Wen Jiu looked up and couldn't help but glance at Xie Xuan from the corner of his eyes. Third Young Master's face was instantly frozen as he turned around and left.

"Three …"

Just as Wen Jiu was about to call out to him, the youth beside him said: "Perhaps his wound has split open. I'll go take a look.

Zhao Jingyi walked very fast, and practically everyone around her ran at a small jog to keep up with her footsteps.

In a short moment, they arrived at the pavilion.

Xie Heng and Zhao Jingyi slightly nodded, they turned and walked through the corridor, and didn't even bother to exchange greetings.

Wen Jiu felt powerless in his heart, and immediately went forward to welcome him, "I did not know that Eldest Princess would come, and I welcome you from afar."

He didn't know what kind of evil wind he had blown today, but it was the worst that he shouldn't have come.

Even though Ying Wuqiu was still young, he was actually an extremely famous holy monk with profound strength. He usually meditated in seclusion, and it was rare for even that person from the palace to call out to him.

Now, automatically coming to General's Mansion to lecture Xie Heng was something that others couldn't even ask for after burning incense for a few lifetimes.

However, the two Xie Family brothers were afraid that they wouldn't make it.

This Eldest Princess in front of him was not someone to be trifled with, now that these two groups of people were standing together in the pavilion, Wen Jiu felt a headache.

Eldest Princess did not even glance at her, taking off his fiery red cape, he casually threw it to the servant beside him and walked straight in front of Ying Wuqiu, "You can bear to take it out now, can you? I really think that you want to spend your entire life in seclusion in meditation, eating and drinking until you pass away in meditation. "


The buddhist beads in the white monk's palm gently rotated. "The princess must be joking."

Zhao Jingyi, dressed in red clothes, stood opposite him. The snow and wind in front of the courtyard seemed to cover everything as no one spoke again.


Wen Jiu laughed, and interrupted the tranquility of the place, "It's cold outside, how about you all go to the parlour for a while?"

She still had to deal with these two young masters of her family who said they could leave as they pleased.

A headache.

It was said that the Great Master Wuqiu of the Wanhua Temple carried a buddhist affinity, and if he obtained an opportunity early, he would end the Seven Desire Six Desire Souls.

She was someone who had just lost her chance to live a new life. She couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive when she met someone like this.

If he really saw through it, it would be troublesome.

She suppressed her thoughts and instructed the people around her: "Jin Er's Yu Lu, I will bring tea for all of you."

"Since General Xie has important matters, I will not disturb the manor any longer. Vicious Qi and Buddhism is not something that can be changed in a day. It is not too late to talk about it after we have found our chance. "

Ying Wuqiu said "Amitabha", but he did not have the intention to linger, "Please tell General Xie, I am waiting for you at Wanhua Temple."

After saying that, he was about to leave. The few bald men behind him bowed and said their goodbyes.

"Then I won't keep you, master."

Wen Jiu called attendant who was not far away, "Shiquan, send off the few masters."

He was indeed an extraordinary person. He came and left as soon as he could.

Ying Wuqiu said that he wanted to leave, but Zhao Jingyi stood in front of him, blocking his way.

Zhao Jingyi turned around and looked at him, "Since Master Wuqiu has already come out, why don't you tell me about life's seven tribulations and how to endure them?"

The white-clothed monk lowered his eyes and said with a voice without sadness or joy, "Life, old, illness, death, hatred and hatred, love to part ways, you can't ask for it. "The misfortune of life is born from the heart. If one does not love the mortal world, one will feel extremely at ease."

Zhao Jingyi asked him: "Are you at ease now?"

Ying Wuqiu said: "This humble one has already left the mortal world."

Zhao Jingyi suddenly laughed, turned around and walked into the pavilion. Looking at the handwriting on the stone table, he said nothing.

The white-clothed monk stood there for a moment before leading the group of monks away through the snow.

Inside the thick snow, there were a series of deep and shallow footprints. After this group of people had gone far, Wen Jiu raised his hand, rubbed his eyes, and turned to walk to the center of the pavilion. "Princess?"

"If he isn't a buddha, then he's a channel. Can't he really stay in the mortal world?"

Zhao Jingyi took off the Xuan paper from the stone table and threw it into the furnace.

Wen Jiu suddenly thought of the string of buddhist beads Zhao Jingyi was playing with and the sandalwood fragrance that was burning inside the golden room's jade pavilion's Princess Mansion.

One of them was the daughter of an emperor who was favored by the emperor. Several years of absurd indulgence, she was treated by everyone in Di Jing city as a meal to chat about.

One was a monk clad in white who trusted countless people. He had forgotten all about the mortal world and didn't want to get involved in any mundane affairs.

Wen Jiu was unable to link the two of them together, but looking at how Zhao Jingyi acted, if it was just a coincidence that he came to General's Mansion and met Master Wuqiu, it would really not make sense.

"Call Xie Xuan over."

Zhao Jingyi suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted her wild imagination.

Wen Jiu was startled and quickly said: "My Third Brother is injured, it's really inconvenient …"

The moment this person arrived, Xie Xuan's expression changed.

If he was called over now, wouldn't he be no different from a servant waiting to be pampered?

Third Brother would definitely kill her.

Zhao Jingyi looked up at her and curled his lips: "Heh, I'm only letting Xie Xuan come over to read a few moral scriptures, and not do anything else. Why are you so nervous?"

Wen Jiu smiled slightly: "I am honored to be here, Princess. I am afraid that I will not be able to receive such a welcome gift, how can I not be nervous?"

She was not worried that Zhao Jingyi would go back on his words, she was afraid that he had thought of something else, causing Third Young Master's anger to be too strong that it would harm her body.

This was not easy to deal with.

Zhao Jingyi sat down on the stone table, lazily supporting his chin with his hands as he looked at her.

"Princess... Have you eaten? "If you don't mind my light and simple rice, how about we use some together?"

Wen Jiu pondered on how he could send this Great Buddha away.

Even someone like Ying Wuqiu would take a detour when she saw Eldest Princess. Someone like her, it was best to avoid them as much as possible.

"I want to drink the wine you brewed."

Zhao Jingyi was dressed in red and sat in an octagonal pavilion surrounded by flying snow.

"With such a snowstorm covering the sky, it is time for a big one!"

"Of course!"

Wen Jiu had always felt that there was something that could not be resolved without being at the table.

If so.

That must be because I haven't had enough to drink.

Three glasses, five cups, five cups. After drinking seven pots and eight cups, he kowtowed to the Emperor Queen of Heaven and became a cheap brother. What else could he not do?

She then said to Zhao Jingyi: "How about we invite the princess to the North Street, I have opened a wine shop there, the princess can drink as much as she wants!"

Zhao Jingyi could not help but laugh: "How much are you afraid that I will miss your Third Young Master?"

Honestly speaking, Wen Jiu was definitely afraid.

Based on Xie Xuan's personality of bearing a grudge, he still didn't know what kind of account he was going to owe them today.

She was just busy saving herself.

Wen Jiu touched the tip of his nose, "To be honest, I used to be a little afraid, but from today on, I am no longer afraid."

"Oh." Zhao Jingyi asked her with interest: "Why is that?"

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