
"I also feel that the man is unreliable. Look at him, Miss Lu, and he calls you a respectful name to his marriage partner. This is not like getting married. She regrets it after marrying." Song Hongye also said.

Ye Qingqing is not too worried, "Don't worry, my friend is very rational, she won't get married in a hurry, go shopping, and today I have to make a new look for Ziqun."

"Yes, Ziqun, do you wish for your big villa in your current outfit? No wonder the old woman said those words just now, what are you trying to do with money? Are you taking care of your little white face?" Song Hongye rolled her eyes.

Lu Ziqun blushed brightly, "You're the only one who takes care of the little white face, how can I have that money, I don't want to save more money to pay off the debt, and I still owe Ye Qingqing several hundred thousand!"

"Did I urge you to pay back the money? Don't rely on me." Ye Qingqing snapped back.

"I want to pay it back early. I can't sleep well when I owe money. It's like pressing a big rock. It's not delicious to call dragon meat. You guys are not in debt, but I'm in huge debt." Lu Ziqun sighed. Tone, as long as she thinks of Ye Qingqing's debt, she can't wait for a penny to be spent as a dollar, how can she even think about buying new clothes.

"Think about those bosses who owe the bank hundreds of millions. They still drive luxury cars and live in luxury houses. They hug beautiful women from left to right, and they live a very nourishing life. You are only a few hundred thousand dollars. Song Hongye was joking.

Lu Ziqun flattened his mouth, "Those are people who do big things. I can't compare with the common people. I just want to earn money with peace of mind and live a life of my own.

Ye Qingqing advised: "Then don't make yourself look like the old lady. You can see that the outfit you are wearing is not the same. You can definitely afford to buy a better set of clothes every season. Let's go, I'll treat you today, the three of you can choose whatever you want, and put it on my account."

"Then I'm welcome, I just want to buy some spring clothes." Song Hongye answered immediately.

Lu Ziqun hurriedly refused, "No, no, I have money. If you treat me, I won't buy it."

Just now, Mama Qi's dog eyes were still effective. Lu Ziqun was greatly stimulated, and she wanted to change her image.

"Then you pay for yourself, let's go, I'll give you a head-to-toe look, prepare your wallet to bleed." Ye Qingqing dragged Lu Ziqun to the hair salon first.

From head to toe, naturally, he had to change his head first. Lu Ziqun's current hairstyle is still the short haircut he used to have when he was in college.

The hair stylist repaired Lu Ziqun's playful and lively shaggy hair, and dyed it a maroon color that was not too public. He immediately became ten years younger. Lu Ziqun was still distressed for the three hundred silver dollars for hair, and his heart was like a knife, but Seeing the young and lively self in the mirror, the heartbreak was healed immediately, and I couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that she can be so good-looking, as soon as this hairstyle is done, she is like changing her head.

"Don't get intoxicated, go back and change your clothes, put on makeup again, you will fall in love with yourself!"

Ye Qingqing dragged Lu Ziqun away, and then went to buy clothes, shoes and bags. I didn't choose any expensive brands. Three or four hundred sets were affordable to Lu Ziqun. The styles were very fashionable and generous. Qingqing threw it in the trash can.

"I still want to take it back and use it as pajamas." Lu Ziqun felt a pity that although the clothes were a bit old, they weren't torn, so they could still be worn at home.

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