Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 418: Lu Mo helps cheat

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Ye Qingqing went to Lu's house. Yesterday, she left her bag at Lu's house. It was full of summer homework and had to go and get it back.

Lu Mo was walking in the yard with crutches. Dr. Du took him for a full-body examination. The recovery situation surprised all the experts. It only took half a month, which is much better than half a year of rehabilitation for similar patients.

Dr. Du re-established a rehabilitation plan for Lu Mo. The original plan was to get out of the wheelchair after a month. Now Lu Mo rarely sits in a wheelchair and walks on crutches.

And even without crutches, Lu Mo could walk for an hour.

Ye Qingqing knew that there was such a result. Half of it was because of the addition of spirit dew to the ointment, and half of it was Lu Mo's own resilience. Many people couldn't stand the pain of rehabilitation, but Lu Mo was very self-disciplined. Complete, even deeply would be overdone.

Hard work pays off, Lu Mo's hard work has paid off!

"What time will I register tomorrow?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Qingqing was sorting out her homework without raising her head. "Registration starts at eight o'clock. I'll go after breakfast. Hey, where is my composition? Why is it missing?"

She searched for it several times, but she didn't see the text, and it disappeared!

Lu Mo's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly turned his head away, looking at the scenery outside the window with a blank face.

"Have you seen me writing a text? I clearly put it in my bag, and I don't have long legs, how could it be gone?"

Ye Qingqing simply poured out all the homework in the bag, pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, triangular board... The table was covered, and every book was rummaged through, but still no text was found.

"I'm going to sign up tomorrow... What should I do now?" Ye Qingqing was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Ten essays, if you finish writing them in one day, your fingers will definitely be bald!

Lu Mo coughed in a guilty conscience, deeply feeling that he was guilty of a terrible crime, but if he really made the girl hand in the composition and made the teacher burst with anger, he would definitely be unforgivable.

"Maybe I lost it on the way, it's still early, and it's too late to rewrite ten articles." Lu Mo came up with an idea.

"How could it be lost? Impossible, I kept it in my bag all the time, did you take it?" Ye Qingqing looked at Lu Mo suspiciously.

Zuo Wen will definitely not run away on his own, and it is unlikely that it will be lost on the road. The biggest possibility is that someone has taken it.

"No, I think you lost it on the way. It's definitely too late to start writing now." Lu Momu refused to admit it with a face.

Ye Qingqing looked at him suspiciously for a long time, but couldn't find any clues, so she couldn't help but face bitterly, "Is it really lost on the way? It's hard to write again... I'm going to break my hand..."

Looking at Ye Qingqing who couldn't stop wailing, Lu Mo had a smile in his eyes and felt a little more guilty. He couldn't help but say, "I will help you write five articles, and you will write five articles."

Ye Qingqing was stunned, some couldn't believe her ears, Lu Mo, the most principled, actually took the initiative to help her cheat?

"Are you really helping me write?"

"Write it or not? Don't write it!"

"Write it... I'm going to buy a new text."

Ye Qingqing was about to go out to buy a book, but Lu Mo stopped her, "No, I have it at home."

He took out a brand-new composition text from the drawer, Ye Qingqing blinked and asked, "Where did you get the composition text?"

"My mother." Lu Mo was very calm.

Ye Qingqing is very easy to fool, and she has no doubts at all. Lin Shufang is a teacher, and there must be various books at home!

"Hands hurt...Would you like to write six articles?" Ye Qingqing was coquettish as soon as she started writing, and she put her wrist in front of Lu Mo and lengthened her voice.

Lu Mo's eyelids jumped and his eyes shifted, "Four articles!"

"Ouba..." Ye Qingqing's voice dragged on longer.


"Stop, you said the five articles yourself, brother Bing's words must be counted!"

Ye Qingqing didn't dare to act like a spoiled child, she sat upright, bit her pen and thought hard, what should I write?

I can't write about my daily life with Big Wood. Big Wood was sitting on the side, and when I looked back, I was embarrassed to see it!

Alas, how could the composition text be lost?

Pippi flew in, glanced at Lu Mo's pillow, and snorted softly, the male protagonist is dishonest, and the female protagonist is so stupid!

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