The waiter was stunned, said "please wait a moment", and hurried to the building.

Warm wine stood outside the door with a shallow smile. The goose yellow brocade dress and flying flowers were exquisite and luxurious everywhere.

She didn't mean to put on airs at all, but people didn't dare to neglect it at all.

Look at the two young CHILDES beside her. The one in red has an unparalleled complexion and a casual and calm posture. The blue shirt is clear and meaningful like a relegated fairy, standing in front of the wind, and his clothes are elegant, as if he could soar up to nine days if the wind was stronger.

When was Yunzhou city so beautiful?

This is not what ordinary people can raise.

Ye Zhiqiu on the far right came to Wen Jiu's ear and asked in a low voice, "why don't you hit it directly?"

"What's the hurry?" Wenjiu smiled.

Ye Zhiqiu retreated silently and felt that he had obviously lowered the calm demeanor of the three.

Not long.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way and invite shopkeeper Wen in!" Ling hang, the chief shopkeeper of Tianyun building, hurried to the door and let people disperse while running straight to Wenjiu.

The layers of guards in front of the door retreated together, revealing the merchants behind Ling Hang who had heard so much about Wen Caishen and hurried to meet him.

"I'm late. Please bother shopkeeper Ling." Wen Jiu smiled, closed the white jade fan and threw it to the left.

The Pearl of the night pearl drew a bright color in the night. Xie Heng on his side stretched out his hand to pick it up, and everyone looked silly one after another.

This girl is really rich and powerful!

This is a treasure worth thousands of gold. If the young man on his side doesn't catch it, it will break into slag in the twinkling of an eye. The emperor Lao Tzu is not so heroic.

Ling Hang is nearly 30 years old. He looks very young among a group of middle-aged and elderly rich businessmen, but he never thought that the "God of wealth Wen", who has become famous, would be such a young girl.

"Shopkeeper Wen is serious." Ling hang was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He hurriedly said: "earlier, I sent someone to bafangcheng to send invitations. I thought shopkeeper Wen was busy and couldn't spare time. Now think about it, maybe the people below misunderstood your meaning. Let your guests wait outside the door for a long time. It's my host's bad hospitality. Please come in and please!"

Wen Jiu smiled and raised his hand, "please."

In order to boost the selling price of today's dragon shaped stone, Tianyun building racked its brains to find a way. Finally, it selected the "God of wealth Wen", who has the most momentum recently. It is that she has become the most popular figure in Bafang city within two months, and there is a house full of jade under her, which can just hook up with this matter.

So the rich merchant who dug the dragon shaped stone specially ordered people to go to bafangcheng to send a post to Wen Jiu and invite her to the town.

I didn't think about it. I just ran into Wen wine and was kidnapped by people in Feiyun stronghold. The post was sent to people, but I didn't know where I was, so I had to leave it alone.

As a result, Wenjiu arrived in Yunzhou and just met the third childe to intervene in this matter.

This made a big circle and returned to the original track of things.

However, the two Yuru young men behind Wen Jiu followed closely, and their movements across the door were consistent, which made Ling hang, who was obviously abandoned and forcibly separated, very confused.

He just wants to have a word with the God of wealth. Do these two guard against him like thieves?

Wenjiu took a few steps with a smile, and a group of merchants finally recovered from the shock and said, "today's young people are really amazing!"

"People told me that shopkeeper Wen is very young. I don't believe it. Now I really can't refuse to be old!"

"Shopkeeper Wen, seeing is better than hearing."

The stage was set up in the lobby on the first floor. The eloquent businessman was talking about how precious a landscape painting was made by a famous artist.

The audience was full of people. They were all listening attentively. Suddenly they heard the movement behind them. No one was in the mood to listen to what was said on the stage. They all turned back to see "Wen Caishen".

Just now, who said he would hold the dragon stone back? "

"Shopkeeper Wen is here too. It's really lively today!"

"Good morning, shopkeeper Wen!"

Wen Jiu was used to these scenes and said with a faint smile, "nice to meet you."

Xie Heng looked at her with burning eyes. He couldn't help but hook his lips and smiled.

Once upon a time, when she was in the imperial capital, she only knew that she liked silver and had a great talent for doing business.

Buy a shop today, buy a house tomorrow, and then say buy a street

The books in the accounting room piled up more and more. She was busy every day. She took all the young boys and waitresses under her into a financial fan.

But never once, like today, clearly know... How much influence Wenjiu, the little god of wealth, has.

When she was at Xie's house, she was always warm and soft. She seemed not afraid of any lethality. She occasionally took action to punish those people, and her wrist was not very strong.

When Xie Heng is alone, he will think about what warm wine looks like in front of others.

It can be imagined that she can't beat her. At this time, her eyebrows and eyes are smiling. She is gorgeous and full of royal guards.

The girl he likes has light on her.

Ling hang added an eight immortals table to the four of them in the front and center, told the people below to serve carefully, bent over to warm the wine and said, "shopkeeper Wen and several CHILDES sit a little, and the dragon stone is still behind. You can have a look at these antique calligraphy and paintings if you are interested."

Wenjiu smiled and nodded, "you're busy."

She knew too well how to use good things as a gimmick, but actually she used other things to make a fortune first.

You can't see the dragon stone until the end.

The third childe is not in a hurry. He looks pale.

It's rare for this man to keep an expressionless look wherever he goes.

Wen Jiu deliberately didn't go to see Xie Heng, but the young man gently shook the white jade fan, approached her, and whispered to her, "the name is very loud, Wen God of wealth."

They were sitting very close. Xie Heng's action was like a fan for her. He bowed his head and whispered. In the eyes of outsiders, it was even more ambiguous and beautiful.

The boy's warm breath slowly rustled in his ears, and his warm wine back was slightly stiff. The sentence he wanted to say: without your little hell's name, it suddenly became two words, "OK."

Xie Heng only approached for a moment and then backed away with great discretion.

In the building, the lights were bright and there were many people. It was inevitable that it was a little hot. He held a fan and gently shook it around the warm wine.

The young man's eyebrows and eyes are wild, but his movements are gentle and outrageous.

Fragrant tea cakes were sent to the table one after another. The waiter came and went. There was a lot of discussion behind her. Wen Caishen and the three teenagers around her were very eye-catching.

On the contrary, it made the painting speaker on the stage cold.

Suddenly, a jade cup flew straight towards the warm wine door. Before she could avoid it, Xie Heng stretched out one hand and gently pressed her, the other hand waved a fan, and flew back to the original place.

The whole building was silent.

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