Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1039: do not escape this catastrophe

Ye Yuanhao's series of whereabouts were all reported by Pippi's little birds, Ye Qingqing sneered, this **** was quite careful, but no matter how careful he was, he was still caught.

Although one-time contact may not necessarily lead to HIV infection, Ye Yuanhao and the girl fought for 18 hours. According to the girl, they experienced all the positions and postures, even the latter.

The risk of virus infection in the anus-jiao is much higher than other parts. In addition, he has been doing it for so long, even if Ye Yuanhao is the son of God, he will not be able to escape this disaster!

Three weeks later, it will be a good day for Ye Yuanhao to go to hell!

Alas, the time is still too long, it would be nice if it could speed up the onset of the virus in the body.

"People are alive, you are not out of your mind, think of a way!" Pippi reprimanded.

Recently, the heroine has been slack in studying medicine again, and she needs to be spurred.

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, but soon they darkened, "This is not a prescription, what can I do?"

"Pig brain!" Pippi hated that iron could not become steel.

Seeing that Ye Qingqing still hadn't thought of the main point, Pippi had to mention a thing or two, "The virus breaks out in the human body, and it is the same as the neutralization of the drug, I know, pig head!"

After speaking, Pippi flew away. If she stayed, the mistress would definitely ask questions. She was afraid that she couldn't help revealing some more, which violated the ancestral rules and was not good for the growth of the mistress.

Or find a thrush to play more Ba Shi!

Ye Qingqing tugged at her hair and racked her brains to think about Pippi, a virus outbreak is the same as drug neutralization?

What is the relationship between the two?

What does it have to do with letting Ye Yuanhao accelerate the outbreak of the virus?

Ye Qingqing frowned for a while, and finally had a flash of inspiration and slapped the table, "Linglu!"

Why didn't she think of it!

The spirit dew in the space can better combine various medicinal materials, and the efficacy of the medicine can be increased by at least two times, or even more. In the same way, if Ye Yuanhao takes the spirit dew, the HIV in his body has not yet developed. Under the neutralization of the spirit, the virus will combine with the tissue cells of the human body faster, and the attack will occur earlier.

Maybe there will be a response in a week!

Ye Qingqing's eyes are sparkling, her expression is excited, space is really a treasure!

Pippi, who was watching from a distance, saw that Ye Qingqing finally understood, and shook his head, "The pig's skull is still saved!"

It flapped its wings and played with the thrush in peace and joy.

In the next few days, Ye Yuanhao, who was hollowed out, stayed in the hotel quietly, and even three meals a day were delivered to the room by the waiter. He really didn't have the strength to get out of bed and had to rest for a few days.

Ye Qingqing couldn't wait for Ye Yuanhao to go out, so she decided to come to the door herself.

This morning, Ye Yuanhao ordered a rich breakfast, such as fruit juice, bread, salad, peanut butter, etc., all of which were Western-style breakfasts. The waiter pushed the breakfast to Ye Yuanhao's room. Ye Qingqing, who was wearing a mask, deliberately put his backpack on when he passed by the waiter. It fell to the ground, and the contents spilled all over the floor.

The waiter kindly helped her pick up things, and Ye Qingqing sprinkled the spirit dew into the juice very quickly. She sprinkled ten drops, which should be enough.


The waiter helped pick up the things, and Ye Qingqing couldn't help thanking him. The waiter's brother pushed the car to the door of the room. After a while, the door opened and the dining cart was pushed in.

Ye Qingqing's lips curved slightly. She went downstairs first. After half an hour, the waiter went upstairs again. She followed behind and saw the waiter push an empty food cart out. There was some salad left, but the juice Drink it clean, not a drop is left.


. Wonderful Bookstore

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