The words of the youth were like silver and silver in this place.

Wen Jiu, "..."

When she reached out to hug Xie Heng, she didn't have any other thoughts, but ever since the Third Young Master appeared, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was amiss.

It seemed that he always felt a little guilty.

Xie Xuan was silent.

In this quiet moment.

Shiquan shouted from not far away, "Eunuch Wang is here."

The three people in the pavilion retracted their thoughts, and turned around to see Wang Liang bringing the four internal servant s and a large box over.

"General Xie!" Wang Liang immediately smiled and greeted the few of them.

Xie Heng pretended not to hear it, while Third Young Master also seemed to be silent.

Only Wen Jiu stood up and asked, "It's already so late, why did Eunuch Wang come here personally?"

As the saying goes, one should not hit a smiling person. What that person did above could not be blamed on a head eunuch.

To put it bluntly, Wang Liang was also just a errand boy.

Wang Liang smiled gratefully at her, "This Purple Bright Bow is a rare divine weapon used by the various empires. The Emperor said that in the future, our Great Yan will be guarded by heroic youths like the General Xie.

He shifted his gaze onto Xie Heng, but the youth did not seem to care about him at all. After staying by the emperor's side for so many years, when had he ever seen an official who did not give him any face?

People like Wang Liang paused for a while before recovering. He smiled apologetically: "Two days ago, the Prince Rui personally came to the palace to seek justice. The Emperor did not even give it to you. It can be seen that the Emperor highly values the General Xie. "

Wen Jiu did not respond for a while.

What's this, a blow to the head, and then a sweet date for you?

"Leave it."

Xie Heng drank by himself, and there was no time for pleasantries and pleasantries.

Wang Liang wanted to take the chance to say a few more words, but he didn't have the chance. He could only ask the internal servant to place the box in the octagonal pavilion, before taking his leave.

In the pavilion.

Only three people remained.

Xie Xuan picked up the jug of wine and poured some wine into Xie Heng's mouth, remaining silent except for the sound of the wind blowing past his ears.

"Why are you looking at me like that for?"

Xie Heng raised his glass and drank it all, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my room and sleep early."

The young man spoke carelessly.

Normally, Wen Jiu would only think that he was ambitious, but tonight, she felt that she would feel uneasy even if she couldn't see him at all.

Xie Xuan sat there and slowly said, "Tonight … "I want to drink."

Third Young Master did not have a lot of alcohol, and she did not like to drink alcohol most of the time, so this excuse was a little lousy.

But Wen Jiu could not think of anything better, so he added, "Me too."

Many times, knowing that there were many things that could not be changed by one person, they all knew in their hearts that it was difficult for them to calm down, and would inevitably be angry.

She couldn't help Xie Heng in anything, at least she could stay by the youth's side. Even if she said something to comfort him, just letting him feel that he wasn't alone was good enough.

Xie Heng laughed involuntarily, "Are you afraid that I might fall for your trap?"

Wen Jiu's eyebrows twitched, "I naturally wouldn't."

He was more or less the same when it came to slashing people with his sword.

Xie Xuan said: "I want to drink tonight."


Xie Heng pushed the jar of wine to his side, "It's rare for Third Young Master to have such an interest, tonight there's no moon or stars, but if we all stay together, it would be a beautiful morning. "Here, a pot of wine."

Wen Jiu lifted his hand and opened the wine seal.

The Third Young Master who was usually the most disciplined didn't even say a single word of nonsense. As he lifted the jar and knocked into the two people's hands, the candle flame swayed slightly and wine spilled out from the jar.

No one said anything. They just held up the jar and drank.

Xie Heng was the quickest to finish his wine. When he raised his sleeves to wipe his lips, he had already taken the second jar.

Until the deep night, when the surroundings were quiet, there was no more noise.

The young man wiped his face with his sleeve after the wine jar rolled on the floor, "How can there still be such a thing as to make me swallow my anger!"

These were the first words that Xie Heng was unsatisfied with tonight.

Buried deep in the bottom of his heart, several jars of strong wine entered his throat, unable to dispel the worry.

Xie Xuan's handsome face turned whiter and whiter as he drank, as if he was drunk, "Brother Elder can endure this kind of thing when you're awake, can you still endure if you're drunk?"

Wen Jiu held onto the wine jar, and was stunned.

"Endure the f * ck!" that Wanyan Hao had gone mad, the Great Jin no longer had the heart to disobey them! What do you mean, 'I can't kill you'? F * ck off, you two countries are on good terms with each other! that one person who kills Wanyan Hao would bring harm to countless commoners. "

Xie Heng got up, the wine jar fell to the ground and instantly shattered into pieces, "I do not believe this evil spirit!"

The young man kicked away the long box that Wang Liang sent over, took the Purple Radiant Bow and walked over.

Wen Jiu immediately stood up, "Brother Yun!"

"Don't stop me."

Xie Heng looked at her with shining eyes, "I'm drunk, you can't stop me."

"Mm, I can't stop him."

Wen Jiu picked up the Ink Feather Token that allowed him to enter and exit Dijing City at any time and hung it on the boy's waist once more. "Then, drunk brother, be careful on the way."

Xie Heng looked at her deeply for a moment, then turned and walked out of the residence in large strides.

A few days ago, the ministers were already discussing the matter of releasing Wanyan Hao and the Great Jin Royal Family back. They thought that he had gone out of the city to train, but in the midst of the Dijing City, there was nothing that could be hidden from him.

The Old Emperor was still afraid that Xie Heng would do something surprising, so she summoned him into the palace. After playing chess with him for an entire day, she waited for the people from Great Jin to leave, before letting him out.

Even if one were to look through the annals of history three hundred years later, they would still not be able to find another Emperor like this.

The youth's figure disappeared into the night.

Wen Jiu sat back on the stone bench and saw that Xie Xuan's gaze was fixated on him.

She looked at the young man for a moment and slowly said: "Third Brother, I seem to be drunk too."

Xie Xuan, "..."

With the elder brother's ability to lie with his eyes open, Young Madame had learnt it 100%.

There was no one around, and the fierce horse's hiss gradually faded away.

The pavilion was silent for about the time it took to make a cup of tea.

The drunk Young Madame suddenly jumped up and shouted, "The general has disappeared!" It woke everyone up.

In a moment, dozens of lanterns had gathered in front of the court.

Wen Jiu held his forehead, and said with an anxious expression: "General drank too much tonight, and originally fell asleep in the pavilion. I don't know where he went this time, but all of you hurry and look for him! But don't just fall drunk in that corner, what's to be done if you freeze to death? "

When the people from General's Mansion heard this, they became anxious. Carrying lanterns, they looked around inside and outside the palace, not letting go of the nearby streets.

Wen Jiu took a few pieces of silver and called out all the beggars who were hiding in the alleyway, "I'll have to trouble you all to go to every corner of the city, if you find traces of my elder brother, you will be greatly rewarded."

The leader drowsily asked, "What does the lady mean?"

Wen Jiu replied: "My brother, Xie Heng."

"General Xie!"

The leader immediately went straight to the point and whistled. The beggars from every street all gathered around.

Wen Jiu told the excuse he had to the rest of the people in the residence once again.

Everyone in the Dijing City knew that since the people from the Great Jin Royal Family had left the city today, General Xie must have drunk too much because he was unhappy. He sighed with emotion, "General Xie is so bitter!"

How depressing must one be to drink alcohol to the point of being unconscious, and even walk outside to blow the wind of the northwest?

Wen Jiu pursed his lips and nodded.

Everyone patted their chests: "Don't worry, we will definitely flip through every nook and cranny of Dijing City, and will definitely not allow General Xie to enjoy the cold wind outside!"

Wen Jiu cupped his hands, "Wen Jiu thanks everyone here first."

That night, lights once again lit up on all the streets in the Dijing City. Even most of the citizens of the city were looking for the "General Xie that was lost after being drunk".

While Wen Jiu was shuttling back and forth, his face was filled with anxiety. Third Young Master walked to her side while holding a lantern, "Young Madame has such great ability."

"Not at all."

Wen Jiu said: "Compared to Third Brother, this is not even worth mentioning."

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