Rebirth 2004

Chapter 342

The turmoil in the stock market will begin soon. Liu Yuan is completely delisted, which will not have any impact.

No one knows more about the dynamics of the stock market than Liu Yuan.

Cheng Ying thought about stocks all day and was speechless when she got Liu Yuan.

Although all the money has been taken out, Cheng Ying still has to look at the whole stock market.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuan was also helpless.

Since Cheng Ying doesn't know how deep the water is, Liu Yuan let her see it.

She gave Cheng Ying a million dollars directly and said she would try to speculate in stocks by herself.

And Cheng Ying, who got a million, is naturally very happy.

However, Cheng Ying did not buy stocks directly, but observed them carefully.

I always think this stock market is a little strange. It is likely that something big is going to happen.

So Cheng Ying still doesn't dare to make a move. She's afraid of losing money

Seeing Cheng Ying like this, Liu Yuan naturally felt a little funny, but Liu Yuan didn't say much.,

This money is for Cheng Ying to operate by herself, and Liu Yuan won't interfere at all.

Even if Cheng Ying asked Liu Yuan questions, Liu Yuan would not answer them, but directly let Cheng Ying make her own decision.

Seeing Liu Yuan like this, Cheng Ying was naturally very upset. She almost cursed.

But Liu Yuan said directly that she just wanted her to try that feeling.

Although up to now, Cheng Ying doesn't know what kind of feeling Liu Yuan said, she always feels that there is a bad sign. It seems that I must lose money this time.

But Cheng Ying has her own stock in mind. Now it seems that the momentum is still very good.

If you buy at this time, you can certainly make money

So after thinking for a long time, Liu Yuan bought the stock directly.

And Cheng Ying directly used up all her million. She believes in this stock very much.

At the beginning, Cheng Ying made thousands of yuan.

But when the market closed in the afternoon, Cheng Ying really didn't make money, and even lost hundreds of yuan.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Ying was also surprised. She didn't expect such a result at all.

It's not the same as what she imagined, which makes Cheng Ying a little regret.

But even regret is useless, because the money has been lost by yourself, it must be difficult to get it back.

"Do you already know?" Cheng Ying asked, staring directly at Liu Yuan.

Cheng Ying naturally wants to ask the reason for her failure in this operation.

Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Liu Yuan was also speechless.

Although Liu Yuan knew about it in advance, Liu Yuan certainly wouldn't admit it.

If others know that they have this ability, they will find themselves.

Liu Yuan doesn't want to be a white mouse. He can only hide everything.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know how to tell Cheng Ying.

"I said I really can know what will happen in the future. Will you believe it?" asked Liu Yuan.

In the face of Liu Yuan's question, as long as he is a person with a little thought, he also knows how to answer it.

There is no such person in this world. How can we know the future before?

This is almost impossible, so Cheng Ying doesn't know how to answer.

But what Liu Yuan has done now seems to be known in advance.

So Cheng Ying is still very suspicious. She looks at Liu Yuan and wants to see something on Liu Yuan's face.

Unfortunately, so far, I haven't read any useful information at all.

"I don't have this ability at all. I guess. You know, my sixth sense is really accurate. I won't lie to you at all. You should know." Liu Yuan said seriously.

Liu Yuan felt a little embarrassed when he said these words. Up to now, he has fooled Cheng Ying.

But after hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying nodded.

Liu Yuan was a little surprised that he could muddle through in this way.

Since he could muddle through like this, Liu Yuan didn't continue to say anything more.

"Hey, I knew your sixth sense was so powerful. We'll borrow more money then." Cheng Ying said sadly.

It seems that I missed a lot of things. I can't stop talking to Liu Yuan.

The fact is what Cheng Ying said. If you have more money, you can certainly make more money.

However, it is impossible in this world. If such a thing happens, the fact is the fact, and no one can change it.

"Well, if you want not to lose so much money, you can withdraw from the market!" Liu Yuan said again.

Liu Yuan is not joking. He is serious.

If you withdraw from the market at this time, you can't lose a lot of money.

If you wait until tomorrow morning to withdraw from the market, you'll be in big trouble.

If you don't listen to yourself, Liu Yuan doesn't care too much. After all, the money has been handed over to Cheng Ying.

Hearing Liu Yuan say this, Cheng Ying is very contradictory.,

Especially seeing the back of Liu Yuan leaving, Cheng Ying doesn't know what to do.

Finally, Cheng Ying decided to try and see if she could make money.

Liu Yuan guessed Cheng Ying's decision.

After all, as a stock speculator, you naturally need to know something.

Last time I made money, I must feel that I must still be so lucky.

But the truth will be known tomorrow morning.

By tomorrow morning, Cheng Ying may have been lost for some time.

If Cheng Ying can be delisted, even if he runs out of one million, Liu Yuan will not feel heartache.

Because up to now, Liu Yuan has made more than ten billion yuan, which is very powerful.

Ordinary people can't be as powerful as Liu Yuan. They actually made more than 10 billion.

Even Cheng Ying doesn't know how much money Liu Yuan has.

With this sum of money, Liu Yuan's future development will be more smooth.

Because this year, Liu Yuan has his own big project to do.

The next morning, Liu Yuan saw Cheng Ying sitting in front of the computer. Her face was very ugly.

She is very regretful now. She regrets why she didn't listen to Liu Yuan.

If you listened to Liu Yuan and delisted obediently, it would be impossible for things to happen now.

Liu Yuan walked directly over and saw the situation above. He was a little embarrassed.

"I told you, today is definitely going to fall, and it's still the kind of big fall." Liu Yuan said naturally.

But when Liu Yuan said these words, Cheng Ying gave Liu Yuan a threatening look.

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