A few days later, the beginning of summer gradually arrived, the day became much hotter, the night was short and the day was long.

Xie Heng didn't return home for a few days, saying that he was busy with military matters and directly lived in the Black Feather Camp.

And within the Dijing City, Empress Yang's Fifty Inheritance was extremely grand, even the Boss Wen who bought half of the North Street were extremely busy, such as the wine and various items used at the banquet, all of the royal family's purchases were made through her.

The two of them would occasionally meet, but they could only casually talk for a bit, and didn't have the time to talk much.

It was only on the day of Empress Yang's birthday that Wen Jiu finally found the time to sit and chat with the madame and the two young ones in the garden behind Xie's Mansion.

Lieutenant Sun's culinary skills gradually reached perfection. At the very least, the pastries he made already looked pretty good. The two kids in the mansion loved to eat them.

Third Madame Xie took a bite of the Flea Soup and could not help but say, "It's not bad, just a little bit sweet. It's easy for children to decay their teeth if they eat too much, and Xiaoliu has to eat less."

Xie Xiaoqi replied with an "Oh", then turned his head around and continued stuffing food into his mouth.

"Third Aunt Aunt." Xiaoliu called out to her, and said in a melancholy tone: "I originally did not like eating such sweet pastries, if Third Brother was here, I would definitely not eat a single one, and leave everything to him. But if he could not eat them at such a faraway place, then I will reluctantly help him eat a few more pieces."

Third Madame Xie was speechless.

Wen Jiu pampered the two little ones and said with a smile, "Eat, just wait until Third Brother comes back and let Lieutenant Sun cook for him."

Xiaoliu nodded and continued to chew.

"Sister-in-law." Xie Zian suddenly thought of something and looked up at her. "Why hasn't Eldest Brother returned recently?" he asked. Is there someone outside? "

Wen Jiu could not help but laugh, he bent down and asked the little gongzi, "Do you know what the meaning of there are people outside? Say, your elder brother, be careful that he comes back to punish you. "

"Does Elder Brother look like the kind of person who would secretly raise beauties outside?" Xie Xiaoliu raised his hand and knocked it on the head of the Xiaoqi Brothers, "If he was someone else, he would have brought him back to the Palace a long time ago.

The two of them had their own ideas, so it was hard for them to say anything when they were talking.

Xie Xiaoliu raised his head to look at her, "Sister-in-law, elder brother always stays at home, aren't you anxious?"

Wen Jiu, "..."

Sixth Miss's question was a little wild, she must be anxious, as though she was really afraid that Xie Heng had raised someone outside.

Tell me if you're in a hurry... When the Little Tyrant returned, she might not value him at all.

That's not right.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly, "Perhaps the military is too busy to leave, after a period of time when you have nothing better to do, you will return to your residence."

Old Madame Xie coughed lightly and changed the topic, "Dong Feng is so busy, does it mean that he's about to fight?"

The two youngsters stopped joking around.

The word "war" was too heavy for those who yearned for peace and prosperity.

Wen Jiu comforted gently: "It should come sooner or later. With brother here, we don't need to be afraid of outsiders in Great Yan."

Old Madame Xie looked at her for a while, then nodded: "What you said makes sense."

Just as they were talking …

The court maid came to report, and the palace attendant passed along the imperial concubine's imperial decree. "The empress has an order to invite Miss Wen to the Moon Lake for the banquet."

When Wen Jiu heard this "Miss Wen", he had a bad premonition.

Because of Little Tyrant Xie's reputation of being bloodthirsty, Xie Family had never interacted with anyone in the Dijing City. The boss's birthday banquet, the Xi Family's wedding ceremony, had all tacitly set aside Xie Family, and no one wanted to make a thunderclap on a good day.

The Empress Yang was fifty years old, and the palace had long since sent posts to the nobles, the only difference being that they did not have Xie Family.

No matter how you looked at it, it did not seem to be a good thing. Xie Heng was not summoned, nor did she mention the Xie Family women.

The people from Xie Family were also a little uneasy in their hearts.

Wen Jiu walked forward, and without leaving a trace, he gave her a sealed red, and faintly smiled: "It's been hard on Eunuch to come specially for this trip, I'll go change myself, and come over later."

The middle-aged attendant with a pale face and no beard benefited as he smiled, "The Miss Wen is fortunate. It's been years since the empress has fallen in love with a girl from another family. My house will be waiting outside, Young Madame is faster. "

Wen Jiu called the maid to go to the parlour to serve tea.

For a time, only Xie Family and the rest of the people remained in the rear garden. However, there was no longer that smile from before.

The Old Madame Xie said, "Dong Feng is not in the palace, the empress is calling you over right now … The hearts of these nobles are full of twists and turns, and I suddenly feel a little uneasy. "

"Where are the gold men?" Third Madame Xie looked around, but he did not see any sign of Fourth Young Master, and angrily said: "I haven't seen anyone all day, and have not done anything serious at all, and do not know what I am busy with!"

The servant girl beside Fourth Young Master said softly, "Young master must have gone out to do some work."

Third Madame Xie said: "Go and find him, and have him accompany Jiu!"

"There's no need to trouble yourself." Wen Jiu laughed, "Fourth Brother has things to do, I can take care of them myself."

Old Madame Xie and Third Madame Xie instructed her a little more. Wen Jiu comforted a family of old and young, and when she left her home, dusk had arrived.

South of the city, Moon Embracing Lake.

It was said that the founder of Great Yan had named his wife after the moon. Yan Chaoge had steadily spread the word for 300 years. The Zhao Dynasty had yet to completely destroy the roots of their ancestors, and it was all because of the foundation laid by the First Emperor that they had such a deep foundation.

The Empress Yang's 50th birthday banquet was set up here, just this location alone showed that the Old Emperor valued her greatly.

By the time Wen Jiu arrived, the sky had already completely darkened.

The jade-green lake's color could not be seen, and within the lake, tens of boats were lit up. The dragon boat in the center carried hundreds of female servants and ignited countless lanterns, illuminating the center of the lake until it was as bright as day.

Leaning on the shore, the small boats formed a row, unceasingly sending the noble ladies and mistresses back and forth.

Every time this happened, everyone would seem to lose their memories and forget their neighbors that were glaring at them like tigers stalking their prey.

In this period of time, the flowers in the clouds were talking and laughing nonstop. The faint sound of the zither floated across the surface of the water. It was a scene of singing, dancing, and beautiful embroidery.

The attendant by his side called the boatman, turned around, and said to Wen Jiu: "Miss Wen, please."

Just as Wen Jiu was about to board the boat, someone suddenly called out from not too far away: "Wen Jiu!"

She turned her head, and saw the palace maids clustered around Eldest Princess, walking towards her.

I thought she came late enough, but there were even later ones.

Wen Jiu leisurely made a bow, and Zhao Jingyi stretched out his hand to pull her over, directly boarding the extremely elegantly decorated pleasure boat.

Eldest Princess did not even look back as he instructed the middle-aged attendant to bring Wen Jiu over, "I will take him away, you return alone."

"Eldest Princess …"

The servant still wanted to say something, but Zhao Jingyi's group had already boarded the boat and left the shore in an elegant manner.

Wen Jiu stood at the bow of the boat and laughed, "It's been a while since we last met.

"That's enough. Even if you don't want money, you don't have to say it every time you see me." Zhao Jingyi laughed, then leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Leave some energy to deal with the others."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes, and said with a smile: "I will definitely remember Princess's wise words in my heart."

The wind blew gently on the surface of the lake, causing his clothes to flutter.

It was early summer, so the lotus branches that filled the lake rose out of the water. Only then did Little He reveal its sharp horn.

"Wen Jiu." Zhao Jingyi suddenly called out to her in a low voice: "The people in the Dijing City are far more dangerous and complicated than you think. You must be careful."

Wen Jiu was a little surprised. This Eldest Princess usually did not meddle in other people's business, it was rare for her to be so concerned about him.

It was impossible to say that he was not moved at all.

She raised her head and smiled so hard that her eyes curved into crescents. "So …" Eldest Princess specially came here for me today? "

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