Wen Jiu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at the Jue Yan youth in front of him, and he had some indescribable emotions in his heart.

It's a terrible thing for a young man to look good.

What's worse: he can make your mind unstable with a word.

She wanted to tell herself that Xie Heng was just saying it casually and couldn't be true.

But the young man's eyes are so bright that people can't ignore them.

In the quiet carriage, we can almost hear each other's heartbeat.

"Cough..." Xie Xuan coughed two times, breaking the silence. "Are you finished?"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at him. It was difficult to distinguish happiness and anger in amber eyes.

Just at this time, ye Zhiqiu reminded outside the carriage, "Tianyun building, here we are."

Xie Yu's eyes were as black as ink, but his face was very light, "go down after saying that."

The third childe has a bad temper. Even the eldest brother of little Yama is not afraid.

One of them carried a sword and cut people, which frightened the whole capital of the emperor. The other, it is said that when they went to the court, all the ministers added two more coats.

No, No.

Warm wine is a dare not provoke, silently got up and slipped away.

Xie Heng stepped out of the carriage first, jumped down with her clothes, then turned around and stretched out a slender hand of Bai Zhe to her.

The boy's movements are extremely natural.

The warm wine just poked out of the car hesitated.

It was dusk, and the lanterns on the long street were beginning to come and go.

Xie Heng stood in front of the carriage as if he hadn't noticed her at all. He smiled and said, "come."

Wen Jiu once heard that many people felt that "it is most difficult to accept beauty's kindness".

But no one knows how difficult it is for thousands of gentleness to absorb when the little Yama smiles and holds a sword to block thousands of enemies and reaches out to help you.

She stood still, but ye Zhiqiu, who lifted the curtain of the car, was stunned and asked in a low voice, "what do you raise at home... Is that so considerate?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

There are so many people outside. If she doesn't go down, look, the bustling people will surround her.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, put his hand on the boy's palm, jumped down quickly, and put his hand back to his sleeve in a moment.

He pretended not to have noticed the burning of his palm just now.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and said with a smile: "be careful."

The hands under the young man's sleeves were unconsciously closed, but his face was silent, like coaxing an ignorant little girl.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at them for a long time, turned back and held out his hand just out of the carriage. He said carelessly, "I'll help you."

Xie Xuan's handsome face stiffened, and he leaned down to the other side of the carriage.

"Sanxian, look at others!" Ye Zhiqiu clasped Xie Xuan's shoulder. She couldn't understand why the one raised at home was so beautiful and obedient.

She didn't let Xie Yu help him. Instead, she helped him. Why isn't this man happy?

The mountain bandit leader didn't know what to do. The third childe's face turned white immediately. "Take your hands off."

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng looked back at them.

The third childe has been a poor scholar in Feiyun stronghold for many days. He has been dressed in coarse linen all day. Today, he suddenly changed into a light blue robe with his ink hair tied with a jade hairpin. He is clear, meaningful and elegant. No one would not believe that he is an immortal childe.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned.

I forgot to let go for a while.

Wenjiu was helpless, and some couldn't help laughing. Afraid of the third childe's revenge, he turned his eyes to the other side.

She turned her back to them and whispered, "Xiaoye, let him go."

"I... I didn't mean to..." Ye Zhiqiu reacted, took back his hand and stepped back, but forgot that he was still in the carriage. The whole fell down and turned half a back somersault to stand firm.

Xie Yujun's face became darker and darker. As soon as he lifted the corner of his robe, he would jump down.

Xie Heng smiled in his eyes, stretched out his hand and pulled the man down, whispered: "what's the temper? He's a girl anyway, third childe. You really don't have a gentleman's demeanor."

Xie Yu snorted coldly, "who told you that I am a gentleman?"

Wen Jiu was close to the two people. When he happened to hear this sentence, he couldn't help feeling a little tired.

No matter how ruthless they are, those individuals in the court cherish their reputation outside. They want to wash the black into white. No matter how small they are, they must be "gentlemen" among other people.

It's nice of the Xie family. I'm such a cruel man. Don't you agree? Draw the sword!

The other, too gentleman, interferes with my work. When you don't speak, the cold wind will freeze you to death. Once you start talking, a word can choke you.

Even the most smiling fourth childe is not much better. He shakes a white folding fan all day and is handsome. What he says is: profiteers and profiteers? No traitors, no business.

No one takes the usual path.

Ye Zhiqiu knew he was ashamed and walked on the side of the three people without talking.

This street is very busy today. Carriages can't get in. Even people have some difficulties in the past.

People in the street said; "A dragon shaped stone just dug out two days ago is vivid. It is said that the emperor was born in Yunzhou. Good luck!"

"I don't know who can buy this strange stone. If my family is stained with dragon gas, it will be prosperous in the future!"

"Princess qingluan and the son of God are here. This strange stone must be from the Nanning palace. What else can I do?"

There are people on the third floor and the third floor outside Tianyun building. They are all watching the excitement. Yunzhou has been poor for so many years. There are few such times to throw money for an object. The ordinary people below show different attention to this matter.

Wenjiu stopped for a few words, which was understood.

The third childe said to let her throw silver. That's really about silver.

She took out a white jade peach blossom fan from her sleeve and tapped the man in front on the shoulder, "brother, please let me go."

The man in front was not happy. He turned back and scolded: "they are all watching the excitement. Why should I let you..."

He stopped halfway through the scolding and stared at the white jade peach blossom fan in Wenjiu's hand. His eyes couldn't turn.

Wen Jiu thought that since he wanted to go out to smash silver, he could not lack his clothes. When he went down the mountain, he took out a white jade peach blossom fan from the eight treasure box, which was not big or small, just seven inches. The white jade flake was the bottom. During this time, the blood color was colored to make peach flowers, and a night pearl fell under it, tied with tassels to make a fan pendant.

If you hold such a valuable object in your hand, as long as you are not blind, you only know that the girl is rich, and the family has the kind of money in Jinshan and Yinshan.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wen Jiu and put the girl in front of the Buddha.

Wen Jiu just smiled, "excuse me."

The sound fell behind, and the people retreated on both sides.

Rao is Xie Xiaoyan and Xie Zhuangyuan. No matter how clever they are, they are useless at this time.

"Thank you." Wen Jiu nodded slightly, opened the white jade peach blossom fan and shook it gently. The night pearl floated gently between her sleeves, overflowing with brilliance.

Xie Heng and Xie Yu walked on her side from left to right, and there was a leaf Zhiqiu on the far right.

They were all young men in royal clothes and beautiful looks. They unconsciously took two steps back.

The four people came to the gate of Tianyun building unimpeded, and the two boys guarding the gate blocked the door together. "Today, Tianyun building was chartered by distinguished guests. Please show me your invitation."

Xie Heng glanced at Xie Yu. The third childe said expressionless, "No."

The waiter said, "then you can't enter. Please move."

Before the words fell, Wenjiu stepped forward, smiled and asked, "can't go in without an invitation?"

"Yes..." the waiter was also embarrassed. These people were not ordinary at first sight. If they were normal, they would have greeted them with a smile.

But it's really different today.

Wenjiu still smiled on his face. It didn't matter. "Please inform the big shopkeeper that the one from bafangcheng is coming."

The waiter hesitated and asked, "are you..."

Wen Jiu gently shook the white jade peach blossom fan and said with a smile, "my surname is Wen."

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