Wen Jiu was momentarily speechless.

She had always believed that the outcome of slashing the * * was better than dragging everything out, which was why she anxiously asked for Li Cangnan to come over.

He had never planned to tell Xie Heng about the Spring Breeze Crossing, but now that the old doctor had asked him about it in front of the other young masters, he did not know how to explain it to him.

"I'm not asking how to use this!" Xie Wanjin was the first to explain, "Our Jiu only wants to see if there really is a Spring Breeze Crossing in the world. I heard that there are some miraculous effects, that once the Spring Breeze went through, we would lose all our memories."

The Fourth Young Master added, "Our Jiu is still young, she doesn't understand these things."

Li Cangnan glanced at the Boss Wen who knew "nothing" and directly said, "There is. This kind of medicine is quite troublesome to make and is extremely expensive to sell. Very few people can afford to buy it. After a while, there will only be a few people who know about it. "

The old doctor teased, "I schemed against you..." That person of yours really did put in a lot of effort. "

When these words came out, no one said anything.

In an instant, the only sound that could be heard was the wind and rain.

Wen Jiu looked at Xie Heng from the corner of his eyes.

The teenager did not have any expression, he was pretty much the same as Third Young Master.

Li Cangnan said: "What do you mean by that? I specifically made this old man come over just to ask these two questions. Is there any point in pretending to be mute after I finish asking? "

Li's Inn had a lot of patients, and the old doctor was so busy that he didn't even have the time to treat them. He didn't even know what kind of excitement was happening outside.

Jin Er urged him to come to General's Mansion.

In the end, these lords seemed to have taken aphrodisiac.

Who to play with?

Wen Jiu rested for a moment, then asked: "Then after using the Spring Breeze Crossing, can you still remember what that person forgot?"

She thought that Xie Heng probably fell for it that night. Otherwise, Linglan wouldn't have been so reasonable.

But the things that Xie Heng did not remember at all were not necessarily true.

Many things were originally 30% true, 70% false.

Of the ten sentences that Linglan said, he could only believe one of them.

"Which one of you fell for it?" Li Cangnan was extremely surprised, his gaze swept across the few of them, and finally landed on Wen Jiu's body.

"I only ask you, can you, or not?" Wen Jiu's tone became slightly heavier.

She didn't want others to ask this question in front of Xie Heng at all.

"I couldn't have." Li Cangnan could tell that Miss Wen was not in a good mood, he stroked his beard and said: "But today you guys are looking for this old man, so, there's still a bit of a possibility."

When old mister Li was not looking up at the sky with his nose in the air, he still had quite the demeanor of an otherworldly expert.

Wen Jiu completely ignored the "come, hurry up and flatter this old man" Li Cangnan, walked in front of Xie Heng and softly asked: "Elder brother … Try it? "

She was afraid that Xie Heng would refuse.

He grabbed the youth's sleeve before he could open his mouth and gently stroked the cloth with his slender white fingers.

Her face was gentle, and even her voice was soft to the bone.

Xie Heng couldn't even frown and could only forcibly nod his head.

"Doctor Li." Wen Jiu made an inviting gesture, "Come in."

Li Cangnan never thought that the one struck would actually be slashing at the Berserk Demon Little Tyrant Xie.

Without a word, he carried the medicine chest into the room.

Xie Heng stood there unmoving, and lowered his head to look at Wen Jiu's hand that was holding onto the crimson sleeves.

"Elder brother, let's go in as well." Wen Jiu looked up and smiled at him.

Xie Heng raised his sleeves and brushed off the rain on the back of her hand. Without saying anything, he turned and entered the house.

Just as Xie Wanjin and Third Young Master were about to follow in, Wen Jiu suddenly took a step forward and closed the door.

The young girl leaned on the door, the gentle smile she had on her face disappeared. "Third Brother, are we going further?"

Xie Wanjin nodded his head, and Xie Xuan also tacitly agreed.

The room was eerily quiet. No one knew what had happened.

Wen Jiu thought that no matter what happened that night, his elder brother would not let anyone else know.

Thus …

It was enough for him to think about it alone.

The three of them reached a corridor more than ten steps away.

The wind and the rain in front of the court had not yet stopped. They could no longer hear what was happening in the room.

Wen Jiu leaned his back against the pillar, his lips were pale. "If I remember correctly, the Ling Family belongs to the Yun State, right?"

Because this Miss Cousin had lost his mother when he was around ten years old, he was accepted into the Xie Family and raised by his side. If not for being too ruthless and framing Xie Xuan, and to be sent back to the Ling Family by Xie Heng, he would most likely be a Miss Cousin in his entire life.

Even if the few masters were not close with her, they would still care about Second Madame Xie's face and protect her for the rest of her life without worry.

Xie Wanjin nodded, "Yes, it's the Yun State."

A moment later.

The Fourth Young Master asked curiously: "Jiu, why are you asking this?"

Wen Jiu looked at the rain falling from the eaves of the house, and said with a slightly cold voice. "I've already ordered people to hurry over to the Yun State to check on what has happened to Linglan during this half a year."

She raised her hand and rubbed her temples. The corners of her eyes were pricked by the tips of her fingers, making her look like a fairy who was trying to figure out how to make someone's heart beat so hard.

The sound of the rain lowered the volume of Wen Jiu's voice by a lot, but it was already extremely clear. "Does she think that just because she's a thousand miles away, no one knows about what happened? "I don't believe that there's still money left for the truth!"

Xie Wanjin, who had originally wanted to say "blue guard has already gone to the Yun State", opened his mouth and muttered: "I suddenly feel that what Jiu said is very true, what's going on?"

Money can make a difference.

Xie Xuan's handsome face remained calm as he turned and left.

"Third Brother." Wen Jiu called out to him from behind, "Where are you going?"

Xie Xuan said expressionlessly: "Ask for the confession."

Wen Jiu, "..."

When Third Young Master stood in front of Linglan, even if he did not say anything, he would faint from fright.


This method was also feasible.

Within the room.

Xie Heng lazily leaned against the chair. It was impossible to tell how he had become angry after getting hit, so he asked with an extremely calm expression: "What other way do you have to remember?"

Li Cangnan put down the medicinal case, "That depends on how long ago it was."

Xie Heng frowned, "I heard it was last July."

"Rumor has it?" Li Cangnan opened the incense burner, threw a pile of herbs inside, and lit it up as he placed it on the soft couch: "Looks like you don't remember anything. It's hard to remember everything that's happened in the past seven to eight months."

Xie Heng acknowledged.

He just did not want the Jiu to feel that bad.

Her heart ached.

This emotion was too strong, it couldn't even cover up the pouring rain.

"Actually, it's good to forget. The spring wind is too strong, whoever was afflicted with this medicine must have done the same thing. Anyone who uses this thing to achieve their goal must have an impure mind. Since you know it's like this, why did you go and retrieve that memory? "

Li Cangnan really did not understand what the people from the Xie Family were thinking.

Xie Heng said in a flat tone, "I should have known."

There was nothing a man couldn't face.

Jiu said he believed him.

There was no reason for him not to believe himself.

It was just a mere spring breeze.

Li Cangnan sighed and gave him two needles, "These are Spirit-Returning Incense at the side, just burn them and don't move. You sleep in peace and see how much you can remember. "It's not something that can be recalled in a day or two. I'll probably have to try a few times before I'll be able to get any results."

After finishing all this, Li Cangnan carried the medicine box out.

The sky was cloudy, and twilight quietly descended.

Xie Heng laid on the soft couch, his head aching.

The youth could only close his eyes and listen to the sound of the rain.

The fragrance filled the air and a feeling of drowsiness gradually assaulted his senses.

The boy had a dream.

It was night.

On the night of the torrential downpour.

Xie Heng did not know where he was, but the wooden bed started to sway.

Everything was blurry. He couldn't see her face clearly, but he could feel the extreme happiness in his dreams.

He had never known that there was such a thing as pleasing in the world.

Forget life and death.

In his mind, he could do happy things with a fated person.

But later on …

The girl stabbed his heart with her hairpin, causing blood to flow profusely.

He had a moment of lucidity.

Lightning flashed outside the window, and for a moment, the girl's face was clearly visible.

That person actually …

It had the exact same face as the Jiu.

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