"You mean I can be cured, there will be no accidents, right?" Li Xiuxiu looked surprised, changing her frown from before.

Bruno nodded with a smile, "Yes, I will definitely cure you, don't worry!"

In the eyes of ordinary people, syphilis is very scary, but in his eyes, it is just a small virus, not scary.

Li Xiuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense spirit relaxed all of a sudden.

"Xiuxiu, why are you looking for someone to pretend to be your fiancé? You can find someone else, why don't you find me?" Bruno was still brooding, he felt that he was more suitable than the young boy.

Li Xiuxiu blushed and dared not look directly into Bruno's affectionate eyes. She lowered her head shyly, and said hesitantly, "I... I have this disease, and thought you would despise me..."

"How come, it's just a very common infectious disease, and it can be cured, why do you think so? I'm a doctor, Xiuxiu, and I won't despise anyone, especially you, because of the disease." Bruno couldn't understand Li Xiuxiu's thoughts, he was sick It is not subjectively controllable. Patients suffer more than anyone else. If outsiders discriminate against them because of this, it will seriously hurt the patient's psychology.

A doctor should accommodate all his patients, which is the most basic professional ethics of a doctor.

What's more, Li Xiuxiu is still the woman he loves deeply, how could she discriminate against her because of being sick!

Bruno's expression was serious and his tone was heavy, "Xiuxiu, I'm very unhappy when you think like this, you shouldn't think like that."

Li Xiuxiu was stunned for a while. Under Bruno's serious and sincere eyes, she somehow felt guilty and a little guilty. She couldn't help but apologize, "I'm sorry...it's my fault, don't be angry."

"Of course I won't be angry, Xiuxiu, please let me take care of you, if you need a fiancé, please consider me, although I'm a little older, but I'm really healthy, much stronger than the one you asked for ."

Bruno compared his arms, wanting Li Xiuxiu to see his strong muscles. The knotted tendon muscles were bulging, and the sleeves that were still somewhat loose were puffed up, full of masculinity, Li Xiuxiu suddenly She blushed, not knowing what she thought.

"That one was hired by me, and asked him to accompany me back to my hometown."

"I can also accompany you back to your hometown without spending money." Bruno volunteered.

Li Xiuxiu hesitated. She had no psychological burden to ask the security guard Xiao Li, but she could let Bruno go back with her. She was still very worried. The villagers were hard to hear, and she was afraid that Bruno would not be able to bear it.

"Don't worry, he doesn't even understand Mandarin. How could he understand the dialect of your hometown? People have taken the initiative to promote themselves. I think you will follow it!" Ye Qingqing saw Li Xiuxiu's thoughts at a glance, and deliberately joked .

Li Xiuxiu blushed even more, looked shyly at Bruno, nodded slightly, and finally let go.

It also means that she accepts Bruno's pursuit.

Ye Qingqing also breathed a sigh of relief, and made a couple again. Yue Laozhen should have paid her salary. After she came back, she was not idle. She was also treating illness and saving people, and she was also a matchmaker. The success rate is still high. Yes, there are three pairs so far.

Now that Bruno is with him, the security guard Li is of course no use. Li Xiuxiu feels sorry for the five hundred yuan deposit, and the security guard Li is also very happy. The five hundred yuan is equivalent to his monthly salary, and he has not done anything. , earn 500 yuan for nothing, go back and collect some more, buy a gold chain for the daughter-in-law to wear.

The next day, Ye Qingqing, Bruno, and Li Xiuxiu set foot on the road back to her hometown together.

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