"Do you have?" Wen Jiuyang's eyes, holding the right hand of the small paper ball, slowly put it behind his back, lifted his left hand gently, lifted Zhao Qingfeng's jaw, and said with an ambiguous and frivolous smile: "just now, the Lord asked me in the Yihua Pavilion, do I like these princes of the royal residence? I'm hard to choose for a moment. I'm really worried. I sweated a lot. It's really impolite."

After drinking with the eldest princess for so many times, she learned that three or four points are casual, which is enough for the boy.

"Oh?" Zhao Qingfeng was not angry and smiled. "It's all Qingfeng's abruptness, shopkeeper Wen. I'll send you back. I'll take it as an apology, okay?"

"It's better to avoid it."

Wen Jiu looked at him more, full of pity.

Zhao Qingfeng was puzzled and asked: "Why?"

"There are some vinegar jars at home." Wen Jiu sighed and said slowly, "the childe is so beautiful, I'm walking with me to pick up and send them. I'm afraid the vinegar jar will overturn and make trouble in the king's house. "

When you open your eyes and tell a lie, you know it twice.

More times, it's almost real.

Moreover, Zhao Qingfeng's appearance is really very outstanding in Nanning palace, that is, he is still young and slightly immature.

In a few more years, I'm afraid I'll make Zhao qingluan, my sister, do more absurd things.

Zhao Qingfeng looked at Wen wine with his eyes full of exploration. "Miss Wen really thinks so?"

Even shopkeeper Wen stopped shouting and directly became Miss Wen.

Wenjiu's eyelids jumped slightly, but the smile on his lips became more obvious. "When the prince asked, I was really excited. It's a pity that the childe's identity is inappropriate."

"Who can say what will happen in the future?" Zhao Qingfeng smiled and said, "Miss Wen, please take a few steps first and I'll follow you. In this way, the two in your room should have nothing to say?"

Warming wine originally wanted to disgust Zhao Qingfeng, so that he could stop pestering and leave quickly.

Never thought, this man is quite tolerant and very persistent.

She looked helpless and asked meaningfully, "is there no one in the childe's house?"

Zhao Qingfeng's eyes changed slightly, "where does this come from?"

Wen Jiu smiled with an experienced expression and said, "if there are so many people competing for favor in the childe's house, you will know."

Zhao Qingfeng's eyes were full of innocence and said softly, "I just want to make a little local friendship to Miss Wen, and I have no other intention."

"But I have other meanings for you." Wen Jiuyang's eyes said solemnly, "they all know how playful I am. If they see that I am to you... Do you think they can stop?"

Zhao Qingfeng: "

Rao is the young man with exquisite mind. At the moment, in the face of such warm wine, he is also blocked speechless.

Wen Jiu said, "I remember the way back. Please stay away from me. If I can't stand it and do something unspeakable to you, I'm afraid you don't regret taking the medicine."

She finished, turned and left.

There was a lot of sweat in the palm of the hand, and the paper ball was almost soaked.

Zhao Qingfeng stood in place, his eyes looking deeply at the back of Wenjiu.

The dark guard on the eaves jumped down and bowed down in front of him, "master, the maid just now..."

Zhao Qingfeng glanced at him, "you didn't see anything just now."

Dark Wei was stunned, "but..."

Zhao Qingfeng, with a pure smile on his face, asked faintly, "If today's events reach my father's ears, guess... Are you the first to die or warm wine the first to suffer?"

"Subordinates don't dare." dark Wei lowered his head and sweated all over his forehead.

Zhao Qingfeng calmly broke a Peony from the flowers, played with it in his hand and slightly hooked his lips: "it's rare to meet such an interesting person, but he can't die so soon."

Wenjiu went back to the west wing, dragged the third childe sitting at the stone table back to the house, and bolted the door without saying a word.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was locked out of the door again: "little..."

"What's the matter with Jiang wucai?" Wen Jiu never liked to ask about them, but he was worried about his life when he was involved in this noisy matter.

I have to ask.

There was no expression on Xie Xuan's face. "She wants to enter the Nanning palace."

Wenjiu couldn't help asking, "isn't it your idea?"

After asking this, she raised her hand and covered her mouth.

The third childe looked at her coldly, "is it in your eyes that I did all these intrigues?"

Warm wine and say nothing for a moment: "...."

It's not that she thinks too deeply about the city government of the third childe, but that this man's previous life was unscrupulous, which is too deep in her impression.

Besides, she just asked casually.

After all, Jiang wucai is not a schemer. If she had the courage to sneak into the Royal Palace of Nanning as an insider, she would not have been sold to Yong'an square.

Warm wine and be silent. It's not ready to explain.

Xie Xuan asked coldly, "what if it's me?"

The third childe's face was as cold as frost and snow. "I've always been such a person."

Obviously, it blocked people so much that they couldn't say a word. I don't know why, Wenjiu suddenly felt that the third childe seemed to be angry.

She handed the small paper ball in the palm of her hand and said in a warm voice, "I didn't say it's bad for you. Just now, she bumped into me in the garden and asked me to hand it over to you. It scared me and almost was seen by Zhao Qingfeng..."

The words behind warm wine are like talking to yourself.

But Xie Yu suddenly sank in his eyes, "Zhao Qingfeng?"

The third childe has an expression of killing people.

Wenjiu was shivering with the cold, and forced himself to calm down; "I didn't see it. Later, I talked with me for a while..."

"What did you pull?" the young man in red on the couch pulled the bed curtain and sat up slowly. There were thousands of stars in amber eyes. "Ah Jiu, what did Zhao Qingfeng say to you?"

Xie Heng seems to have just woke up. His voice is still mediocre and more and more hooked.

Wen Jiu just wanted to explain. In the twinkling of an eye, he said to Xie Heng what to do.

She sat down directly at the table and asked the biggest question, "when are you going to leave?"

Xie Heng walked over leisurely. "Well, I have to ask the third childe."

"Just get the criminal evidence and go." Xie Xuan just opened the paper ball, glanced at it, and then stuffed it with warm wine.

There are only two small lines on the paper.

"Chen Yuanning hasn't died, but he has become a confidant of Zhao qingluan." Wen Jiu's eyes are slightly dark, and he can't help but ask in a low voice, "is this Chen Yuanning Jiang wucai's fiance Chen Yuanning?"

Her mind suddenly got a little confused.

Jiang wucai said before that her fiance was the No. 1 scholar Ying three years ago. She was ordered to take office in Yunzhou. When she was about to get married, she suddenly died.

Now he suddenly appeared again and became Zhao qingluan's man. However, the princess is still lecherous. Is Chen Yuanning the person working under the bottom or the minister under the skirt?

It's hard to say.

Xie Yu nodded without saying a word.

Warm wine had a headache. He couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows and joked, "Nanning king wants to send me a son. You say, if I don't want it?"

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