Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1112: There are policies and measures to counter

Lu Mo frowned. He didn't expect Tang Yufen to find Yu Wuwei's cooperation. No wonder Ye Yuanhao's parents have already returned to HK, but Tang Yufen is still staying in Pingjiang. Dare to try to trick Ye Qingqing!

Fortunately, Ye Qingqing brought dust-free, and Pippi was there, so he escaped the catastrophe.

As for Yu Moli's consequences, Lu Mo would not consider it.

This girl is self-inflicted, she deserves it, and she deserves no sympathy at all!

But Tang Yufen and Yu Wuwei, he had to teach them a lesson!

"I asked Wei Shao to bring two mobile phones, so I can call anytime in the future." Lu Mo said.

It's too inconvenient to not have a mobile phone. Like something happened today, he couldn't know in time. If something happened to Ye Qingqing, it would be too late for him to regret it.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, subconsciously rejecting mobile phones, she didn't want to be managed by a housekeeper 24 hours a day, she lost all freedom, and now the mobile phone is not a smart phone, it can only make calls, send text messages, and answer a phone call You have to collect money, and the phone bill is so expensive, so she doesn't want it!

"Brother, mobile phones are expensive, you can use them. What kind of mobile phone do I use as a student? I don't need it..."

Ye Qingqing has a sincere face and really wants to save money for Lu Mo.

Lu Mowu was very relieved, he became more and more sensible, he patted Ye Qingqing's head lightly, and said with a smile, "It is convenient to have a mobile phone, I will charge the phone bill for you, you will turn on the phone 24 hours later, if you have any problems call my phone."

Of course, he can also call at any time to check to see if the girl is obedient.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes secretly, she knew that was the case, she could still go out from time to time without a mobile phone, but with a mobile phone... I'm afraid that when I go to the toilet, I have to report to the housekeeper's bulletin!

" are so kind!"

Ye Qingqing smiled sweetly. If you don't like it, you have to accept it. Men have to coax him!

After the big deal, the mobile phone signal is a little worse, and there will be a situation where the service area is not in the service area for three days and two ends.

There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom, so she can't be beaten!

Lu Mo's cold lips curved slightly, and he liked Ye Qingqing's sweet words very much. Although he wanted to stay for a while, he still had to go back to the company to check the bidding project book, which would be handed in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

He inquired that Yu Wenfeng and Tang Yufen joined forces to develop new projects, and Tang Yufen also had a share in this bid. He must win and never give Tang Yufen a chance!

There are also aftertastes, and he can't forgive him either!

If the owner of Wuweilou is in prison, how can he still operate?

Lu Mo said a few more words on a daily basis, then left and drove back to the company. These days, he has been eating and sleeping in the company. In the initial stage of the company, there are so many things that he can't wait to be three heads and six arms.

The night passed, looking at the morning sun, Tang Yufen's mood became better and better, this point Leige's cargo ship should be coming to HK soon, right?

When the bidding was over, she hurried back to HK to see the little **** who had been ridden by thousands of people.

Tang Yufen dressed herself in the mirror, but she was still dressed elegantly. Ye Yuanhao had only been dead for a few days, and she had to continue to sell miserably. Of course, she could not wear jewelry in fancy clothes. Breakfast was brought, and Ye Xunmei, who had not seen her for a long time, also came in. With anger on it.

"What did you do to Ye Qingqing?"

Just now, Ye Yuanxiu called the bank to transfer money, and also had a phone call with Ma Zai, which mentioned Ye Qingqing, which happened to be heard by Ye Xunmei, and ran over to question Tang Yufen.

The older he got, the more Ye Xunmei felt guilty towards Gu Nianci, and felt that he had done too much back then and should not have abandoned his wife and children.

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