Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 417: Lu Qingquan returns

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"Dad, Xiaotong will sign up tomorrow. The monthly living expenses are 500 yuan, a total of 5 months, 2500. 35xs"

Ye Zhiguo never gave Ye Qingqing living expenses, and he didn't even mention it. During breakfast, Ye Qingqing asked for money directly. Xiaotong was Ye Zhiguo's own son, and he had to pay the money.

"I signed up for tomorrow, I've been so confused, I forgot about it!" Ye Zhiguo woke up like a dream. He was busy with the factory manager these days, and he didn't have time to care about other things.

Ye Zhiguo looked at the old lady, "Mom, Laner's dowry money is ready to be taken out, and I will pay Xiaotong's living expenses."

The old lady was in pain for a long time, and she could only eat for five months for 2,500 yuan. If she was in the country, the whole family could eat for a year, but although the old lady was in pain, she would still do what she promised.

She said that the money would be used for Xiaotong to go to school, she would definitely not be ignorant, the grandson has learned his skills, and her face is bright!

The old lady went back to the room and closed the door tightly. After a while, she came out with a stack of money.

"Tomorrow I'll go sign up with you. Your child won't be reliable with so much money." The old lady put the money in her trouser pocket.

This girl, Ye Qingqing, has no hair on her mouth and is insecure, so she has to stare at her to feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll sign up for myself tomorrow, and then I'll sign up for Xiaotong with my grandma. Dad, I'll charge 150 yuan for books tomorrow. 35xs" Ye Qingqing didn't care, she asked about her book fees again.

Ye Zhiguo had already prepared it, it was only one hundred and fifty yuan, and he simply took it out.

Shen Yanhong and Ye Lan's eyes were about to explode. It was their money, but now they let the fool go to school. Shen Yanhong looked upstairs. There were two thousand and five left. Tomorrow, the dead old woman will sign up. Find the money in the dead old woman's room.

"Grandma, it's not a problem for Ye Lan to eat at home and wait for her death every day. How about changing her age by one year and letting her get married!" Ye Qingqing had a better idea.

Rather than letting Ye Lan go to work, it's better to let her get married. The scumbag and the scumbag are a perfect pair.

The most important thing is that Wei Yugang, the duck king, has a soft spot for married women. When Ye Lan marries Lu Qingquan, and then lets Wei Yugang sleep with Ye Lan, the Hulunbuir Prairie will be above Lu Qingquan's head.

Ye Lan's heart moved. In fact, she also wanted to get married. Instead of being abused by the dead old woman at home, she might as well live a happy two-person world with Brother Qingquan.

The old lady agreed and said to Ye Zhiguo: "Qingqing is right, you can find a way to increase Ye Lan's age by one year. I will go to the Lu family to talk about the marriage, and then I will get the rest of the betrothal gifts back."

"Lu Qingquan is still in the army, so how do you get married?" Shen Yanhong was not too reluctant. Lu Qingquan asked the man to stab her in the eye. very.

"Why not, maybe Lu Qingquan will be back soon!" Ye Qingqing sneered.

Still daydreaming!

Humph, soon the beautiful dream will be broken, and the nightmare will come!

"I just took a vacation, how can I come back so soon? It's not in a hurry, let Laner find a job!" Ye Zhiguo disagreed, Ye Lan was still half a year old and turned 20 years old, so there was no reason to change it by one year.

Ye Qingqing sneered silently, and said no more, Lu Qingquan didn't have much money on him, he couldn't last a few days outside, and the nightmare was coming!

At the same time, the disgraced Lu Qingquan got off the train. He bought instant noodles for the last dollar on his body, but couldn't find a dime in his entire body. Lu Qingquan looked at the traffic on the street and didn't know what to do.

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