Xie Zi had a fever on his face when he settled down.

He felt that the little girl in front of him should be just playing with children, but he didn't remember to say it so seriously. There was no joke between his eyebrows and eyes, and it really made people feel delicate.

At this time, Xie Wanjin pushed him behind him and said in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Xie Zian suddenly leaned forward. Seeing that he was about to jump on her, he didn't remember to press her. He quickly reached out and took the little girl in his arms. He turned and fell on the soft couch in a seated position.

When they saw this, they immediately: "

Don't remember to look at Xie Zian with a smile, raise your right index finger and gently place the center of the young man's eyebrows. With a soft voice, Nuo said, "you don't have to be so worried. Even if you are willing, you have to wait until I recover my original appearance."

"I, I..." Xie Zian is also a talkative person on weekdays. Now he is in front of the little girl I stuttered.

There are so many people in the piansheng hall. He is concerned about the safety of his eldest brother. At present, he doesn't care what to explain, so he wants to directly say the main thing first, "that, that depends on you. Now will you save my eldest brother first?"

"OK." don't remember very well. He nodded and smiled, "but you have to let go of me first."

"Ah... OK!"

Xie Zian suddenly reacted and held the little girl in his arms. He quickly got up and put her down. His handsome face became more and more red.

When the Xie family saw him, they were speechless for a moment.

Only Xie Wanjin leaned over and whispered with Rong Sheng, "do you think you've long liked our little seven? It looks like you're going to eat little seven."

Rongsheng looked back at him. His deep eyes were like dyed ink , In a low voice, "the blood contract is not a whim after all."

"The deed ”

Xie Wanjin unconsciously repeated these two words, and suddenly came to his mind the time when he was born in the land of Hanchuan and almost died.

Although it was said that the purpose of forming a concentric alliance at that time was to save Rong Sheng's life, there is no hesitation. The fourth childe has never regretted doing that at that time, but at least he chose it himself. Xiao Qi today, after all, is different from him at that time.

The fourth childe looked at Xie Zian, whose face was red, and then looked at the smiling man who didn't remember. He blurted out: "it's not a whim. Did you have this intention long ago?"

If you don't remember Wen Yan, you can't help looking up at him, "if you have the mind to think about this, you might as well think about your eldest brother."

“ Who has time to think about something else. "Xie Wanjin immediately changed his mouth and said," you hurry to save my eldest brother. You can do whatever you want after you're done! "

Xie Zian looked at the fourth brother who wanted to roll up his brother with brocade and send him to bu Ji's couch. For a moment, he looked very delicate.

Ye Zhiqiu and Xie Yu said in the same voice, "save people first!"

The latter paused and said, "I never go back on what my family promised. Don't worry. It's important to save my eldest brother first."

"What's the hurry?" I don't remember. I was very calm. I glanced at the people and said slowly: "you should match the things with the people first."

Wen Jiu smelled his words and hurriedly asked, "what else do you want? What kind of person?"

Don't remember walking to the couch and saying, "open all the doors and windows."

"OK." Wen Jiu answered immediately and ordered Wang Liang to take the waiter to open the door and window.

At this moment, it was raining heavily outside. As soon as the doors and windows were opened, a strong wind swept in, blowing the curtain floating in the hall, and everyone's clothes flew lightly.

The ink hair of warm wine was blown disorderly, and she had no time to take care of it. She immediately asked, "what else do you want to do?"

I didn't remember to stop until I came to the couch. I said without haste: "there are 999 lights outside the temple. No matter how heavy the wind and rain is, one of the lights can go out."

"The wind is so strong and it's raining. How can one of these lamps not go out?" Xie Xiaoliu was worried when he heard this, and couldn't help saying, "aren't you..."

Before she finished, she was stopped by Xie Zian.

The young man said in a warm voice, "there's always a way. What else do you need? Just say it."

Without remembering to nod, he said, "we still need musicians. Musicians who can play soul returning music can't break or make any mistakes before people wake up 。”

"What is the soul returning song?" Xie Wanjin said that he had never heard of it. Why: "it's easy to find musicians. How many capitals do you want, but there's no mistake if you want to know the soul returning song. Where can you find it for a while?"

While the fourth childe was talking, he had already scolded him in his heart. The little girl had a lovely and pleasant appearance, But why do you always say half and leave half?

It's such an important thing that I didn't say before. It's urgent!

Don't remember glancing back at Xie Wanjin. You don't have to ask him what he was thinking. He said, "who let you get such a broken bead? It's plain that I have to spend a lot of effort."

Xie Wanjin stopped talking immediately.

The one who can save people is uncle.

There's nothing to talk back.

But the fourth childe is worried.

Just when everyone was frowning, Rong Sheng suddenly opened his mouth lightly: "return to soul song, I will."

Xie Wensheng raised his eyes and looked at him, "thank you for writing down the song. I'll try to learn a song now."

Rong Sheng nodded and answered.

Xie Wanjin hurriedly said, "then I'll find some spiritual musicians."

Then he turned and left.

Seeing this, Xie Zian hurriedly said, "I'll tell someone to light the light."

"I'll go too." Xie Xiaoliu immediately followed him out.

I don't remember seeing the boy go, I lost the interest to say more in an instant. I gently lifted the humanity towards the people with my right hand: "leave the cold Jade Flute, you all go out."

"What cold jade flute..." Ye Zhiqiu just wanted to say how the girl spoke. Halfway through her words, Xie Yu took out a white jade flute from her sleeve and handed it to her.

The third childe's eyes looked at the little girl like ink, "what you said, but mine?"

"Naturally." he took it without remembering to stretch out his hand. "This is my cold Sichuan thing. It's just an ordinary thing in your hand, but it's different from me. As soon as the flute rings, the soul returning song will be played. It can't be played half a minute later."

But she didn't mean to say much. She said such a sentence and said, "as for what you want to ask, it's not too late to ask again in the future. It's none of your business. Go out."

When they heard the speech, they looked at the warm wine.

Wen Jiu raised his hand, "you all go out."

They all bowed their heads and retreated. Xie Yu and ye Zhiqiu walked last.

Only warm wine stood in place for a moment and came to the couch.

Don't remember looking at her in surprise, "didn't I say to let you all go out? You can't do anything if you stay. If it's in case, you'll take your own life."

Wen Jiu reached out and touched Xie Heng's face. His face was gentle, but his eyes were full of firmness. "If he's in case, I'll never live alone."

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