your uncle and aunt will definitely be very happy to know this.” Hao Jianjun felt very relieved. The relationship between the two families has always been very good.

Hao Qiang nodded. He had watched the video of Huang Hongsheng, the boss of Chuangwei, which discussed the reasons for a family’s poverty. There are three main aspects:

First, the whole family does not have a big-picture guide, who is engaged in business or politics;

Second, the elders in the family are all egoists, who only care about their own comfort and do not pay attention to the education and economic support of their children. When they are old, they want to use the grace of raising children to kidnap their children;

Third, brothers and sisters are doing their own things, resources cannot be accumulated, and each industry has no advantages. They are not united and quarrel for a little benefit.

In terms of business, Hao Qiang has to admire Zhejiang businessmen. Most of them do business in a family model. This concept has been deeply rooted in their bones, and their business is getting bigger and bigger.

Alas, in fact, in most families, some people only know how to use each other. It is easy to share wealth and difficult to share adversity. It is good enough not to drag you into the water.

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