Ten minutes later, Hao Qiang drove his parents to Zhengjia Plaza.

Hao Qiang’s parents looked at the magnificent shopping mall in front of them, the exquisite decorations, shiny floors, bright lights, and neatly displayed goods, their eyes were full of curiosity.

Looking at the bustling crowd in the mall and feeling the modern atmosphere in the air, they couldn’t help but feel an indescribable emotion in their hearts.

“Son, it shouldn’t be cheap to consume here, right?” Liu Fengqing asked.

“For ordinary wage earners, it’s quite expensive. Any piece of clothing costs hundreds of yuan. And some big brand coats cost thousands of yuan.”

“Tsk tsk, it’s too expensive.” Hao Qiang’s parents couldn’t help but be surprised.

“The shop is not cheap either. The shop on the first floor costs nearly 100,000 yuan per square meter.” Hao Qiang said with a bitter smile. Such a unit price also made him discouraged and couldn’t afford it.

“It’s simply a sky-high price. How can ordinary people afford it? If there is such a shop, the annual rent alone will be quite a lot of money.” Liu Fengqing sighed.

The family of three walked and talked, took the elevator to the sixth floor, and came to Shop No. 8.

At this time, the shop logo of the world’s fireworks has been completed, and the staff in the store are busy with the final finishing work of the decoration.

When the person in charge of the decoration project saw Hao Qiang coming to inspect again, he greeted him warmly: “Hello, Boss Hao.”

“Hello, Mr. Chen. How is the progress of the decoration these days?” Hao Qiang asked with a smile.

“It’s all going well. We strictly follow the progress plan to advance the project and ensure that it is completed on time and will not affect your opening plan. We all know that any delay will be a big loss for you.” Manager Chen, who is in his thirties, answered respectfully and professionally.

The young man in front of him is really amazing. He easily invested millions and his family is rich.

He originally thought that the middle-aged couple next to Hao Qiang were just his employees, but when they called Hao Qiang “son” and seemed to know nothing about the details of the store and investment, Manager Chen could not help but be shocked.

It turned out that Hao Qiang invested with his own ability, not relying on his parents.

Manager Chen could not help but feel respect and curiosity, and could not help but wonder how Hao Qiang accumulated this wealth.

After the two exchanged a few brief pleasantries, Manager Chen went to work.

Hao Qiang took his parents into the store and carefully observed every corner to confirm whether there were any defects in the construction quality.

“Son, this store looks very spacious. How big is the total area?” Hao Jianjun asked curiously.

“About 650 square meters.” Hao Qiang replied.

“It’s really an acre of land. How much rent does it cost a year?”

“The sixth floor is cheaper. The annual rent of our store is 741,000 yuan.”

“This is still cheap. It’s nearly one million yuan. Ordinary businessmen may not be able to afford it at all.” Hao Jianjun sighed.

“Well, companies that can rent large shops in such large shopping malls are usually powerful brand companies.” Hao Qiang nodded.

When Hao Qiang’s parents heard their son introduce the flagship store, they couldn’t help but feel an indescribable pride in their hearts. They were proud of their son.

Of course, with such a large investment in the flagship store, they were inevitably a little worried.

After inspecting the flagship store, Hao Qiang took his parents around the mall and wanted to buy two sets of clothes for his parents.

But they were unwilling to buy clothes in this mall because they thought it was too expensive and not worth it. Moreover, they had no requirements for the brand of clothes, as long as the quality was acceptable.

Hao Qiang was not as stubborn as his parents. After thinking about it carefully, he didn’t force them to buy them. He himself didn’t have very high requirements for clothes. As long as they were decent and comfortable, it was enough.

In the end, he didn’t buy clothes, but bought a new mobile phone worth more than 2,000 yuan for his mother and a Philips shaver for his father.

In addition, Hao Qiang also purchased a SLR camera.

Most mobile phone camera technology these days is 300,000 pixels, and the clarity of the photos still cannot meet his needs.

Of course, there are already million-pixel mobile phones on the market. In March 2004, the world’s first million-pixel 3G smartphone GX30 was launched.

But what’s the big deal about a million? He feels that the photos of mobile phones with millions of pixels in the future are also average.

Hao Qiang still uses the previous Nokia thousand-yuan mobile phone and is used to the Xiaomi series of smartphones in the future. He doesn’t have high requirements for mobile phones now, as long as they can meet the communication needs.

After shopping, Hao Qiang and his parents were tired, so he drove his parents around Zhongda to take them to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment.

At around four o’clock in the afternoon, the family of three returned to the rental house.

The next day, December 31, Hao Qiang went to class as usual.

He took a few classes yesterday, I have to go to class today.

Hao Qiang did not tell his parents how to make hot pot base for the time being, and let them rest for two or three days first.

Hao Qiang’s parents had nothing to do in the rented house, so they went to the store to see if they could help.

However, his son Hao Qiang had already clearly told them that they did not need to do it themselves, but only needed to have a general understanding of the store’s operating procedures.

Moreover, they could not enter and exit the kitchen at will. If they wanted to enter, they had to wear a hat in strict accordance with the company’s system to ensure food safety and hygiene. Even the boss had to abide by the rules.

If customers saw non-staff members entering the kitchen at will, it would not only affect their dining experience, but also damage the reputation of the store.

They saw that the kitchen was very busy, and they did not enter at will. They may not understand their son’s deep intentions.

There must be a reason why his son could make the hot pot restaurant so popular.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Renjian Fireworks closed.

Hao Qiang happened to have no classes, so he came to the store to hold a regular half-monthly meeting, which was held once in the middle and at the end of the month.

There are also weekly meetings and morning meetings, but they are all in charge of the store manager.

Hao Jianjun and his wife were a little curious, so they sat down to listen and see how their son spoke as a leader.

Hao Qiang stood in front of the queue and said in a sonorous voice: “It has been two and a half months since the opening on October 16. The business is so prosperous today, thanks to the joint efforts of all employees. Thank you all.”

When Hao Qiang said this, all the employees applauded enthusiastically, and Hao Qiang’s parents also applauded when they saw it.

“The flagship store will open on January 16. Several old employees of our store will go to the new store to assist. When the new employees arrive, they must do a good job of handover. Old employees should not use their seniority to bully new employees, but should seriously guide the new employees in their work.

Remember, you are a team, and performance evaluation is done together. If you prosper together, you will prosper together, and if you suffer together, you will suffer together.”

Hao Qiang picked up the water cup, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued: “We must always be humble and keep improving.

It is precisely because our store is booming that some peers have followed suit, and the competition will become more and more fierce.

I always remind everyone that our store’s things are expensive, but we must let customers know where the price is, so that they are willing to consume, rather than having a meal and not patronizing next time.

I often emphasize service quality, and it is not just a casual talk to provide the best service.

Only If a customer says there are hair or flies in the pot, you don’t need to argue with the customer and affect the customer’s dining mood.

In this regard, I grant all employees, including part-time workers, the authority to directly change the pot bottom for the customer without any reason.

Of course, it is also possible that the customer did it on purpose, but don’t argue on the spot, just change it for free first.

We have cameras installed in our store, and we can investigate afterwards.

If someone eats a free meal, we will just be silent.

But if it happens more often, accumulate enough evidence first, and then let me handle it.

Fortunately, there have been no incidents of free meals and deliberate slander so far…”

Hao Qiang then explained the relevant matters of service quality, summarized the problems that occurred in the past half month, clarified the time point and standard for improvement, and must see actual improvement.

After he finished speaking, he encouraged the store staff to actively make suggestions and rewarded reasonable opinions.

The meeting lasted about forty minutes, and Hao Qiang felt that there was nothing to do, so he quickly ended the meeting.

He has requirements for the length of meetings. The half-monthly meeting is not allowed to exceed one hour, and the weekly meeting is not allowed to exceed 30 minutes.

Meetings are not to discuss specific problems and solutions, but to make decisions and solutions.

Some problems cannot be solved even after several hours of discussion, which is a pure waste of time. It is best for relevant personnel to communicate privately and not waste the time of other irrelevant employees.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Day. Every customer who visits the store will receive a carefully prepared small gift as a thank you for the store’s support.

Similarly, each employee also received a New Year’s Day gift, and each gift is worth about tens of yuan.

Hao Qiang’s parents listened carefully to the content of the meeting throughout the whole process. They were surprised to find that the meeting was so particular.

Even a hot pot restaurant has a series of detailed management systems and salary systems.

They couldn’t help but sigh that it turned out that their son’s store management was much more complicated than they imagined.

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