The third childe's face was cold and his action was fast. His white slender hand greeted Xie Heng on his shoulder. Ye Zhiqiu next to him didn't even have time to stop.

Warm wine suddenly sat up and blurted out: "three..."

"How?" Xie Xuan took a slight smile in her amber eyes.

The tooth mark on his shoulder was too obvious. The blood was still wet. Xie Xuan's fingertips fell on his head. He couldn't help but hiss, but his thin lips gently raised and asked, "can't you see clearly? Do you have to get so close?"

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment: "..."

Warm wine: "!"

She was so angry that she opened the brocade quilt and was about to stay. A gust of night wind blew, which made her wake up in a moment, and immediately shrank to the corner of the couch.

What the hell is this?

Eldest childe Xie used to be a person with no form. It's common to tease the third childe, but tonight, it's really

Ye Zhiqiu turned his head and looked out of the window.

There were four people in the room. No one spoke. After a moment of silence.

Xie Zhen suddenly stretched out his hand to close Xie Heng's clothes, and put the double clothes and big sleeves on him one by one. He moved quickly, without meticulous tenderness, and his handsome face was too dark.

"Slow down." after Xie Heng was slightly stunned, he simply stood there and let him do it. He smiled in his eyes. "You want to help me put on my clothes. Frankly, you look so ugly. I don't know you thought you were going to work hard with me."

Xie Xuan tightened the young man's clothes. His face was the face that wanted to work hard with him, but his hand smoothed the skirt.

Wen Jiu looked at them and couldn't help taking a breath.

She stopped talking at all.

Don't guess the third childe's mind. You can't understand it anyway.

Ye Zhiqiu turned around at the sound and was stunned to see that it was such a scene.

"Three, three strings..." Ye Zhiqiu said in surprise, "I don't know you have such a virtuous side."

Xie Xuan closed his hand and waved his sleeve. Jun's face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

Xie Heng straightened his sleeves, took the opportunity to sit by the couch, hooked his lips and said with a smile: "I know it for the first time."

"It can be seen that my eyes are particularly good." although Ye Zhiqiu doesn't like this little white face, he has to admit that his appearance is really rare in the world.

In addition, few people know the three strings as well as her, and immediately feel that others are their own brothers.

She said to herself, "I don't see you treat me so carefully and considerate on weekdays. How can you treat this little white face so well?"

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help looking at Xie Xuan and Xie Heng more. He felt a little strange: is the three strings a broken sleeve?

But seeing the expression of turning a blind eye on Wen Jiu's face, I felt that I was wrong.

"Obviously." Xie Heng smiled, turned around, looked at the messy warm wine, stretched out his hand and gently combed her long black hair.

It's like a couple who have loved each other for many years.

The young green silk is wrapped around his fingers, warm wine, and his eyes are as black as stars.

She looked at Xie Heng's natural action, pressed the raging waves, but the waves on her face were calm, and her tone was very light, "people have gone, you stay away from me."

The movement on Xie Heng's hand paused slightly for only a moment, and then continued. The ink like green silk passed through the white jade like youth's fingertips.

The moonlight was slightly bright, the candle light shook, and each other's faces were a little blurred.

Wen Jiu saw that he didn't move and said again, "stay away from me."

"Can't do it." Xie Heng's voice is very low, but he is stubborn and makes people speechless.

Wen Jiu looked stunned. He reacted for a long time and shook off Xie Heng's hand. "Don't think I'm afraid of death, I'll listen to you!"

She told herself again and again in her heart.

This is the Royal Palace in Nanning. If the errand takes a wrong step, he will die here.

Because of this... I have to help Xie Heng.

I just don't want to distinguish what's true and what's false.

How long can you lie to yourself.

It's sad that people live like this.

What can I do?

Xie Heng was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "shall I listen to you?"

Warm wine suddenly disordered.

He always had a way to make her angry.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and suddenly closed the bed curtain, cut off the outsiders on the bed, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm going to sleep, you all go out."

"That..." Xie Heng was about to speak. The third childe next to him suddenly pulled him out of the door and left quickly.

A blink of an eye.

The only thing left was Ye Zhiqiu, who was still in place. He said angrily, "you have a big temper. Little Lord, you fall asleep first, and I'll go back."

"Go back."

Warm wine rubbed his face and changed his breath for several times, but he couldn't calm down.

The lips are still swollen and painful.

The boy's hot temperature seemed to be close at hand. After all, the breeze passed and there was no trace.

She covered her eyes with one hand and couldn't help sighing.

That person, really can't meet too amazing teenagers.

As soon as we meet, a good world can fall apart.

Xie Xuan dragged Xie Heng out of the door, released him in a few steps, and walked to the corridor alone in the moonlight.

The third childe's blue clothes are elegant, the breeze and the bright moon are on the side, seven points lonely and three points cold.

Xie Heng walked behind him and smiled a little, "pull me out and don't say anything. Are you going to let me guess?"

Xie Xuan turned to look at him and still didn't speak.

He often does, but now he has more thoughts than before.

Xie Heng had a headache and was funny. He didn't follow forward. He simply leaned against the corridor column nearby. His amber eyes narrowed slightly and asked him, "I'm not happy, huh?"

The third childe glanced at him and couldn't tell what the emotion was.

The moonlight was faint and covered the eaves, and the dark clouds floated and dispersed.

The whole west wing became quiet because of the noise of the bodyguards just now. All the maids retreated without a trace. Did several dark bodyguards flash past the eaves.

Xie Yu went somewhere and suddenly squatted down and touched his hand on the ground.

Then he got up and said stiffly, "come here."

"I'm too lazy to go." Xie Heng leaned lazily on the porch post, a rich childe's dandy, with a little smile in his voice, "come here."

Xie Xuan turned his head and looked at him expressionless.

If someone else had changed, he would have been scared by his icy knife like eyes and crawled over with cold sweat on his back.

But the eldest childe Xie looked at him with a smile. He was stunned and motionless. "Why are you still standing there? Come here."

Xie Xuan walked back with a stuffy breath and handed his dusty hand to him.

"What are you doing?" Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "you deliberately dirty your hands. Let me clean them for you?"

The third childe is getting more and more awkward.

Xie Xuan's face was black and his tone was cold: "can you see what this is?"

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