Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3159: not a good man

Ye Qingqing was not interested in the housework of Qi's family, so she turned around and left, Song Hongye and Qian Manduo had become impatient, and left together, but Qi's mother was not reconciled, and she chased after him and shouted, "Don't go, give me the words. say clearly!"

Lu Ziqun walked at the back and couldn't help but turn around and said, "Old lady, you have to cultivate your mind when you're old. You're so angry, let's eat a bit of Huanglian defeat and defeat!"

"What's the matter with you? Dress like a countryman, and you are worthy of talking to me!" Qi's mother looked contemptuous, and her words were extremely mean.

Her family's previous servants were all dressed up better than Lu Ziqun. How could she put down a **** like Lu Ziqun in her eyes, and it was already very good for her to not scold a beggar.

Lu Ziqun's expression changed, his expression was a little hurt, he forced a smile, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Old lady, although you dress like a high-class person, your cultivation is really not comparable to that of a countryman. You are indeed not worthy of talking to me."

Ye Qingqing secretly applauded, she had to deal with snobbery like this. She wanted to take back Qi's mother's evaluation. It is true that her family is superior, but it is also true that her upbringing is vulgar. Qi Wenyuan has such a mother, and Yu Anning was right not with him back then. of.

"I am sorry."

Qi Wenyuan bowed and apologized to Lu Ziqun. Lu Ziqun twitched the corners of his mouth and said nothing, but she was hurt in her heart. How could she say that she was also a single noble living in a villa and had a decent job, but she was scolded by an old woman's nose, just because of her Dressed normally.

In this world, it really is to look at Luo Yi first and then respect people. She really wants to change her consumption concept.

"Mother, please go home!" Qi Wenyuan's expression became solemn and his tone became more serious.

Qi's mother kept her mouth tightly shut and did not dare to make trouble any more. Once her son called her mother, it meant that her son had reached the brink of tolerance.

Qi Wenyuan rushed to Zhao Di and said apologetically, "Miss Lu, you've worked hard for you today."

"It's nothing." Zhao Di smiled reluctantly, and the discomfort in her heart deepened. The more polite this man was, the more she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

After the mother and son left, Song Hongye couldn't help but ask, "Who is this old lady? You can't think of yourself as the Empress Dowager Cixi, tsk, the Qing Dynasty is dead, she is still in a dream!"


Lu Ziqun was amused, and his mood improved a lot.

Zhao Di looked a little embarrassed. This empress dowager Cixi, who had not woken up from her dream, was her future mother-in-law. It was a shame.

"Qingqing, how did you and Qi Wenyuan know each other?" Zhao Di was very curious.

"A friend of his is my patient, and he has been with me for treatment twice. I didn't expect yours to be him. Is your relationship confirmed?" Ye Qingqing asked with concern.

Zhao Di's expression became hesitant. She didn't dare to say that for sure now. Even if she was in the authorities, she could feel Qi Wenyuan's alienation from her. This was not the attitude a man who was about to marry her should have.

"I don't know now." Zhao Di shook her head in confusion.

She suddenly did not want to marry Qi Wenyuan, feeling that the marriage would not be happy.

And she also felt that Qi Wenyuan might not want to marry her!

"I'll say one more thing, you should be more cautious and make a decision after knowing more about Qi Wenyuan." Ye Qingqing persuaded politely.

Zhao Di nodded, "I know, at this age, I won't get married in a hurry. Let's go shopping, I'll go back first."

She is very confused now, and she wants to go back and think about it.

After Zhao Di left, Lu Ziqun couldn't help but said: "Qingqing, you have to persuade your friend not to marry, that man doesn't like your friend at first sight, just like Yu Shaoning was with me back then, and her The future mother-in-law is not a good stubble, and marrying the past is just jumping into a fire pit!"


------off topic-----

continue tomorrow

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