Rebirth 2004

Chapter 341

"How much money is really so important to me?" Liu Yuan said.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying couldn't react.

I didn't expect Liu Yuan to be so fussy and say such words.

But soon, Cheng Ying reacted and gave Liu Yuan a pair of white eyes.

Obviously, but Liu Yuan's reaction is a little uncomfortable.

But Liu Yuan didn't care too much. What he said is the fact that this stock is not the most profitable one.

If Liu Yuan had a lot of money at that time, it must be more than that.

But sometimes it's really helpless. If you earn too much, you will be doubted.

So Liu Yuan took it as soon as he saw the good. He didn't earn enough at all.

What Liu Yuan wants now is development. Only development can meet Liu Yuan's needs.

"We don't sell this stock yet?" Cheng Ying asked, staring at Liu Yuan.

Cheng Ying attaches great importance to Liu Yuan's suggestions. She knows that Liu Yuan must have some means to know these stocks.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan frowned and thought for a moment.

He said, "it's not for sale yet. Let's wait two days. It's impossible to fall like this."

Liu Yuan's memories are like this. In these two days, they will not fall.

But two days later, there was a little trouble. Liu Yuan must sell all his shares.

Since Liu Yuan has said so, Cheng Ying naturally wants to do so.

Now these stocks are very profitable, and Cheng Ying has paid more and more attention to them.

I always think Liu Yuan must have something to hide from himself, otherwise he would know.

However, Cheng Ying doesn't know what Liu Yuan is hiding from herself.

But there are some things that Liu Yuan didn't say, and Cheng Ying can't take the initiative to ask.

As long as it is a person, there must be some privacy. Cheng Ying wants to know about Liu Yuan's privacy.

But Liu Yuan didn't say it himself. It's no use asking. It's embarrassing for each other when he gets it.

As a veteran, Liu Yuan naturally knows what Cheng Ying thinks.

But Liu Yuan doesn't want to say those things for the time being. Now is not the best time.

When the time comes, Liu Yuan must say those things so that Cheng Ying won't misunderstand them all the time.

"Do you know how much money we have made now?" Cheng Ying said excitedly the next day.

Cheng Ying is naturally very excited about this number.

No ordinary person can do this at all.

Liu Yuan bought a total of five stocks, all of which were suspended.

Now just the money from the two stocks has doubled, and made a lot of money.

If you sell the rest, you must make more money.

But just now, Cheng Ying is very excited.

More than a year ago, she was still a factory woman who was difficult to eat. Now, Cheng Ying can't imagine.

She knew that all this was brought by Liu Yuan.

Although Liu Yuan is very different from Liu Yuan before, Cheng Ying still likes Liu Yuan now.,

Although Cheng Ying has her own ideas about some things, she won't say it.

"Don't worry! At that time, we will make ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times as much money as hi now." Liu Yuan vowed. At first glance, he knew he was not joking.

If Liu Yuan had said these words before, no one would believe them.

But now that Liu Yuan says these words, Cheng Ying has believed it and feels that Liu Yuan is almost omnipotent.

With the transfer of time, Liu Yuan's remaining stocks have begun to restructure and open.

Seeing these stocks open, Cheng Ying is naturally very excited.

And Cheng Ying saw that the stocks reopened were very profitable, at least several times.

Seeing this situation, as long as you are a normal person, you are very excited.

Cheng Ying is no exception. She even wants to laugh.

"Do we have to wait two days to sell these stocks?" Cheng Ying couldn't help asking.

Because this is Liu Yuan's general practice. In the past, Liu Yuan did so.

But this time, to Cheng Ying's surprise, Liu Yuan shook his head.

"No, you can sell it now," said Liu Yuan, looking confident.

I can't believe these words were said in Liu Yuan's mouth, which is completely different from the previous operation.

"What did you just say? Sell these stocks now?" Cheng Ying asked incredulously.

This kind of thing must be asked clearly to avoid making a mistake.

But soon, Cheng Ying knew that it was not that she had heard wrong, but that Liu Yuan really said so.

"Yes, we should sell it now. We should hurry up," Liu Yuan said seriously.

As soon as I saw Liu Yuan like this, I knew he wasn't kidding.

Although Cheng Ying was very curious, she still operated in the way of Liu Yuan.

Cheng Ying is not very familiar with stock speculation, but with Liu Yuan's education, she can already do some operations.

If someone knows Liu Yuan's current operation, he must laugh at Liu Yuan and think Liu Yuan really doesn't understand anything.

But soon, they knew that Liu Yuan was right and made the most money.

"Do we lose a little when we sell them all?" Cheng Ying asked with a little doubt.

So far, Cheng Ying still wants to continue to operate. After all, this is to make money.

Cheng Ying pays more attention to the importance of money.

So now she also wants to make money, but Liu Yuan stopped her.

"Since it's retreating, don't go in again. The water in it is really deep." Liu Yuan said with deep meaning.

Hearing Liu Yuan say this, Cheng Ying won't believe it at all. After all, Cheng Ying has tasted the sweetness in the front.

She believes that if this continues, she will certainly make more money.

Liu Yuan naturally knows that Cheng Ying has such a mentality, and he doesn't know how to explain it.

We can only wait until the results come out and let Cheng Ying think about it by herself.

Seeing that result, Cheng Ying should know something and how deep the water is.

The bull market is coming to an end. If those people don't sell their stocks quickly, they will lose money.

Almost all stock speculators can't escape this fate.

Of course, there is one exception. Naturally, this person is Liu Yuan.

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