On the morning of the third day, at the assistant minister's office in the Ministry of Industry.

Just as Yang Jiancheng was dressed neatly, before even walking to the door, he smelt a thick stench of blood, and could not help but frown and ask: "Where's the stench of blood coming from? Who would do something so unclean? "

The follower said respectfully, "I'll clean it up immediately."

Yang Jiancheng was in a hurry to go to the morning assembly, so he did not ask too much.

However, when the attendant s opened the door, Yang Jiancheng saw a dozen or so heads lined up neatly in front of the door. They just so happened to be the group of people he sent out to kill Linglan last night.

Not a single one was missing; all of them were here.

Yang Jiancheng was so scared that he fainted on the spot.

The entire house was in a mess, Lady Yang herself did not dare to step out, and her pillar of support was unconscious, so no one had anything to do with her, so she could only ask Ministry of Punishments to deal with these people's heads.

This disturbance reached the imperial court.

When the Minister heard about this, the first thing he thought of was Little Tyrant Xie.

Ever since Xie Heng had entered the Dijing, these people had been living in fear and trepidation. If they slept until the middle of the night, even the slightest movement in the wind or grass could scare them awake.

Other than this man, there was really no one else who would dare to kill an assassin and send his head back to their master with such arrogance.

Xie Heng was currently in the Black Feather Camp, so he did not come to the meeting.

Old Emperor asked the officials, "Who do you think did this?" At that time, no one dared to pour dirty water on Little Tyrant Xie.

Yang Jiancheng had been struck with bad luck this time. Today, his head was in front of his door, and it was possible that his entire family would be together tomorrow.

No one wanted to follow a piece of bad luck.

Until the court was dismissed.

Everyone walked out in small groups, and started discussing about the Yang Jiancheng family in low voices.

A few princes and sons of officials followed Zhao Feng back to the East Palace, and after they entered the Palace gates, they started to talk about it with ease, "Because of my daughter's matter, Yang Jiancheng had broken off ties with Xie Heng, and even lost his own daughter. I really wonder how he managed to get himself into the position of Minister! "

"After what happened today, who didn't know that it was Xie Heng who did it? But during the assembly, no one dares to say anything, even the Prince Rui did not speak up for Yang Jiancheng, haha. "

"It's rare for the Prince Rui to have a brain like this, if he were to fight with the Little Tyrant Xie again, I feel that Xie Heng would be able to pull out his sword and kill him on the spot!"

"Isn't Yang Jiancheng a member of the Prince Rui? Now that it's like this, it's more or less the same as Xie Heng. "

The few of them laughed as they chatted, but they did not forget to compliment Zhao Feng, "The Crown Prince has foresight, and was on good terms with Xie Heng. Now that the Black Feather Camp was in his hands, the safety of his Dijing City was tied to him alone. Unless it is a heinous crime, the Emperor will not make things difficult for him. Such a simple matter, how is it that Prince Rui will not understand?

Zhao Feng laughed, and did not say much.

One of them said, "I heard that Yang Jiancheng found out that Xie Heng is related to the State Duke Heng and wanted to borrow Xie Heng's cousin's help to do something.

"State Duke Heng?" Zhao Feng laughed: "That was 20 years ago. How old is Xie Heng? Eighteen? Nineteen? Back then, how cleanly did those people from the State Duke Heng Palace die?

The old ministers did not say a word.

The late emperor had no sons, only two princesses. The eldest princess was a stunning genius, while the youngest princess was intelligent and wise. The late emperor had thought about passing the throne to his daughter, and more than half of the ministers had supported him.

At that time, Zhao Yi was Crown Prince Ning, but in terms of natural talent and strategy, he could not even compare to his older cousin.

Great loyal officials like the State Duke Heng were exiled and exiled, with the rest being exiled and exiled from their families. Some died, while some died, while the rest were exiled and exiled, with not a single one remaining.

If not for this, the State of Yan would not have become a single word. As things stood, generals were unable to accept them, and civil servants were everywhere in the empire. Neighbors would occasionally bite each other, and the border would be pushed back again and again. The enemies had already hit your doorstep, and a group of ministers were clamoring to negotiate.

At the mention of this, everyone lost their interest in chatting.

Someone said: "Even if Xie Heng is a member of the State Duke Heng Palace, so what? That was twenty years ago, what does that have to do with our Crown Prince? If Xie Heng really wants to bring up the old matter again, why would he need to worry about his help?

On the surface, Zhao Feng had a faint smile on his face, he did not agree, and did not say anything bad, and continued to discuss political matters with everyone.

Only after more than an hour did everyone leave.

Crown Prince‘s Wife Li Yingyue brought in a cup of tea and passed it to Zhao Feng, saying with a smile: "Why should Your Highness worry about Xie Heng? Now, there is a matter of life and death waiting for His Highness. "

Zhao Feng held Li Yingyue's hand and said warmly: "Oh? What's the point of loving an imperial concubine? "

The two of them had always treated each other with utmost respect. When outsiders saw the young master of the crown prince, they felt extremely envious of the Crown Prince‘s Wife's benevolence.

Actually, when the Eastern Palace was locked up, the two rarely got close together.

Li Yingyue carefully and gently leaned on Zhao Feng and whispered: "Those three people from Xie Family are not ordinary people. With the Black Feather Camp in Xie Heng's hands, let alone whether or not the old portion of the Black Feather Camp can be retracted, just the current number of troops is enough to make Prince Rui clench his teeth in hatred."

Zhao Feng smiled as he listened to her quietly.

"Xie Xuan, this silent fool, had snatched the scholar away in one go. He threw away his Dijing City and insisted on running into the Yun State to stir up some trouble. It can be seen that he is also ambitious. Also, how long has it been since Fourth Young Master Xie Yu came to the capital? " Li Yingyue said: "Today, there is no one from the famous and influential sects that doesn't know about him. It's one thing if he really is a hubbub of fun, but if this kind of person has a mind of his own and is trying to do something at the Dijing, then chenqie will think about it and be extremely terrified."

The smile on Zhao Feng's face dimmed a little, "Then what exactly does beloved concubine mean?"

"Your Highness, think about it. Who do you think is the most important among the three people in Xie Family?" Li Yingyue kept them in suspense for a while, smiled sweetly, and was charming and lovable.

Zhao Feng thought for a while, then laughed: "Wen Jiu?"

"Yes." Li Yingyue smiled and said, "Chenqie asked around a long time ago. Wen Jiu never married the Fifth Young Master at all, and today she's still a girl. A few days ago, she had even personally went to the Xie Family, only that the method she used was not quite right, and was rejected by the Xie Family. "

Zhao Feng said with a smile: "I have heard that the marriage of a man and a woman is entirely based on fate. Could it be that beloved concubine has another ingenious plan?"

"Of course there are, and in a few days it will be the Empress's 50th birthday. As long as an order is given on the spot, there's no room for Wen Jiu to refuse it. Li Yingyue slowed his tone and said slowly: "There are still those with Xie Family. With this relationship, we can't possibly go and help others."

Zhao Feng nodded his head, "Looks like my beloved concubine already had a plan. I'll leave this matter to you to handle.

Li Yingyue kissed him on the lips, "If Your Highness is happy, then I am happy."

Zhao Feng reached out to her and hugged her, pressing her onto the soft couch as he untied her clothes with a smile, "I know what you're thinking."

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