Ye Yuanhao in the hotel woke up from the rapid ringing of the phone. It was already dark. He thought it was last night, and subconsciously reached out to touch his side, but he felt empty.

There was a sudden shock in my heart, where did the stunner go?

"Young Master Ye, we have been waiting for you for an hour. If you have any delays, you can explain in advance to change the appointment. Why let us dove? Although our time is not as precious as Young Master Ye, it is counted in minutes."

The call was from a client Ye Yuanhao was negotiating with, and his tone was very unhappy. Ye Yuanhao shook again, completely awake, and cold sweat broke out from his back.

"Mr. Hu, isn't the dinner tomorrow?" Ye Yuanhao felt strange.

A sneer came, "Young Master Ye may not have recovered from the jet lag, I'm sorry, I have never cooperated with people who have no sense of time, goodbye!"

Hearing the beeps coming from the phone, Ye Yuanhao couldn't help but get angry.

He's just a small company boss, what are you pulling?

Obviously it's about tomorrow, what kind of madness is it today, but——

Ye Yuanhao was suddenly stunned. He saw the date on the phone, July 25, 1996, at 8:00 pm.

And there were several missed calls, all from Mr. Hu, within an hour.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but the time remained the same. It was indeed the 25th, which was the dinner time he had made with Mr. Hu, but he made an appointment at seven o'clock. No wonder Mr. Hu said he waited for an hour.

Ye Yuanhao was almost scared to pee, he jumped out of the bed, but his legs were weak, and he collapsed on the floor. His legs had no strength at all, and his body had no strength. It was sore and soft, as if it had been hollowed out.

Incomplete memory fragments were presented one by one in Ye Yuanhao's mind.

He finally remembered that he and a stunner of ten thousand amorous feelings had been fighting in the hotel all day and night, but how could he be so violent?

What the **** happened last night?

Ye Yuanhao had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't think much about it. The stunner from last night was really terrible. A look could make him excited. Maybe it was because he drank some whiskey last night. Alcohol makes people impulsive!

I'll go to Langton's Bar in a few days and see if I can meet that stunner. It wasn't fun last night!

Reluctantly, he picked himself up and walked to the bathroom with his soft legs. He glanced at the trash can beside the bed. Cold sweat broke out on his back. Ye Yuanhao rushed to the trash can. Group toilet paper, and no used condoms.

Why not use a cover?

He has insisted on wearing condoms since the first time he slept with a girl. How could it be useless last night?

Ye Yuanhao frantically searched the trash can for a long time, but he didn't even see a single condom. The condoms in the drawer were neatly arranged, not much or not, just like when he went out in the morning.

The whole person was suddenly stunned, Ye Yuanhao's heart sank to the bottom, and his face was even more ugly.

But he quickly comforted himself, the mainland is so conservative, and the girls are very clean, so they should not be recruited. Ye Yuanhao calmed down a little, and finally made it to the next day. He hurried to the hospital and checked the common STD, the results reassured him.

However, the results of the HIV virus test will take three weeks to be done. Ye Yuanhao's heart still hasn't completely fallen, but he's not too concerned about it.

The inland is the cleanest place in the world. How could there be HIV? He must be safe.

. m.

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