That night, Li Xiuxiu asked Bruno to come out, and Ye Qingqing was at her house. Li Xiuxiu said that she was not confident by herself, and asked her to accompany her to strengthen her courage.

"Xiuxiu, no matter what you encounter, please tell me, and I will face it with you." Bruno's Chinese is very blunt, but sincere.

"I'm infected with syphilis, you know the disease, right?" Li Xiuxiu said directly, watching Bruno's reaction nervously.

If this man shows a little bit of disgust, she won't talk anymore.

Bruno looked surprised. Of course he knew what syphilis was, but his expression was still calm. For Bruno, who had treated countless incurable diseases, syphilis was really just a drop in the bucket.

"How did you get infected?" Bruno asked rationally.

Li Xiuxiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, Bruno's eyes were full of surprise and doubt, not the dislike she was afraid of, which made her feel relieved.

"Don't you think I'm a woman with a loose private life?" Li Xiuxiu asked rhetorically.

Bruno looked at her strangely, then thought for a while, and waved to Ye Qingqing, "Qingqing, I need your help to translate."

When the words are used, there is less hatred, and Bruno has a deep understanding at this moment.

"Xiuxiu, let me tell you, there are three ways of transmission of syphilis, **** and blood are the most common, and mother-to-child transmission, these three are the most important transmission routes, and other in vitro transmission rates are very small, usually It is not contagious, so you have to know that patients who contract syphilis because of their debauchery in private life are not the most important patients, and many are accidentally infected."

Bruno talked eloquently, and Ye Qingqing translated for Li Xiuxiu's common knowledge of science and medicine. Fortunately, her English became more and more slippery.

She also remembered that the old lady said that the skills are too much, and it is really necessary to master some skills. Why don't you learn a few foreign languages ​​someday? If you really can't travel abroad, you can save translation costs!

Li Xiuxiu's eyes became more and more red, and somewhere in her heart became softer and softer, like ice melted by the warm winter sun, slowly... slowly... turned into a pool of spring water, and then touched by a dragonfly, wrinkled Circle after circle of ripples.

"So, Xiuxiu, you were infected with syphilis. It's probably because of an accident. How can you think that you are a dissolute woman? You are wrong." Bruno looked at Li Xiuxiu disapprovingly and couldn't disagree with her. .

The corners of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched. They were all thinking too much, but in fact, Bruno didn't care at all.

Think about it too, Bruno is facing world-class incurable diseases, syphilis is really a piece of cake, it may be equivalent to how ordinary people view colds!

"I was murdered, and it's my fault for being too careless."

Li Xiuxiu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and told everything about Li Shanxing's framing of her.

Bruno's expression was solemn and he couldn't believe it and said, "How could Li Shanxing be such a person? I thought she was just a little paranoid, but I didn't expect her heart to be so bad, it's too hateful, Xiuxiu, don't worry, it's just a one-off recovery. , I will contact experts in this field for you, and it will definitely be cured."

"But I asked the doctor and said that the cure rate is not 100%, I'm afraid..." Li Xiuxiu was uneasy.

"It's not 100%, but you must know that colds are not 100% curable. No doctor will promise you 100%. As long as there is a 90% cure rate, it is actually equivalent to us. I think it's 100%." ​​Bruno comforted.

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