Xie Heng sat up in shock in his dreams, his entire body covered with perspiration, and beads of perspiration rolled down his forehead.

His breathing was also disorderly.

The night passed in a frenzy as the rain gradually died down.

He opened his eyes and saw a hazy sunlight shrouding the courtyard. There was a slim and graceful girl leaning by the window.

He looked like a man in a dream.

Xie Heng's heart trembled, he got off the bed thinking he was being possessed.

When he walked to the window, he suddenly heard Shiquan say in a low voice, "There are some kids watching out for us. It's almost daybreak, Young Madame should go back and rest."

Wen Jiu's voice was even softer, "It's alright."

Separated by a small window, Xie Heng listened to her shallow breathing.

For a time, his mood was complicated, and it was difficult to calm down.

It was hard to tell if it was a dream or a memory.

He could not help but smack his forehead as he cursed in his heart: Xie Dongfeng, you are not a human!

'Bang! 'a loud and clear sound was heard.

"Elder brother?" Wen Jiu who was outside the window suddenly stood up, he reached out and opened the window, seeing the complicated look in the youth's eyes.

Xie Heng wanted to ask why she was standing here.

Wen Jiu was actually a step ahead of him, and asked gently: "Why did you sweat so much?"

Xie Heng suppressed the waves of shock in his heart, and smiled at her: "It's fine for a man to sweat a little since he's warm up."

Wen Jiu didn't doubt his words at all. With one hand on the window as support, he tiptoed and lightly wiped the sweat on the youth's forehead with his sleeve.

The sky was dark, and the lamps under the eaves were bright and extinguished by the wind and rain.

The young girl's gorgeous appearance was concealed within, making it difficult for others to see her clearly.

Xie Heng lowered his gaze, looked at her, and softly called out.

Wen Jiu raised his head, "Hmm?"

After their four eyes met, the youth suddenly looked away and leaned against the window with his back facing Wen Jiu.

Wen Jiu hoped that Xie Heng could think of something, but he was afraid that all he thought of were unhappy matters.

He stood outside the window all night, not knowing what to say.

Seeing his current state, he couldn't help but feel pained.

She leaned against the window, as if she was afraid that someone would overhear her, and whispered next to the youth's ear, "Elder brother, did you remember something?"

Although Li Cangnan's temper was bad, his medical skills were truly good. When he said that he had a way, it was definitely not empty words.

Xie Heng's face stiffened, and said stiffly: "No."

"It doesn't matter." The sky was too dark, so Wen Jiu could not see the young man's face clearly.

She comforted gently: "Doctor Li also said that this is not something that can be recalled once or twice. We are not in a hurry and will see for a few days. "Oh right, what kind of afterlife incense is burning in your room? Are you still sleeping soundly?"

In Wen Jiu's lifetime, he had used all of his gentleness and patience on this youth, but he still didn't know how to treat him better.

"It's fine." Xie Heng could only squeeze out one word from his throat.

"That's good." Wen Jiu nodded his head, "It's still early, let me sleep a little longer, I'm leaving now." "Um, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

Xie Heng was completely speechless.

How could the Jiu be so good?

Just now, he was still indulging in his blasphemous dream. He simply had no face to face with her.

Wen Jiu waited patiently for a long time.

Xie Heng then said, "Anything is fine."

Wen Jiu rubbed his sleepy eyes and laughed: "Then how about we make fish porridge in the kitchen? Make a few more things that you usually like to eat. Cloudflake cake? "Hmm …" I recently wanted to open another restaurant, and have the head chef come to our restaurant first to cook for two days? "

Xie Heng said in a muffled voice, "Okay."

Wen Jiu felt that he was in a very bad mood, she tiptoed and caressed the youth's head, "Scratching his head, I am not worried at all."

The youth looked at her with a flabbergasted expression.

Wen Jiu slowly retracted her hand. "..."

She remembered that not everyone could touch the head of Little Tyrant Xie. She took two steps back and stuttered: "I-I'm leaving. Elder brother, go to sleep."

After he finished speaking, Wen Jiu didn't even take out his umbrella as he fled for the door.

Xie Heng stood in front of the window, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He had to find Old Man Li and ask him clearly.

This divine incense was after all, used to enchant one's mind.

Or could he really recover his memories?

Fenghe Garden.

, who came to visit the house Wen Jiu bought two months ago to cause trouble, was placed here.

The twelve female attendants stood in a row at the door. No one spoke, and the surroundings were completely silent. The wind and the rain were also silent.

The expressionless Minister Yuan sat at the table and said nothing. It had already been an entire night.

"What are you trying to do? Xie Xuan, do you think that you have made a name for yourself now, and are purposely humiliating me like this? " Linglan could not help but ask.

When the Second Madame Xie was still around, Xie Xuan's life was not as good as the servant of the Xie Family.

When Xie Xuan reached Dijing, he was awarded the top scholar, becoming famous just like that.

Even the Emperor's daughter didn't want to marry him.

Such a person had nearly been beaten to a pulp by her.

Being stared at made her restless. She did not even dare to close her eyes, afraid that Xie Xuan would sneak an attack on her if she were to fall asleep.

Xie Xuan's eyes were frosty, "Are you even worthy of that?"

"Then what do you want?" Linglan almost collapsed as he kept asking, "Aren't you going to play by the rules? What about your men and women? Why stay in the same room with me all night? Are you trying to ruin my reputation? "

Xie Xuan sneered, "You've really gone mad."

The young man used a sentence that was a narration.

"I just don't like to kill people." Xie Xuan stood up, and a cold chill ran through his entire body, "It's not that I don't know how to do that."

Linglan retreated back in panic, "Xie Xuan! You can't kill me! I still have Xie Heng's child in my womb! "

Xie Xuan said calmly, "Tell me, who told you to come?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything!" His expression changed drastically as he clutched his stomach and curled up on the bed, "Cousin won't kill me …" Xie Xuan! You can't treat me like this, and even if my aunt were to stay in the Underworld, she still wouldn't forgive you! "

Wen Jiu pushed the door open, "There's no need for Third Brother to kill you."

She casually took off her cloak and threw it to a maid at the side, then slowly walked to Linglan, "Moreover, there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death."

Xie Xuan did not expect Wen Jiu to come.

Although he already knew that this girl wasn't as kind as she looked, it was completely different from seeing her with his own eyes.

Xie Xuan still had not spoken.

Wen Jiu smiled at him first, "Third Brother has worked hard, let's return to the residence first. We still have to go to the morning assembly."

Xie Xuan stood there and did not move.

"It's better for Third Brother not to stay." Wen Jiu raised his eyes and said: "I'm afraid that if you watch too much, you won't want to get married in the future."

Xie Xuan remained silent, then turned and left after saying, "Don't waste too much time".

Wen Jiu sat down on the side of the table, carried the tea cup that the maid had presented to him, and smiled at Linglan: "You still haven't thought about it?"

Linglan still had some lingering fear for Xie Xuan, but it was different in front of Wen Jiu. He wiped away his tears and slowly stood up to walk over, "What do I need to understand? Even if he doesn't like me, he had to let the child enter the Xie Family. Father and son, no one can be destroyed! "

Wen Jiu's smile turned cold, "Are you so sure that this child can be born safely? Or maybe, the child is safe, so you don't have to know. "

"You … I knew that you were only pretending. You clearly have a heart of a snake and a scorpion, yet you want to pretend to be gentle and kind! " Linglan's face completely paled. Gritting his teeth, he scolded: "Grandmother and Cousin have been tricked by you! They'll know who you really are one day! Wen Jiu, you, if you dare kill me, you will not meet a good end! "

Wen Jiu leisurely took a sip of tea, "Who said I wanted to kill you?"

Linglan was stunned, he was completely unable to understand what the person in front of him was trying to do.

"I'm not lacking in money, raising you is no different from raising an extra dog." Wen Jiu laughed and spoke slowly: "In the previous dynasty, someone made a person out of their concubine, cut off her four limbs, pulled out her tongue, dug out her eyes, and used medicinal herbs to soak in a jar. I will chop off one of your hands today, and cut off a piece of your flesh tomorrow.

Linglan's face completely lost all color.

Wen Jiu breathed in the hot air from the fragrant tea, and frowned: "That's right, I'm still missing a child. If the blood in your stomach is truly of Xie Family, it will not affect Eldest Brother from getting married and having children. In the future, you will most likely be my beloved son. "

As the candle flickered, she smiled slightly: "Thank you, Linglan."

"No!" Linglan pounced at Wen Jiu as if he was crazy, "I am the Young Madame of Xie Family, you are nothing … You can't do this to me! "

Wen Jiu raised his hand and poured a cup of hot tea on Linglan's face, "I am a person who rarely get angry, but once I get angry, there is nothing I can't do."

The rain outside the window was unending.

Linglan covered his face and shouted.

"Let her cause trouble. If she can't endure it, then she'll tie her hands and feet up to her mouth to stop her. I'll make her eat as bad as it can make it taste. Don't tell her a single word." Wen Jiu stood up and walked out of the house, then ordered a group of servants, "If she communicates with the people outside, she will immediately come to report."

All the maids answered in unison.

It's too old to be helped, and the blame has already been placed on the Little Tyrant Xie.

This was simply courting death.

Wen Jiu said: "Did you see Third Young Master just now?"

All the maids replied, "Yes."

Wen Jiu nodded, and instructed everyone: "Just be as expressionless as him."

All the female servants: "..." "Yes."

One of them asked, "If she slandered the general like that, why didn't the Young Madame and the Third Young Master punish her? This woman is sinister and will not wake up from her scares. "

Wen Jiu raised his head to look at the sky, and only said four words, "Attacking the heart is above."

When she walked out of the Fenghe Garden realm, the sky was already bright.

The servants behind him whispered: "People say that the Xie Family is cruel and merciless, but in this Dijing, who else would care if the person who destroyed their own reputation was pregnant? It's too late to kill them to silence them! "

"Don't say it, what Young Madame said inside just now made my hair stand on end."

The two people at the back raised their voices deliberately and told the person in the room:

"For the sake of the general, Young Madame might really kill them to keep their mouths shut!"

"I even want to poison the bane inside to death!"

Linglan was trembling in fear inside.

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