Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1111: 10,000 years can be seen

Ye Qingqing was not idle at night. She had used up the gluten-renewing cream before, so she had to make a new one. Lu Mozhong called and asked her what was the matter, so she was prevaricate.

But Lu Mo came over at night. He was still not at ease. Ye Qingqing usually doesn't have a serious matter, so he would definitely not call the company. Unfortunately, his mobile phone hadn't arrived yet. He Weishao said to help him buy parallel imports. The latest styles are not yet available in the shopping malls in Pingjiang.

Lu Mo didn't go to Ye Qingqing first, he knew very well that Ye Qingqing wouldn't tell the truth, this girl is getting more and more cunning, so... Lu Mo went to Wuchen first.

Wuchen must know what Ye Qingqing did.

"I know... Your daughter-in-law is going to teach bad people a lesson. I said, your daughter-in-law is very restless. If you change to a fat daughter-in-law like my family, she is virtuous and manages the house well and can cook delicious food."

Wuchen told everything that happened during the day and didn't hide it at all, but because of her limited age, she didn't know where Yu Moli went in the end, instead she was worried about Lu Mo's lifelong affairs.

The stinky mother-in-law can't do anything, can't even cook a noodle, and she's outside all day to provoke bees and butterflies.

Lu Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At a young age, he only remembered to marry a daughter-in-law every day.

"Eat yours!"

Lu Mo grabbed a mung bean cake from the plate, stuffed it into Wuchen's mouth, and went upstairs to find Ye Qingqing.

Even if this girl can't cook, do laundry and do housework, he will only marry Ye Qingqing.

He can cook and do housework, these are small things, Ye Qingqing doesn't need to know, just needs to be his daughter-in-law.

"Brother, from now on, I will be responsible for being beautiful and beautiful. You earn money to support me!"

The corners of Lu Mo's lips curved deeper, that's it, he will make money for that girl to spend!

I found Ye Qingqing in the house who was concentrating on dispensing medicine. They all said that men who work hard are the most charming. In fact, women who focus on work are equally beautiful. Lu Mo stood at the door and watched for a while, not willing to interrupt Ye Qingqing.

In the past, Lu Mo would feel that his current behavior was particularly stupid. Only the IQ of Iron Egg would do such a stupid thing that wastes time.

But now...

However, Lu Mo felt that he could look at Ye Qingqing like this for 10,000 years.

Time can stand still.

Ye Qingqing's dispensing came to an end, she straightened her waist, her shoulders and back were a little sore, she was just about to pound it with her hands, but when a pair of powerful hands pressed it, Ye Qingqing smiled knowingly.

"When did you come? Why didn't you make a sound?"

"Look at your prescription."

Lu Mo smiled slightly, and massaged Ye Qingqing's shoulders. After a few moments, the pain was relieved. Ye Qingqing moaned comfortably.

This girl's cry... no matter how you hear it, it makes people think about it.

It also made his mind rippling.

"Are you going with gluten jelly?"

Lu Mo finds a topic to break the ambiguous atmosphere, otherwise he has no confidence in himself and has to make mistakes again, and the eight disciplines are becoming more and more useless.

He has to hold on!

"Well, the previous ones are used up." Ye Qingqing was hesitating whether to talk about the kidnapping. She said that she was afraid that Lu Mo would be worried.

"For Yu Changbai?"

Ye Qingqing didn't struggle for too long, Lu Mo already knew it, and Wuchen told everything.

"Well, Yu Jasmine is too vicious."

Ye Qingqing said roughly what happened during the day, "I know where the money for Yu Wuwei's reopening came from. He and Tang Yufen are in a tangle."

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