Wen Jiu was unable to speak for a while, and he couldn't help but look at Xie Xuan.

After all, Third Brother was the best at this sort of thing.

However, Third Young Master did not say a word as it had nothing to do with him.

Xie Heng frowned: "Even wind and rain needs a girl like you to carry them, what do you need me to be your elder brother for?"

The youth became so serious, causing Wen Jiu to choke on his food.

She was already used to it. If there was anything, she would always rush to the front by herself.

No matter what, he had to rely on himself.

However, this youth kept telling her again and again: "With me here, you don't have to worry about anything."

"And you!"

Xie Heng picked up the book on the table and threw it in front of Xie Xuan, "Copy it a hundred times, lacking one word, squat together with her!"

Even if his backbone was not in the manor, the Third Young Master dared to beat the current Prince into such a ghastly state.

It was no wonder the Imperial Consort Wu was biting around like crazy.

It was fortunate that Wu Chengfeng was also brainless, thinking that he could flatten General's Mansion with a hundred light cavalry.


Ever since they came to the Dijing City, they had become even more frivolous and lost all signs of existence. They still did not know what kind of situation the two of them would create the next time he was not here.

"Eldest brother …"

"Elder brother?"

Wen Jiu and Xie Xuan had coincidentally spoken at the same time, and couldn't help but look at each other.

It was rare to see helplessness in his eyes.

At this moment, Xie Heng was completely unmoved. "What's going on? Third Young Master still wants to be punished with injuries? "

"Whatever you say, brother."

Third Young Master only said this as he reached out to take the book.

Wen Jiu glanced at it.

His brother had actually made him a copy of the《 Moral Classic》, if he really copied it a hundred times, in the future, if Third Young Master couldn't think of one thing, wouldn't he have to go through another?

Wen Jiu hurriedly said: "Elder brother, you should change the book for Third Brother."

"Change the Female Commandment?"

Xie Heng asked indifferently.

The teenager in blue clothes glanced over and opened the paper on the stone table. He held a brush and dipped it in ink and just like that, he began to copy the Classic of the Way of the Virtue.

Wen Jiu, "..."

Just when she didn't say anything.

This sword was really heavy!

Who was the one who forged it? With materials being so honest, he was not afraid of losing money!

"Stand up straight!" Xie Heng pinched a fallen leaf on her waist, which didn't have a trace of the usual smile on it.

Very fierce.

He was clearly a strict teacher.

Fortunately, the attendant and the maids did not come over. Wen Jiu gritted his teeth, wasn't it just an hour? Wasn't it just crippling his hands and legs?

Damn it.

How could this elder brother be so good at tormenting people?

She held on for a long time, but Xie Xuan had already copied a few pieces of xuan paper and pressed it to the side.

Xie Heng sat at the side and drank his wine proudly, occasionally reminding her, "Steady."

Wen Jiu almost sat on the floor as she tried to salvage the situation, "Elder brother, people always say that training in martial arts starts from primary school, don't you think it's too late for me to start studying now?"

The young man's voice was clear. "It's quite late."

"That's right, how about I copy the moral scriptures like the Third Brother?"

Wen Jiu discussed with him.

Although copying was tiring, it was still better than suffering like this!

"After you finish training every day for two hours, plagiarize again. Brother won't stop you."

Xie Heng leaned on the stone table, his posture casual.

Wen Jiu laughed, "Do I still have the time to train now? To be able to compete in martial arts with his elder brother? Or do you need to fight against dozens of them with one sword each? "

It was a pity that this young man did not do business. He was clearly a rare talent.

Xie Heng replied: "No."

Wen Jiu wanted to throw the sword: Then why the hell is she still practicing!

The youth seemed to have seen through her thoughts, "After training, at least you will be able to run faster. If you are willing to put in some hard work, then you can even learn how to intimidate people."

Wen Jiu, "... Elder Brother, I'm really busy. "

Can you not hold her back while she goes out to earn silver?

Xie Heng looked at her, and acted as if he was going to get up.

Miss Wen two steps away said hurriedly: "No matter how busy you are, you still have to be the first to be the eldest brother!"

Xie Xuan who had always been meditating on the Classic of Virtue laughed, pretending that she did not hear anything.

They were also punished.

The Third Young Master's Classic of Virtue was not much better than her horse stance.

Why should a man who has been punished laugh at a man who has been punished?

"Two hours are almost up."

Xie Heng drank as the sky gradually brightened.

The ground was covered with pure white snow, and only the flames in the octagonal pavilion flickered.

Wen Jiu was still sweating profusely.

Third Young Master's calligraphy was slightly slower than it was at the start. When the wind blew, another day's dawn arrived.

Xie Heng stood up, holding onto the long sword that had suppressed Wen Jiu for a long time, he only took two steps forward, as the attendant that was not far away ran over, "General! A bunch of people came in from outside... "A bunch of bald heads. They said they're here to give the general something …"

attendant stuttered and scratched his head, "This person has already arrived, do you want to let him in?"

"Not a single word is human!"

Xie Heng laughed and scolded, he waved his hand, "Since they are here, let them in."

attendant replied.

Wen Jiu held onto the pavilion pillar and stood up straight, his legs were weak, his arms were not his, and after leaning on it for a long time, he was unable to move.

How could everyone not have martial arts?

For someone like her, she could only protect herself and her family, using money to pummel experts.

Not long after, attendant who had returned with a group of bald heads walked over to the octagonal pavilion. The ground was covered with snow, and when the seven people walked over, Wen Jiu felt that the snow in front of his eyes had become somewhat dazzling.

The person in front was only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. He wore a snow-white monastic robe and had a gentle aura around him. He was clearly a man with picturesque eyes, yet no one dared to have any profane thoughts.

Wen Jiu was slightly dazed.

Xie Heng turned around and said to her in a low voice, "Jiu, go and send all of these people away."

Finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the other side.

Wen Jiu didn't even have time to reply.

In the blink of an eye, the monk dressed in the white cassock appeared in front of him and performed a buddhist salute.

The buddhist beads in his hand gently rotated, as if the endless snow around his body had slowed down.

Wen Jiu could not help but turn to look at Xie Heng, the news of the Modern Realm came too fast, the Third Young Master gave her the Female Commandment, and on the second day, Xie Heng woke her up early in the morning to copy the moral scriptures.

It hadn't been long since someone started reading Buddhist scriptures to the General Xie …

It's a report.

The young man's eyes froze, and then he immediately said: "Master, you came at the right time to tell my Third Young Master about the buddhist scriptures, and to soak yourself in the buddhist light."

Ying Wuqiu said warmly: "Buddha is destined." He raised his hand slightly and said, "Everyone, please take a seat."

"I have urgent matters to attend to."

Xie Heng had a headache. As he walked, he said: "Jiu, welcome the few of you."

Before he could finish his sentence, a voice from not too far away called out, "Eldest Princess has come to visit!" As the voice was transmitted over, a woman dressed in brocade silk clothing arrived, bringing a few maids along with her …

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