I don't remember that Wenjiu is so determined. I can't help but wonder secretly. Once the world gets involved in love, it is really brave and foolish.

She knew that no matter how much she said, it was useless. She simply left it with warm wine.

Outside the temple, Xie Yu and Rong Sheng took Copy the music score and let the musicians learn and teach with the piano. Xie Wanjin and Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi led the palace attendants to light a long light with whale oil in the treasure house.

Ye Zhiqiu personally took people to guard the Yonghe palace and didn't let any superfluous people in and out.

In the torrential rain, everyone was busy. The strong wind blew down the branches and leaves in front of the court, and the palace was scattered. The people came and went quickly, splashing the accumulated water on the ground and raising countless splashes.

Wen Jiu slowly sat down beside the couch, reached out and gently touched Xie Heng's face. Normally, people who always laugh and talk in front of her are closed their eyes and locked their sword eyebrows. They don't know how to sink into the abyss quietly.

"Xie Dongfeng." she leaned over, pasted Xie Heng's face and whispered, "I still have a lot to tell you. Don't you want to know that I dreamed when I had nightmares? Wake up quickly and I'll tell you everything."

For Wen Jiu, the events of his previous life are a nightmare of fear when he mentions one more sentence. Even if he is happy with what he sees with Xie Heng, he doesn't want to mention those painful memories. Xie Heng actually wants to ask sometimes, but when he mentions that she doesn't like it, he consciously No more mention.

Lost and found, even if extremely happy, in the end is a bit more fear that the pearl is fragile and the good dream is difficult to stay.

Until now, Wen Jiu didn't want to tell Xie Heng what he had done in his two lives.

As long as he can hear and react a little, it's all right.

Warm wine whispered, "if you don't wake up all the time, I'll sleep with you."

"Then I'll do it for you now." Bu Ji stood on the side and felt inexplicably unable to listen. He knocked the warm wine out with a knife.

The little girl lifted up her warm wine leg and put it on the couch, let her lie with Xie Heng, and said with a headache, "I don't really want to hear it. You two can talk about it yourself 。”

Outside the hall, heavy rain and thunder roared, and strong winds blew the veil and bead curtain in the hall flying and shaking, dazzling light and shadow.

It was completely dark.

One by one, the bright lights lit up the whole bedroom hall. The zither player sat in a circle around Yonghe palace. Xie Jianrong lived in the southeast,

Xie Zian found the cloud gauze as thin as a cicada's wing from the treasure house, took it directly, flew to the highest place of Yonghe palace and shouted "Qingyi guard, come quickly!"

Hundreds of Tsing Yi guards responded.

"Then!" the young man stood at a high place and threw down the cloud gauze one by one. The green guards flew up, caught the other end, stood up in three steps, and blocked several people who wanted to extinguish the lamps with the cloud gauze that was impervious to water and fire The flying rain all over the sky also protected the people below from the rain.

He was alone.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but say in a high voice, "Xiao Qi, you come down and I'll go up!"

Xie Zian shook his head, "I can stand it. The third sister-in-law can rest assured."

Ye Zhiqiu was so shouted by his third sister-in-law that he didn't know how to deal with it. Just then, the sound of jade flute flying in the hall scattered into the wind and rain, and immediately circled the beam.

Xie Xuan and Rong Sheng played the soul returning song at the same time. A group of zither players immediately raised their hands and plucked the strings. For a time, the sound of the zither was singing with the wind and rain.

A flash of lightning lit up the night sky, and the white light in the hall suddenly appeared, which was integrated with the light of 990 long-term lights. Wen Jiu, who had just been knocked out, also had a sense of her surroundings. She just felt that there were countless blurred images between the light and shadow.

Then there is complete darkness.

It was a long time before she saw it again A spot of light that grows larger and illuminates everything around.

Wenjiu found himself in a huge palace with magnificent furnishings, but there was no one else except her.

There was a little talk outside the window. She approached and listened, and then she heard it Three or four young women whispered, "adults are urging the emperor to tell the Regent about the selection of concubines in the imperial garden today. It has been said for several years. The Regent has no intention of paying attention to concubines at all. There are more and more concubines and beauties in the palace."

"I've heard that the Regent... Has something extraordinary. You have to change several beauties to have fun one night. Whose decent lady can stand his favor?"

"You see, this time it's probably just to select some beauties and send them to the palace for the regent to enjoy."

As the young women talked and talked about the Regent's affair, they couldn't help laughing shyly and timidly.

Wen Jiu heard these words more and more familiar, as if he had heard them somewhere.

She calmed down, thought about it for a long time, and suddenly opened a pair of beautiful eyes. This is

This is what the palace people who loved Xie Heng's face often said in private when Xie Heng was the Regent in his previous life.

Warm wine almost immediately reflected that he was probably in Xie Heng's dream.

After he fell asleep, he was dreaming about his previous life.

Wenjiu hurried out of the palace and unconsciously read: "imperial garden... Xie Heng is in the imperial garden."

The palace attendants who came and went down the corridor seemed to see her and passed directly. Wen Jiu ignored the strangeness and bent on walking to the imperial garden.

Fortunately, the two lives of the palace were similar. She was really familiar and soon found a place.

All the ministers are earnestly persuading the regent to stand upright, as if the future of the country depends on what kind of wife the Regent will marry.

At this time, it was spring, and the garden was full of flowers, blocking all those individuals. Warm wine could only hear the voice, but no one.

Some of the ministers' words of persuading people to get a wife were very beautiful, others were very excited, warm wine could not see, and everyone heard the sound of saliva flying. However, all this only brought the man a low smile.

Wen Jiu stood behind the peach blossom tree and raised his hand to pull the flowering branches. Looking at the source of the low laughter, he saw that the man was dressed in a black dark pattern wide sleeved robe and had a purple golden crown. His appearance was no other in the world.

He has thin lips and light hooks. Although he smiles, his Danfeng eyes are fierce, Without saying a word, they were shocked and shut up very consciously.

The whole imperial garden was quiet for a moment.

The little emperor Zhao Xi said with a smile, "what you said is also for the Regent's sake. The daughter of the Marquis Wu is frank and simple, the Wang Xiangzhang pearl is virtuous and gentle, and the Liang's two Shu look beautiful. I don't know what the Regent thinks?"

Xie Heng's sword eyebrow was slightly picked, and his smile was cool and thin. "If the emperor likes it, just bring it into the palace. There's no need to say more with Gu."

Zhao Xi was stunned for a moment. Her face soon returned to normal. She smiled and asked, "there are tens of thousands of good women in Dayan Chaohao. Unexpectedly, no one can get the favor of the Regent?"

Xie Heng raised his glass and drank all the wine in the glass. His eyes were as deep as the sea. His words were clear: "I have only one good life in my life, and I am only willing to marry one person."

Zhao Xi asked in surprise, "who?"

Xie Heng clenched the wine cup in his hand and said slowly, "Wen's wine."

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