Zhao liweidun immediately smiled and said, "well said, if you don't want anything, don't ask for anything, and don't want anything, you can't do anything in this world!"

Warm wine smiled with a slight pick in the corners of his eyes, and his face was greedy for money and heavy profits.

"Come and serve tea to shopkeeper Wen." Zhao Li obviously likes such a person who only loves money and doesn't want to die. His smile immediately became a lot more friendly.

Wen Jiu looked down slightly and looked at the jade on the table. He suddenly felt familiar.

Seeing this, Zhao Li asked with a smile, "I heard that shopkeeper Wen had bought several mountains in the area of bafangcheng, dug out a lot of jade, and opened a house full of jade?"

Wenjiu said with a smile, "small business, just small business."

"Have you ever seen the jade on this picture?" Zhao Li took out a rice paper from his sleeve, unfolded it and pushed it to Wenjiu.

On the paper is a green jade plate with cloud pattern. The jade is clear and has a trace of blood color. It is wrapped in the jade like a dragon hidden among the clouds.

Such jade is rare in the world.

As like as two peas in the picture, the one hidden in the wine sleeve is the same.

She drank tea quietly. "I've seen a few similar pieces, but they're not very similar."

"Oh?" Zhao Li looked up and looked at her for a long time. He pointed to the piece on the table. "How about this one?"

Wen wine smell speech, then looked at two more eyes, "about, more like one or two points."

"OK!" Zhao Li smiled, raised his hand and smashed the jade.

The sound of broken jade was clear and crisp, and the warm wine was so frightened that the heart beat violently, but it was not obvious on the face, and gently put down the tea lamp.

Zhao Li looked at her, his eyes full of exploration, and asked, "what's the use of this sapphire without asking the king?"

Wen Jiu pulled at the corners of his mouth and forced out a three-point smile. "I'll do as the Lord ordered. As for the use and use, it's not what I should ask."

make fun of.

What's the use of that in business, when the guests buy things back?

Just take the money. The money and goods are cleared. What else does it have to do with me?

Zhao Li said: "very good. I like smart people like shopkeeper Wen. Take this picture with you, carve those sapphires, and then send it to Yunzhou."

He gave the servants a deep look at the warm wine, "as long as you are loyal to the king, the king will never treat you badly."

Warm wine neither refuted nor promised, but got up and said, "thank you, Lord."

What Nanning king said brought several layers of profound meaning, which made people think and fear.

Yunzhou is poor and remote. Who grew up in the imperial capital can stand the pain?

Moreover, Zhao Litong was only one step away from the throne of the emperor, if he had no other ideas.

Don't even believe in warm wine.

The old emperor's body is getting worse day by day. The prince and King Rui are in full swing. Zhao Li probably wants to take advantage of the noise to change a place to provide for the aged.

But no matter what you do, you have to spend money. Yunzhou can't get any money after staying here for 20 years. Zhao Li has obviously been eyeing her for a long time.

It's not easy. If you get involved, you can't get out.

But anyway.

Her life was saved.

Zhao Li is really quick to change his face. One moment there was a storm that killed you. The next moment he will gossip like ordinary elders.

Even concerned about the marriage of warm wine, "I heard you haven't married yet. Do you like these sons under the king's knee?"

Rao Shiwen has lived two lives with wine. He can hardly carry his little skills of telling people and ghosts.

She said with a smile, "I like the most beautiful people in my life. I have several around me. I'm afraid I'll live up to the kindness of the Lord."

There are many sons in the king's family in Nanning. Unfortunately, none of them are out of the competition. The only one whose reputation has been transferred to the imperial capital is Zhao qingluan, the arrogant and domineering daughter who nearly chased the super princess.

After about two cups of tea.

The maid beside Zhao qingluan rushed and knelt on the ground and said, "Lord, the princess was hurt by someone. She was unconscious for a long time before she woke up. Now her heart is aching!"

"When did it happen?" Zhao Li accepted the smile on his face. "Who hurt her? There are people in Yunzhou who dare to provoke my Nanning palace!"

The maid looked at the warm wine on one side, "yes... The childe brought into the mansion by shopkeeper Wen."

"How can it be? My family are gentle and genial, but they have never had a dispute with people. What did qingluan do, and it has reached such a point?" Wen Jiu opened his eyes and lied, with a sincere face.

As soon as she heard it, she knew that Xie Heng's temper came up and beat people.

Fortunately, Xie Heng had a sense of propriety this time. No palm killed Zhao qingluan.

Otherwise, she would have dealt with Zhao Li in vain.

The maid hesitated, "the princess just wants to talk to the two CHILDES. Who knows..."

Zhao Li Nu shouted, "I don't know how important it is!"

He knew what his own daughter was like best. He must have had a wild desire for the people brought by warm wine. As a result, he didn't eat the meat, but was hurt.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinned the scattered green silk behind his ears, "since my people hurt the princess, this matter..."

"It's not your fault!" Zhao Li said to the maid with a calm face, "let Zhao qingluan come to see the king immediately!"

The maid was stunned.

Obviously, the princess asked her to sit with the prince and deal with the warm wine party. Why did the prince want the princess to roll over with three or two sentences?

Zhao Li Nu shouted, "what are you doing?"

The maid rolled away.

Wenjiu Yingying gave a gift, smiled and said, "I'll go back and teach the people in the room."

Zhao Li looked at her for a long time and nodded, "go."

Wenjiu turned and left, and the maids outside the pavilion retreated one after another.

When she walked alone through the peony garden to the arch, suddenly a maid bumped into her face.

The warm wine was hit and leaned against the stone arch. The maid knelt down with her head down and said in a voice, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! All slaves don't have eyes..."

"Never mind." Wen Jiu pulled the maid after standing firm.

Jiang wucai

A moment of mild wine.

"Hand it over to the third childe." Jiang wucai lowered his head and whispered, and the things in his hand rolled into her big sleeve.

Not far away, there was a bodyguard patrolling, and the sound of footsteps came closer and closer.

Wenjiu looked as usual and said, "be careful next time."

With that, she glanced at Jiang Wuxian with a corner of her eye and left slowly.

Just after the stone arch, Wenjiu saw Zhao Qingfeng face-to-face. He couldn't help sweating on his back.

I don't know how long this man has been standing here. Did he see Jiang's flawless little movements just now.

She slowly closed her hand back to her sleeve, held the small paper ball, and her palm was sweating.

Zhao Qingfeng looked at her and asked with a smile, "it's cool in autumn. Why did shopkeeper Wen sweat so much?"

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