The morning assembly the next day, Conference Hall.

Old Emperor sat on the Dragon Throne, listening to the ministers' report on the matters.

Suddenly, someone stepped forward: "Your Majesty, Xie Heng is too undisciplined, he did not even come early, did he not have the slightest bit of respect for our Emperor?"

Everyone followed suit.

Xie Heng was really too young, his way of speaking and doing things offended people too much, and he did not have a good background.

These people all felt the wind had blown them away. When the youth gained power, all of them wanted to stick to it. Now that they saw him as an ordinary person, they wanted to step on him.

Zhao Yi said: "Enough, say something else. "Who hasn't had a headache yet? Don't keep grabbing on to young people and not letting them go."

The people from the Great Jin Royal Family left the Dijing City safely. Xie Heng did not have any objections, nor did he do anything inappropriate.

The spy who had been guarding outside of the General's Mansion the night before came over and reported, but only said that Xie Heng had drunk an entire night's worth of liquor, and was extremely aggrieved.

When the officials heard this, most of them restrained themselves for a long time.

But when Zhao Zhi heard that Old Emperor had people gift the Purple Bright Bow to Xie Heng overnight, he felt even more unhappy, and immediately asked: "Is General Xie sick? He was still young and in good health, so how could he suddenly be sick? Could it be that you are dissatisfied with yesterday and are acting in such a manner on purpose? "

The crowd of Prince Rui s followed, "Prince Rui's words are reasonable. Xie Heng is such a narrow-minded person, although he hasn't said anything on the surface, there's no guarantee that he will resent us in his heart."

"A dignified seven foot man, who even had a country and family before him, and was the one who didn't even know his own reasoning, how could he be worthy to be my Great Yan's Superior General!"

While Xie Heng was not around, these people talked excitedly.

Old Emperor rubbed his temples, feeling annoyed after hearing this.

An attendant outside the hall suddenly announced loudly, "Xie Heng! General Xie arrives! "

There was complete silence in the Conference Hall.

In an instant, the entire group of officials quickly returned to their seats, and all of the officials stood neatly in the hall, with only Prince Rui left, who was still standing in front of the white jade steps.

The young man entered the hall with a stained red cloth wrapped around his arm. He walked past the crowd with quick steps and stopped in front of the white jade stairs, "This subject, Xie Heng, greets Your Majesty."

Zhao Yi paused, "Since Fellow Xie's body is not feeling well, then there's no need to force himself to come to the court, let's return to the residence to recuperate."

The officials realized that Xie Heng had not opened his eyes since he had entered the hall.

The young man was not wearing a official robe. His clothes were worn out from all the travel, and it was unknown where he had gotten some dust on his body. He did not even care about his appearance as he directly came to the palace.

Someone said in a low voice: "If you don't want to come, then don't. This is the first time I've seen someone entering the Conference Hall with his eyes closed. How much more of us don't want to see this?"

The youth with his eyes closed turned a deaf ear.

Zhao Zhi, who was closest to him, could smell a faint scent of blood in the air. He could not help but frown and look at the red cloth wrapped around Xie Heng's hand.

The next moment.

Xie Heng then closed his eyes and said: "This subject is going to the forest at night and saw a golden fox laughing amongst the pack of wolves."

Everyone in the hall was confused: "What is Little Tyrant Xie singing today?"

Zhao Yi was also at a loss, "Fellow Xie …"

"This fox is definitely out of the ordinary, so this subject brought him here to offer to the Emperor." Xie Heng did not wait for him to finish speaking and presented the red cloth package to him.

He closed his eyes and did not see Old Emperor's reaction.

In any case, it was just an attitude of "I'm coming, it's up to you whether you like it or not".

Zhao Yi instructed: "Present."

Wang Liang immediately took the red cloth from Xie Heng's hands, as the stench of blood permeated the air.

Old Emperor raised his hand and took off the red cloth. His expression immediately changed and he threw out the package. A bloody head rolled down the white jade steps.

Half of the civil officials in the hall were frightened to the point that their faces turned pale and their legs trembled.

That was clearly …

It was the head of the Golden King, Wanyan Hao, who had just come out from the Dijing City yesterday!

Everyone thought that Xie Heng did not make a sound, that was because this youth finally knew what a Sovereign King was, but they never thought that overnight, he would actually cut off Wanyan Hao's head, and even so brazenly sent him to the Conference Hall.

Zhao Yi's old face turned green and white, as he shouted in anger, "Xie Heng! You dare to disobey the rules! "

The boy still had his eyes closed and had no reaction.

"Father is asking you a question! "Why not?"

Seeing that, Zhao Zhi angrily pushed Xie Heng away, his hand had just touched the youth's shoulder, and he immediately fell down.

who was filled with anger was startled, immediately becoming more relaxed, and regained some of his consciousness: "Xie Heng!"

Wang Liang immediately ran down and shook the youth who had fallen down twice: "General Xie! General Xie? "

All the officials in the palace were shocked, and the three words "General Xie" echoed continuously in their Conference Hall.

After a while, the teenager still did not wake up.

Everyone's eyes could not help but focus on Zhao Zhi.

It had already been a few days since Prince Rui started to find General Xie unpleasing to the eye. That palm strike just now had used an unknown amount of strength to knock a powerful general unconscious.

"It's not This King! royal father! "I did not …" Everyone stared at Zhao Zhi, finding it difficult to discern what was happening.

Zhao Yi didn't care about his son's argument either, and immediately said: "Doctor Xuan!"

Before long, all the hands of the saints in the imperial hospital had landed on his Conference Hall, causing the "unconscious" General Xie to breathe evenly, so there was nothing wrong with him, but this person still did not wake up.

No one dared to tell the Old Emperor that nothing happened to the General Xie.

In the middle of winter, Zhao Yi was covered in sweat anxiously, "How is Xie Heng?"

Imperial Physician Liang steeled his heart and opened his mouth, "General Xie isn't sick."

"Not sick?" Zhao Yi paced with his hands behind his back, and could not help but become angry: "I'm not sick, why don't you wake me up instead?"

The imperial physicians looked at each other.

The biggest problem was that he couldn't tell what was wrong with it.

It just so happened that at this time, Divine Doctor Li, who had appeared a few days ago to save Wanyan Hao, entered the palace to receive his reward.

All the people in the hall held their breath, looked at the divine doctor, and asked all sorts of questions. After checking his pulse for a long time, they said despondently, "General Xie is very sick."

Old Emperor's heart instantly turned cold, "What did you say?"

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Divine Doctor Li didn't say a word and injected some needles into Xie Heng to wake him up. Only then did he let out a sigh, "This disease is not easy to treat."

The youth slowly woke up and opened his amber eyes. He swept his gaze across the crowd in the hall with a blank expression on his face.

He raised his hand to rub his temple and asked with a headache, "Am I not drinking in the residence? "Why are you here?"

The ministers in the hall all whispered in each other's ears, "Why would he get such a strange disease at such a young age?"

"If Xie Heng is sick …"

"The sky is crumbling from this!"

He had just suppressed his Great Jin and flames, what would he do if he were to suffer from an incurable illness?

Zhao Yi's face became gloomy and unclear, "Xie Heng! What did you say you did last night? "

"Your Majesty …" I, Rong Chen, will do it slowly. "

Xie Heng rubbed his temples, his sword-like eyebrows knitted together, and after thinking for a long while, he opened his mouth: "This subject drank too much in the palace last night, I probably drank too much, and had an extremely strange dream."

No one answered.

He continued, "A golden fox is standing in a pack of wolves and smiling at me. No matter how I look at it, it looks like an unusual demon, so I shot it. I thought that this golden fox might come across a rare opportunity to peel off its fur and offer it to the emperor …"

The young man was in the middle of speaking as if he had just seen a head beside the white jade steps when he lifted his leg and kicked it away. "Where did this head come from?" It looks quite like that bastard Wanyan Hao. "

Everyone: "..."

Old Emperor was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen and kidney were all in pain, "What exactly is happening?"

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